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1. She raised her finger to her lips as___that we should be quiet.

A. an idea B. a mark

C. a sign___D. a word

2. Paint one side,leave it to dry,and then paint .

A. another

B. the other

C. others

D. each other

3. “I don't like horror movies. ”“Me . ”

A. either___ B. not

C. too___D. same

4. I know what I shall be doing for the next three weeks but I haven't thought___that.

A. over B. within C. beyond D. below

5. I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some just .

A. in case B. for certain C. in practice D. for use

6. The purpose of the scheme is not to help the employers___to provide work for young people.

A. and B. but C. or D. so

7. He found his papers were moved and realized that someone___in his office.

A. has been B. had been C. is D. was

8. If you're not careful,you___get into even worse trouble.

A. need B. can C. could D. must

9. After driving all night we got to Amy's place, that she was away.

A. only to discover B. only discovering

C. only discovered D. only having discovered

10.___knowledge is one thing but___able to communicate it to others is another thing.

A. Have,be

B. Having,being

C. Have,being

D. Having,to be

11. After___the flight would be delayed,we made other arrangements.

A. informing

B. being informed

C. to inform

D. to be informed

12. Sunday is the only day___I can relax.

A. which B. that C. when D. why

13. It's one of the few countries___people drive on the left.

A. when B. where

C. that D. who

14. It's the third in a sequence of three books,the first of___I really enjoyed.

A. them B. which C. that D. what

15. I eat___I want and I still don't seem to put on weight.

A. wherever B. whenever C. whichever D. whatever

16. Leach puts forward the idea___it is impossible to spoil a child.

A. what B. that C. which D. when

17. Our dog ran past me and out of the house___I could catch it.

A. unless B. when C. before D. since

18. Why is she training to be a teacher___she doesn't even like children?

A. unless B. until C. which D. when

19. We must remember where to take refuge___a big fire or earthquake occurs.

A. until B. unless C. in case D. even if

20.___it's marked “private”,my secretary usually opens my post.

A. When B. Unless C. Until D. Since

21. I'll cook plenty of potatoes just___they decide to stay for dinner.

A. because B. when C. in case D. since

22. Only when we landed___how badly the plane had been damaged.

A. we did see B. did we see

C. we have seen D. have we seen

23. I find___so difficult to stay awake during history lessons.

A. that B. this C. me D. it

24. ―Where's my pen?___was on my desk a minute ago.

―You left___by the phone.

A. It,this B. This,it C. This,this D. It,it

25. I don't take much exercise now,but I___football a lot when I was younger.

A. did play B. did played C. really play D. do played

26. ―I'd like to take a week's holiday.

―,we're just too busy.

A. Don't worry B. Don't mention it

C. Forget it D. Pardon me

27. ―It was so kind of you to give us a lift.

―Don't mention it;.

A. that's right. B. it doesn't matter.

C. never mind. D. it was a pleasure

28. ―Would you take this along to the office for me?


A. My pleasure B. With pleasure

C. Never mind D. Not at all


1. C。sign的意思是“标记”“符号”“记号”“征兆”“迹象”等。句意为:她把手指放在嘴唇上,示意要我们安静。

2. B。指两边中的另一边要用the other。句意为:先给一面上漆,让它晾干,然后再给另一面上漆。

3. A。me either为口语惯用语,表示同意对方提出的否定信息,与同意对方肯定信息的me too用法类似,其意为:我也一样不(……)。也可说成me neither。

4. C。beyond在此指时间迟于或超过,句意为:我知道未来的三个星期我要干什么,但再往后我就没想过。又如:Don't stay out beyond 10 o'clock at night. 晚上10点以后不要在外面逗留。

5. A。比较:in case意为“以防万一”;for certain意为“有把握”“肯定地”;in practice意为“实际上”“实行起来”;for use意为“供使用”。根据句意,显然只能选A。

6. B。考查not...but...句式,其意为“不是……而是……”,又如:It is not price but quality that sells our shoes. 我们的鞋好卖不是因为价钱低,而是因为质量好。

7. B。从逻辑上说,肯定是先有人进过他的办公室,他后来才发现他的文件被动过。而“文件被动过”(were moved)用的是一般过去时,所以“有人进过他的办公室”就应用过去完成时。

8. C。could在此表推测,意为“可能”。虽然can和must也可表推测,但前者主要用于否定句或疑问句,一般不用于肯定句;而后者由于语气太强(过于肯定),在此与语境不符。

9. A。only doing sth与only to do sth均可表示结果,其区别是:后接现在分词往往表示一种自然的合乎逻辑的结果,而后接不定式往往表示一种出乎意料的或令人失望的结果。又如:I arrived at the shop only to find I'd left all my money at home. 我到商店却发现钱全落在家了。

10. B。动名词短语having knowledge和being able to communicate it with others在此均用作主语。注意,动词原形不能用作句子主语,故A和C都不能选。另外,选项D不能选是因为but连接的两个句子应采用平行结构,即应使用相同的语法形式。

11. B。after在此为介词,后接动词时要用动名词,故可排除C和D;另外根据句意可知,“我们”与“通知”为被动关系,故要用动名词的被动式。

12. C。由于定语从句I can relax的句子结构是完整的,不缺主语或宾语,故可排除A和B;why引导定语从句,其先行词只能是the reason,故可排除D;when在此引导定语从句,修饰名词day,表示时间。句意为:星期日是我唯一可以休息的日子。

13. B。修饰表示地点的定语从句,要用关系副词where,同时where在定语从句中用作地点状语。句意为:这是为数不多的几个靠左行驶的国家之一。又如:You learn a language better if you visit the country where it's spoken. 若到说某种语言的国家去,就能把该种语言学得好些。

14. B。由于介词后不能接关系代词that,排除C;而them和what不是关系代词,不用于引导定语从句,也被排除。the first of which在此引导非限制性定语从句,其意为“其中的第一本”。

15. D。whatever在此引导宾语从句,用作动词eat的宾语;同时whatever在宾语从句中用作动词want的宾语,由于A和B具有副词性质,不能用作宾语,所以排除。再根据句意,只能选D不能选C。

16. B。that在此引导同位语从句,修饰名词idea,表示idea的具体内容。

17. C。比较四个选项,只有before填入空格意思最通顺。before在此表示“不等……就”“还没有……就”,句意为:我还没有来得及抓住它,我们的狗就从我旁边跑过去冲出了房间。

18. D。when在此表示“既然”,用于引导原因状语从句。又如:Why do you want a new job when you've got such a good one already? 你已经有一份这么好的工作了,为什么还要找新的工作呢?

19. C。in case在此引导条件状语从句,其意为“如果”“万一”,句意为:我们必须记得万一发生火灾或大地震时,就到何处避难。又如:In case it rains,do not expect me. 如若下雨,就不要等我了。

20. B。比较四个选项,unless(如果不,除非)的意思与句意最吻合。又如:Unless it is changed,this law will make life difficult for farmers. 这项法令除非进行修改,否则将给农民的生活造成困难。

21. C。in case在此引导目的状语从句,其意为“以防”。又如:Some cyclists carry repair outfits in case they have a puncture. 有些骑自行车的人携带修理工具,以备万一车胎被扎破。

22. B。按英语习惯,当“only +状语”位于句首时,其后的句子要用部分倒装。句意为:我们只是在着陆之后才看到飞机损坏的严重程度。又如:Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter this room. 只有得到教师的允许,学生才可以进这间屋子。

23. D。it在此用作形式宾语,其后的形容词so difficult为宾语补足语。动词find真正的宾语是句末的不定式to stay awake during history lessons。

24. D。两空填的it均用于指代句中的pen。又如:When you've finished with the book put it back on the shelf. 你看完这本书后,把它放回书架上。此句中的it用于指代前面提到过的the book。

25. A。did play为played的强调说法。句意为:我现在不怎么运动了,但是我年轻时常常踢足球。又如:I did think of resigning,but I decided not to. 我原来确实打算辞职,但后来打消了这个念头。

26. C。forget it在此表示否定,其意为“不行”“休想”“不可能”“别抱什么希望”。又如:Forget it,she never did intend to go. 别抱什么希望,她从来就没打算去。

27. D。It's a pleasure在口语中主要用于回答感谢,意为“这是我高兴做的事”“别客气”“不用谢”。如:―Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮了我。―It's a pleasure. 别客气。

28. B。With pleasure在口语中主要用来愉快地答应对方的请求或邀请(在美国英语中多用Okay,Sure,Certainly等),其意为“好的”“没问题”“十分愿意”。如:―Could you put me up tonight?请你为我安排今晚的住宿好吗?―With pleasure. 好的,没问题。