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get a break交好运;make a bad break失言,失志,失礼,犯错误;news break重要新闻;at(the)break of day拂晓时分;without a break不停顿地;at the break of July在七月初

break away from a friend与朋友绝交;break down in health身体垮了;break in by the window破窗而入;break in the door破门而入;be broken in to the work习惯这工作;break out in tears突然哭起来;break out in/into a cold sweat出一身冷汗;break up for the vacation放假;break up the crowd驱散人群;break the fight制止斗殴;break into tears/laughter大哭/大笑起来;break into a quarrel争吵起来;break into one’s talk插嘴;break oneself of a habit戒除某一习惯;break through the enemys’ line突破敌人防线;break with the army脱离军队


bring about a cure治愈;bring sb. back to health使某人恢复健康;bring down a plane击落飞机;bring down a curtain放下窗帘;bring down the prices降低物价;bring forth good results产生好结果;bring forth fruit结出果实;bring forward a suggestion提出建议;bring forward a meeting把会议日期提前;bring in a law-suit against sb. 对某人;bring off a good business deal做成一笔好买卖;bring on a disaster带来灾难;bring on suspicion引起怀疑;be brought on an illness生病;bring out new books出版新书;bring out the meaning of a passage阐明一段文字意义;bring out fresh demand提出新要求;bring one’s opponent round说服对手;bring sb. round all right使某人痊愈;bring sb. up as an engineer把某人培养成工程师;be brought up in the village在乡下长大;be well brought up教育好;bring sth. into fashion使流行;bring sth. into line with使和……一致;bring into play使发挥作用;bring sb. into the world/give birth to sb. 生养某人;bring misfortune on给……带来不幸;be brought to bay陷入绝境;bring to mind想起,回想;bring a person to grief使失败,使遭不幸;be brought to judgement受审判;bring to light暴露,公开;be brought to ruin招致失败;bring sb. to terms使屈服;bring sb. into touch with使……和……建立联系


get/receive a call from sb. 接到某人的电话;make/give sb. a call给某人打电话;have a call of nature上厕所;make/pay a call on a friend拜访朋友;return sb’s call回访某人;take a call谢幕;close call幸免,死里逃生;a farewell call告别;a formal call正式访问;local calls本埠电话;a long-distance call长途电话;awake at the call被叫醒;a call for help/rescue呼救

call forth all one’s energy全力以赴;call in a doctor请医生来;call off the game取消比赛;call out loudly大声叫;be called up for military service应征入伍;call at sb’s house到某人家里拜访某人;call sth. into doubt对某事表示怀疑;call sb. over the coals for sth.为某事责备某人;call sb. to dinner请某人吃饭;call one’s name to mind想起某人的名字;call to account责备,要求认错


come about发生;come across遇见;come along一道走,赶快,进展,到来;come around到来,恢复健康;come away离开,脱离;come by通过,得到;come down下降,下垂,倒下,传下;come down heavy on sb猛烈袭击某人;come forth出来,涌现;come in for得到,受到;come off脱离,举行,实现;come off well/badly in a match在比赛中成绩优良/不佳;come off with flying colour大获全胜;come off a victor获胜;come on进展,生长,开始,降临;come out出来,结果,表达,算出;come out for/against表达支持/反对;come through穿透,到达,显露,接通电话;come to恢复知觉;come up上来,走来,升起,长出,发生;come into being开始存在(形成,建立),come into blossom开花;come into effect/force开始生效,付诸实施;come into one’s favor受到某人青睐;come into one’s own得到尊重(重视);come into touch with与……取得联系;come into war参战;come off work下班;come out of the blue突然发生,突然而来;come to close/an end结束;come under sb’s notice受到某人关注;come under fire遭到射击