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编者的话 放假了,紧张了一个学期的大脑终于可以放松一下了。我们无意在“减负”的大背景下给同学们布置什么暑假作业,只是考虑到同学们在这么长的暑假里玩久了可能会觉得腻,于是请出几位故事高手,给大家一边讲故事,一边做游戏,希望大家在娱乐的同时,顺便读点英语,大家不会介意吧!


故事讲述者 符建辉 (湖南)

Every student can learn rope jumping.

You can jump alone or with yourclassmate. You can also help turn a longrope for many others to jump over, oneat a time. If you jump alone, you willneed a short rope and it will be justenough for your height. Try ropes ofdifferent lengths until you find a rightone for your size.

The rope should be turnedslowly. It must also be turned highenough to let you jump freely andsafely. Turning the rope freely andsafely needs careful timing. In ropejumping, timing means turning therope slowly enough for you to jumpover at the right time without itsstriking your feet.

When you jump rope, yourheart beats faster and your face hasa bealthy color. But if you jump toomany times at first, you will gettired. You must learn when to stopfor a rest before you jump again, Ifyou practice, you can increase thenumber of times-you jump withoutresting.

1.This passage is about

A.a game B.a rope

C.rope jumpers D.careful timing

2.How many people can join in rope jumping?

A.One alone. B.Two.

C.One or more. D.Two or more.

3.The word "one" in the last sentence of the first paragraph means

A.man B.rope C.thing D.size

4.Before you do rope jumping, you must

A.find a good player

B.try whether the rope will be right for you

C.stop to rest for an hour

D.try whether the rope will be strong enough

5.Which of the following is tree?

A.A rope must be turned as slowly as possible.

B.A rope must be turned as high as possible.

C.People can do rope jumping without resting.

D.Careful timing is needed to turn a rope.


1.A。全文的每一个段落都在讨论rope jumping,即跳绳这种game。

2.C。文章的第2段说You can jump alone or with your classmate,既然是alone或with classmate。我们可以得知跳绳是一人或一人以上玩的游戏。

3.B。第2段的最后一句讲到Try ropes of different lengths until you find aright one for your size(试试各种不同长度的绳子,直到你找到适合你身材的一个right one),据此可推出其中的one指的是“绳子”。

4.B。文章的第2段最后两句告诉我们lf you jump alone,you will need ashort rope and it will be just enough for your height,由此可知,我们玩跳绳游戏以前,必须找到适合自己的绳子。

5.D。我们可以在第3段找到Turning the rope freely and safely needs care.bz timing,这是与D项完全对应的。另外,文中说的是slowing enoush,而不是像A、B项所说的ss slowly as possible和as hi8h aS possible,故排除A和B。根据文章最后一段中的You must learn when to stop for a rest before you jumpagain可将C项排除。


故事讲述者 周湘楠 (湖南)

It is possible to do many simple tricks with numbers. Here is one trick. Ithas seven steps.

First, write down your house number. For example, if your address is 73Lemon Street, you write down 73.

Next, double it. In other words, multiply(乘) it by two. Then, add five tothis doubled number. For example, if your address was 73 and you doubled it,you would get 146. Then, if you added it to five, you'd get 151.

Now repeat the first three steps, write down your house number, double it,and add it to five.

Fourth, multiply this number by 50. In our example here, if you multiply151 by 50, you'll get 7550.

The fifth step is to add your age to this total. For example, if you're 26years old, you should add 26 to this total. In our example here, the result is7550 plus 26, you'll get 7576.

Sixth, you have to add the number of days in a year, which is 365. Inour example here, 365 added to 7576 is 7941.

The seventh and final step is this: subtract (减) 615 from the number thatyou have. In our example, 7941 minus 615 is 7326.

The result here, 7-3-2-6, is the trick. The first part of the number isthe address and the last part of the number is the age of the person. That is,73 is the address that we started with, and 26 is the age that we used.

If you follow these seven steps with any address and the age of any person.You will get the same result.

Do you want to have a try?

1.According to the trick, what number can you get if you are 16 years oldand your house number is 85?

A.1685 B.8516 C.8165 D.1658

2.How can your age number appear at the last part of the result?

A.It's really a trick.

B.By taking .all the steps except Step1 and Step 2.

C.By taking Step 6 and Step 7.

D.By taking all the steps.

3.What's the secret of the trick?

A.It's impossible to know.

B.By taking Step 2 and Step 4, we get the formula (公式):your addressnumber×2×50.

C.By taking all the steps except 1 and 2, we get the formula: 5×50+yourage number+365-615=your age number.

D.Both B and C.

4.Is it possible for us to design another program of getting the same re-suit?

A.No, it's impossible to find out another way.

B.No problem.

C.I'm not sure.

D.It's nothing but a trick.


1.B。根据文章倒数第3段的The first part of the number is the addressand the last part of the number is the age of the person可以得出答案:共有四位数字,前两位是地址的号码,后两位是年龄的数字,所以答案是B。





故事讲述者 吴志平 (天津)

Prepare a piece of paper ofany length. Now glue (粘) theends of the paper together. Youhave made a ring.

Take a second long piece ofpaper. Twist (扭转) the paper onceand glue the ends together. Now you have made a Moby's band (带子). Forpeople studying maths, this band is uncommon.

This strange band was first made in the 1800s by a German named August

Moby. Mr. Moby studied maths. He wanted to find a way to show how thisband works with maths. Believe it or not, this band has only one surface. Youcan find this out for yourself.

If you draw a line on the surface of the paper before you twist and glueit, the line is only on one side of the paper. The paper has two surfaces.However, if you draw a line after you make the Moby's band, you can followthe line around all sides of the paper. In other words, the Moby's band musthave only one surface.

It is also very interesting to see what happens when you cut the band. Ifyou cut the Moby's band in half once down the line you draw, you do notget two Moby's bands. Instead, after you cut the band, it turns into one largetwisted ring. Then, if you cut this ringin half along the middle of the bandagain, you get two connected Moby'sbands.Try it!

1.What is a Moby's band?

A.A long piece of paper.

B.A paper rings for people to wear.

C.A metal ring for music.

D.An interesting twisted ring.

2.Why did AugustMoby make this ring?

A.To help study amaths problem.

B.To show it's thesame as others.

C.To show the only surface of any band.

D.To find out how many sides it has.

3.How can you change the two surfaces of a long piece of paper into onesurface?

A.Glue the ends of the long piece of paper.

B.Cut the two surfaces of the paper into one.

C.Draw a line in the middle of the paper.

D.Twist the paper once and glue the two ends.

4.What do you get if you cut the Moby's band along the middle?

A.A long piece of paper. B.Two long pieces of paper.

C.Two Moby's Bands. D.One large twisted ring.

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.You can use any long piece of paper to make a Moby's band.

B.Any long piece of paper has two surfaces.

C.The Moby's band was first made about two hundred years ago.

D.You have to draw a line in the middle of the long piece of paperbefore making a Moby's band.


1.D。第2段的第2句告诉我们:Twist the paper…,我们可以推断出它是antwisted ring,即答案D(扭转的环)。

2.A。由第2段的第3句He wanted to find a way to show how this bandworks with maths可以推知答案。

3.D。可以将Two surfaces of along piece of page变成one surface的方法是Moby's band。而怎样做成Moby’s band呢?第2段的第2句7wist the paper...告诉了我们选答案D。

4.D。根据第5段的第2句If you cut the Moby’s你可以得到一个很大的扭转环。由于the line you drew是画在整个Moby's Band上面的,这就得到D这个答案。而迷惑性较大的Two Moby's Bands则需要cut this ring again。

5.D。由第4段的第1句If you draw a line on the surface of the paperbefore you twist and glue it, the line is 0nly on one side 0f the paper, 我们得知a line是on the surface of the paper。也就是说在整个Moby's Band上,而不是in the middle of the long piece of paper,所以答案选D。