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(1) 表达感激之情并说明感谢的原因;

(2) 细述对方给予的帮助和自己得到的益处;

(3) 再次表达谢意及真诚祝福,也可表达希望保持联络或报答对方的愿望等。



(1) 感谢的原因

■祝母(父)亲节快乐并表感恩:I am writing to you on the Mother’s/ Father’s Day to show my thanks and I would like to say “Happy Mother’s/ Father’s Day”.

■祝生日快乐并表感恩:It’s your birthday, and I want to say “I love you” and thank you so much for everything you have done for me.

(2) 细述父母的养育之恩

■父母的期望:I know that you have great expectations of me.

You hope I grow up to be a strong, brave and successful “lion” and that I can do well for myself and others.

I have always been feeling the beats of your heart since I came into the world.

■父母的操劳:I know how hard you’ve worked during the past years.

I can imagine all the problems you have faced and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life better.

I can fully understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child.

■父母的培养:You’ve encouraged me and helped me patiently.

You’ve tried your hardest to give me the best things in life.

You’ve made a lot of sacrifices and many difficult choices.

■自己的幸福感受:It is so lucky of me to be the center of the whole family.


I still remember a game held when I was 12.I lost the game and cried as many kids did. You took me by the hand, looking into my eyes and said, “you are a brave lion, and a lion never cries. You can lose the game but can’t be beaten down.” Since then, I have been doing my best to get over every challenge.

(3) 表达对养育之恩的铭记以及报答父母的愿望

Dear Mom and Dad, thank you very much for your patience, love and understanding. I will value them for ever.

Your hope and your love make me what I am today. Now, I’m grown up! I will be responsible for my life and for my future. You’ll be proud of me!


(1) 表明身份和感谢的原因

I’m very excited to write to express my thanks to you. I am Li Hua from Class 3...

Do you remember me?I’ m writing to show my thanks to you. Though you tutored me in English only for a term, with your help, I made such rapid progress.

(2) 评价老师的教学

■肯定老师的教学效果,感谢老师的教诲:I still remember the days when you taught me English. You are such a great communicator and motivator.

Thanks very much for your excellent lessons. It’s my honor to be one of your students and obviously I’ve learnt lots of new words and English usage from you.

■具体的教学事例:You encouraged me when the pressure of too much homework and the high expectations from my parents made me depressed.

You made each class vivid and interesting by telling stories, singing songs and even playing some games.

(3) 表达师恩难忘并祝福老师

Your vivid classes and all the happy times we spent with you will be kept in my mind for a lifetime.

I wish more and more of your students could go to their ideal colleges.

三、给出国交流学习期间的老师、同学、homestay family的感谢信

(1) 报平安并表示感谢

I am now back home safely.

In this letter I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for your kindness when I was in New York.

I am now writing to say thanks for your friendliness, generosity, understanding, care and everything you did for me during my stay in New York.

Your generous help and tender care made me feel at home and my first trip to America will be a beautiful memory.

(2) 细述对方提供的帮助

■老师耐心的教导:You had never been out of patience with me.

You taught me the common slangs and idioms, making me integrate into the local life fully.

■同学的热情帮助:You are the first friend I made in New York.

You introduced me to your friends and your family, which made me not feel lonely.

You also went camping with me, and helped me review my lessons.

■homestay family的细心照顾:You treated me as a member of your family, and made me feel at home.

You did everything that parents would do, cooking for me, bringing me to your family gathering, and even holding a party for my birthday.

(3) 再次表达感谢,并邀请对方来中国玩

I’m very grateful to you for your help and looking forward to your early visit to China, so that I could have the opportunity to show you around.

I’d like to invite you to visit China if it is convenient to you. I will take you to the best places in China.
