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提出这个问题,我们并非是在危言耸听,只是想与你探讨一下人生。如果你暂时想不出来,小编先悄悄告诉你,有一部名叫《Seeking a Friend for the End of the World》的电影,可能会让你明晰自己的答案。

本期《达人密码》,就让我们来听听片中女主角扮演者凯拉·奈特莉(Keira Knightly)对影片和片中人物的解读。

people that works on quite a different plane, but she’s incredibly positive and incredibly sort of is one of…is somebody who can absolutely say, “This moment is great! You know, I’m really loving it right now.” And I think actually that’s quite rare for people to be able to go through something and actually understand that it’s been 14)fabulous, so…so I really enjoyed that. And I…I sort of thought that goes for the tone of the whole film, that although it is about the end of the world, and…and is 15)traumatic and emotional in that way, actually what you come out with is what is important, and the important things are friendship and love and the wonderful moments, and not the kind of death, doom and destruction.

(Soundbite of Movie “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World”) Penny (Keira Knightly plays): What are you doing with the rest of your life?

Dodge: Oh, little of this, little of that, probably catching up on some “me” time, find God, maybe move around some chairs.(laughs)

Penny: Well, maybe I’ll run into you at support group or…or an orgy or something.

Interviewer: Watching you on screen, you always come over in a very, kind of, self-assured, confident way.

Keira: Really!?

Interviewer: Do you ever get kind of stricken by nerves, when you’re about to perform?

Keira: Yeah, no, I suffer from stage fright really, really badly, so, yes, I do.想她是那种特别另类的人群中的一员。她有令人难以置信的积极乐观,而且是那种能够说出:“这一刻真棒!我真的很爱这一秒”的人。我认为极少有人能够真正经受住一些事情,并真正懂得那是极度美好的,因此我真的很欣赏(这种性格)。我还很喜爱整部电影的风格,那种尽管世界末日将至,应该痛苦和伤感,但实际上却在表达什么才是重要的这一点,重要的是友谊和爱情,以及那些美妙的时刻,而不是那种死亡、厄运和毁灭。

(电影《Seeking a Friend for the End of the World》原声片段)






