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1.We can advertise on the internel.我们可以在网上登广告。


They are advertising for a new teacher.他们在登广告招聘新教师。


We have advertised the charity show in the newspaper.我们已在报纸上为慈善演出做了广告。


2.In the beginning,I thought I would never be able to remember all the words…刚开始,我觉得怎么也不能记住所有的台词。

in the beginning意为“起初、开始的时候”,用作连接性副词,后面通常不跟介词短语,相当于at first。例如:

In the beginning,some of us were not interested in English.起初我们中有些人对英语不感兴趣。

[相关链接]at the beginning和in the beginning意思差不多,但at the beginning的后面可跟of引导的介词短语,意为“在……之初”、“在……开始的时候”,与at the end of相对应。例如:

Nick spoke at the beginning of the meeting.会议开始的时候尼克发了言。

3.Everything seemed to happen so fast and now it is all over.一切似乎都发生得那么快,现在全结束了。

seem意为“似乎、好像”,是系动词,后面跟形容词、名词、介词短语,也可跟不定式。如果不定式是to be加形容词,则to be有时可省去。如:

He seems(to be)quite happy.他似乎很开心。

It seems like years since I last saw you.从上次跟你见面后,好像有好多年没有见到你了。

[相关链接)It seems/seemed that…是其常见句型,可与seem(s)/seemed to do…转换。例如:He seems to have a lot of money.=It seems that has a lot of money.他好像很有钱。

4.I’ll phone my cousin,Ricky.我将给我的堂弟打电话,里基。


Tell her to phone me at five o’clock。告诉她五点钟给我打电话。

[相关链接)1)phone也可作名词,意思是“电话、电活机”,常用短语有on the phone(在通话中),answer the phone(接电话),hang up the phone(挂断电话)等。

2)英语中表示“给某人打电话”的短语还有call sb.(up),ring sb.(uP),give sb.aring,make a telephone call to sb.等。

5.It does not matter that we do not have pop stars in our show.慈善演出中我们没有流行明星也没关系。

这里matter作不及物动词,意为“要紧、有关系”。它常用于it doesn’t matter句型中,后面可跟that从句、wh-词引导的从句或if条件句。例如:

It doesn’t matter if you are late.你如果迟到也没关系。

It doesn’t matter that the tie and the suit don’t match.领带和西装不配也没关系。

[相关链接]It doesn’t matter.也常用于对话中,用来回答对方的歉辞,意为“没关系”、“不要紧”。

6.The host came on stage with a microphone in her hand.主持人来到舞台上,手里拿着一个话筒。

with a microphone in her hand是由“with+宾语+宾语补足语”构成的一种结构,充当with这个介词的宾语的,通常是名词和代词;构成宾语补足语的可以是介词短语、副词、过去分词等。例如:

With the meeting over,we all went home.(副词作宾补)会议结束了,我们都回家了。

His wife came down the stairs,with their baby in her arms.(介词短语作宾补)他妻子从楼上下来,怀里抱着他们的婴儿。


The boy with a hat on his head is my brother.(作定语)头上戴帽子的男孩是我弟弟。

Don’t speak with your mouth full.(作状语)不要满嘴食物地说话。