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Almost all American cities have nicknames. They help establish a city’s identity. They can also spread unity and pride among its citizens.

Two east coast cities―Philadelphia and Boston―were both important in the early history of the United States. Philadelphia is best known as “The City of Brotherly Love.”

In 1681, King Charles the Second, of England, gave William Penn a large amount of land to establish a colony. The King named the colony Pennsylvania in honor of Penn’s father. William Penn was a Quaker. He brought his beliefs about equality, religious freedom and brotherly love to this new land. Penn was also an expert in Latin and Greek. He established a city and named it Philadelphia, which is Greek for “brotherly love.” An ancient city called Philadelphia was also noted in Christianity’s holy book, the Bible.

Philadelphia became the social, political and geographical center of the American colonies. In the late 1700s, many events that took place in Philadelphia gave birth to the American Revolution and independence. For example, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were signed in the city. Philadelphia was the temporary capital of the new nation from 1790 to 1800.

Some of Philadelphia’s other nicknames are “The Quaker City,” “The Cradle of Liberty” and “The Birthplace of America.” Philadelphia is a long name. So many people just call it “Philly.”

Boston is another important city. It is one of the oldest cities in the United States. In 1630, Puritan settlers from England established Boston in what would become the state of Massachusetts.

Several major events took place in Boston before and during the American Revolution. You may have heard of the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party and the Battle of Bunker Hill.

So, like Philadelphia, Boston is called“The Cradle of Liberty.” Another nickname is “The Cradle of Modern America.”

However, Boston’s most famous nickname is “Beantown.” But it was not because the city grew a lot of beans. In the 1700s, Boston was a major trading center. It received a lot of sugarcane from the West Indies. Beans baked in molasses―a sugar product―became a favorite food in the city. Today, no companies there make Boston baked beans. Restaurants in Boston rarely serve it. But many Americans eat this tasty dish at home.

费城(Philadelphia)位于美国东海岸的宾夕法尼亚州(Pennsylvania),是美国第五大城市,历史上曾是美国的首都,是美国最具历史意义的城市。费城的别称是“兄弟之爱之城”,关于这个别称的来历,还要追溯到1681年。当时英国国王查尔斯二世(King Charles the Second)送给威廉・佩恩(William Penn)大片土地建立殖民地。为了纪念佩恩的父亲,国王将这块殖民地命名为宾夕法尼亚。佩恩将自己的信条――平等、宗教自由和兄弟之爱带到了这片新的土地上,他建立了一个命名为Philadelphia的城市,在希腊语中的意思就是“兄弟之爱”。


由于Philadelphia这个名字太长,所以很多人用Philly来表示费城,它还有其他的别称,包括:“贵格城(Quaker City)”(威廉・佩恩是尊崇和平主义、人人平等的基督新派贵格会教徒,他在费城广传贵格会的教义)、“自由的摇篮(The Cradle of Liberty)”和“美国的发源地(The Birthplace of America)”。

波士顿(Boston)是美国马萨诸塞州(Massachusetts)的首府和最大城市,位于美国东北部大西洋沿岸,是美国最古老、最具文化价值的城市之一。17世纪30年代,来自英格兰的清教徒建立了波士顿。18世纪中后期,英国人尝试全面控制在美国的13个殖民地,促使波士顿人发动了美国革命,波士顿屠杀、波士顿倾茶事件以及早期的几个战役――莱克星顿和康科德战役、邦克山战役和波士顿围城战都发生在波士顿及其附近地区。因此,波士顿也和费城一样被称为“自由的摇篮(The Cradle of Liberty)”,还有“现代美国的摇篮(The Cradle of Modern America)”的别称。
