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Charlie Brown is the kid who always misses the football because Lucy 1)snatches it away just before he can kick it. The kid who’s left out on the pitcher’s

2)mound in the rain, the kid whose kite gets 3)snarled in a tree, the kid who leaps into a pile of leaves and hits a rock. He has a hopeless 4)crush, which, like some embarrassing 5)bruise, he mistakenly reveals to his friends. Judith Viorst, who writes books for adults and children and studies 6)psychoanalysis, says of Charlie Brown...

Viorst: I like him enormously, and I think the whole world likes him. Just nobody in his comic strip likes him.

Charlie Brown, whom his own dog calls “that Round-Headed Kid,” came into the world in October of 1950 drawn by Charles Schultz. By the time Charles Schultz died in 2000, Charlie Brown and his friends in the comic strip Peanuts appeared in almost 3,000 newspapers in 75 different countries. They starred in top-rated television specials, books, and a musical.

Lynn Johnston (Cartoonist): It’s like an 7)emblem or a…as memorable as the Coke sign or the Nike 8)swipe or anything else. You see that Charlie Brown and that just says it all. It really does―that expression, that simple line and just that wonderful look.

I moved around a lot as a child, saying goodbye to old friends, trying to fit in with new ones, but Charlie Brown and his friends could always be found along the wall, on the ball field, or in front of Snoopy’s doghouse. He seemed to be the soul of can-do Kennedy-era

9)optimism, but 10)nagged by anxieties that would bring him to Lucy’s backyard therapy stand. Did his dog really like him or just the food he brought? Would the stars stay up in the sky? And what made him just a little different?

Johnston: When you’re young, you have incredibly strong

emotions and really 11)profound thoughts, but you just don’t have the 12)vocabulary or the experience to know how to voice those opinions. And so when somebody in such a wonderful medium as a comic strip could give us a voice, that was impressive.

Viorst: I think basically he is 13)perceived by these otherwise

14)decent kids―but pretty harsh in their judgment of him―as he’s perceived as a loser, as a failure in the world of kid-dom.

For 50 years Lucy held out the football for Charlie Brown. For 50 years he ran at it, only to have her snatch it away and make him fall on his back. In a world that says “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me,” what do you say after being fooled for 50 years? Is Charlie Brown a good man who trusts others or a fool who 15)deceives himself?

Viorst: You’re asking him to be a far more 16)cynical person than he will ever be in his life. Lucy always assures him that it’s going to be different this year, and he figures why not believe her?

Anthony Rapp (Musical actor): And now you could argue that that’s just foolishness, but I argue that it’s actually optimism and…and a certain kind of optimism like continuing to give somebody the 17)benefit of the doubt, believing in the better

nature of people.

We asked our 18)panel of childhood experts on Charlie Brown. Is there something that you’d like to tell him?

Boy: I would say, “You ought to know that you’re in a comic book for the past 50 years?” And I would also say, “Don’t listen to other people. Be yourself.”

Girl: I would say, “Don’t always be so angry at yourself.” You know, if you do one thing wrong, doesn’t mean that you have to get all mad and say why didn’t I do this; why didn’t I do that?

Charlie Brown can’t leap tall buildings in a single

19)bound. He can’t even get his kite out of a tree. He isn’t a cartoon character who 20)bristles with superpowers. But he may be something more extraordinary among children, not to mention adults, as we all grow up and struggle to get noticed, be pretty, funny, or popular and win candy, stars, ribbons, grades, friends, lovers, money, or toys.

Despite all 21)temptation and frustration, his bruised heart and backside, Charlie Brown is nice. And do we tell ourselves often enough―do we tell our children how

important that really is?




















