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翻译:思苇 His name in Chinese means “brilliant,” and for Lang Lang, that goes double.

Lang Lang is a musical 1)prodigy and has been called one of the greatest classical pianists of his generation. His recordings are at the top of the charts, his performances sold out from Chicago to Shanghai. His story of 2)perseverance and sacrifice is every bit as dramatic as the music he plays and the way he plays it. As you’re about to see, finding fame and fortune didn’t just happen to Lang Lang. It was, in fact, his destiny.

More than a mere 3)virtuoso with 4)plastic hands and 5)dazzling 6)dexterity; more than a supremely talented musician; Lang Lang is also a showman, a 7)spellbinding performer with a 8)flare for drama ― 9)strutting, 10)swooning, wrapping the crowd around his ten 11)nimble fingers.

Lang Lang’s mind is never very far from his music, which helps when you’re working with the best in the business as he did on a remarkable recording with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and 12)maestro Daniel Barenboim; one of them a kid, the other a kid at heart.

Daniel Barenboim: Listen, he, first of all, I can’t describe him as a pianist because you will only hear in my sentence the jealousy that I and all his colleagues feel, because, I’m sure he didn’t show you, but, you know he has 11 fingers.

Lang Lang: I think, when you play any piece, you are not you anymore. You are totally into the world of the composer’s mind.

Reporter: What do you think it is that distinguishes you from the large number of very talented pianists?

Lang Lang: I started early.

Early indeed! Lang Lang began formal lessons when he was three. At age five, barely able to reach the pedals, he was making Mozart look like child’s play. And if you’re wondering who raised such a boy, you’ve got to follow Lang Lang to the northern Chinese city of Shenyang. Shenyang is Lang Lang’s hometown, an old, overcrowded industrial city, but, for China, not unprosperous. Like so much of the country, it’s 13)poised somewhere between its past and its future. It’s where we found Lang Lang’s parents, poised somewhere between the 14)shrimp and the dumplings.

Lang Lang’s father spent half his yearly salary, 300 dollars, and bought his son a piano when he was a 15)toddler. In fact, Lang Lang’s destiny was 16)conceived not long after he was. His mother played classical music to him while he was still in her 17)womb. She wanted to be a professional dancer; he’d hoped to travel the world as a musician. They sacrificed everything and placed their dreams into the hands of their only hope.

Lang Lang may have been the prodigy in his hometown of Shenyang, but, if you want to play on the world stage, first you’ve got to get out of town. When he was just eight years old, Lang Lang’s parents, who were very happily married, decided to split up just for their son. His mother stayed home in Shenyang. His father quit his job and took his boy here to Beijing so Lang Lang could study in the finest music academy in all of China. Their sacrifice paid off. Lang Lang was a 18)standout at the Beijing Conservatory and, at thirteen, won the International Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians. Here in Beijing, he and his father lived for six years in this 19)dingy, unheated apartment, sharing a bathroom with three other families. A painful move? Obviously. But his parents knew that an even bigger move was 20)inevitable.

Lang Lang: You know, since you play piano and classical music, this is the, the road.

And so, at 14, Lang Lang followed that road to America. He moved with his father to Philadelphia, where he’d won a music scholarship. Then, his big break. Tapped as a last minute replacement at Chicago’s Summer Music Festival, Lang Lang found himself, at 17, being introduced by the 21)legendary violinist Isaac Stern.

Isaac Stern: You are going to have the special privilege of hearing a most gifted newcomer. Ladies and gentlemen, please greet Lang Lang.

It changed his life forever. International engagements came pouring in and Lang Lang 22)hasn’t looked back. 150 concerts a year, and two sore arms. But the rewards are beyond measure. At 21, Lang Lang performed a 23)rite of passage into the upper reaches of classical music ― the solo debut at Carnegie Hall. Not bad for a boy from Shenyang.

But our story doesn’t end there. Before the night was over, Lang Lang brought to the stage a special guest, someone who dreamed long ago of playing abroad.

Lang Lang: This is my father!

With his traditional Chinese fiddle, Lang Lang’s father accompanied his son in a 24)finale, the likes of which Carnegie Hall had never heard before.

Lang Lang: I think [for] a Chinese folk player [to] play with your son in Carnegie Hall ― I think it’s probably the most exciting thing in both of our lives.


















