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The Core of Lifelong Learning: Connotations, Evolution

and Standards of Information Literacy

Zhong Zhixian

Information literacy is the core of lifelong learning. Information literacy and lifelong learning represent the lighthouse of the information society. In the age of digital learning, information literacy is the prerequisite of autonomous learning, demonstrating to what extent an individual learns how to learn. In the recent four decades, there has been on-going research into the connotations, relevance and standards of information literacy in and outside China. This paper attempts to discuss the connotations, relevance and components of information literacy, reviewing its evolutionary progress and key standards, from the perspective of historical development. Informed by a variety of information literacy standards and the demands for autonomous learning and lifelong learning, the paper proposes ten major standards of information literacy, which are expected to contribute to the enhancement of learners’ information literacy or learning ability. It is argued that in the age of lifelong learning, the learning society is not only one in which anyone can learn anywhere/anytime but one in which everyone knows how to learn well. Information literacy is the foundation for good learning ability which in turn promotes the construction and development of the learning society.

Keywords: information literacy; lifelong learning; connotations; standards

A Review of Online Learning Literature in China and Its Implications

Wang Hongyan and Hu Weiping

Online learning is the main vehicle for the industrialization of education, hence becoming one of the hot issues in distance education, educational technology and learning resources development. This paper collected and analyzed 721 journal articles from the full text database of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) in terms of number of article, research focus and type of research. The content analysis method was adopted. Informed by relevant statistics, directions for further research are identified in the areas of theoretical framework, market value, learning support technology, new technology, empirical research methods, and evaluation and management.

Keywords: online learning; content analysis; literature review

Open Schooling at the Commonwealth of Learning: Achievements

and Reflections

Frances Ferreira

Significant progress has been made to achieve Universal Primary Education (UPE) and yet, globally we find that 131 million children from primary and lower secondary school age are out of school. The success of UPE has led to new challenges of providing access to secondary education, and governments are struggling to meet this demand for secondary education. On the other hand, while they are confronted with the demand for secondary education, the access of UPE has not translated into real gains in some countries, and statistics show 31.2 million children left school before completing the Primary education cycle. An additional 32.2 million repeat grades. This paper takes into consideration the challenge of meeting the surge for education and the model being proposed by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) as one of the strategies to address this demand. Open schooling has been introduced successfully in many countries. This paper will give an overview of the work of the Commonwealth in open schooling and how this can form part of the solution for addressing the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), especially in achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and empowering women.

Keywords: Open Schooling; model; Commonwealth of Learning; Universal Primary Education; Secondary Education; Gender Equality; Millennium Development Goals

A Survey on the State Benchmarked Course

Program at Its 10th Anniversary

Qin Weiwei

Thousands of courses have been awarded as State Benchmarked Courses (SBCs) by the Chinese Ministry of Education since 2003. However, there has been little research into the status quo of SBCs. This paper reports on a survey on the development and actual use of SBCs and their evaluation mechanism in an attempt to identify distinctive features of SBCs in terms of resources construction, technology realization, content updating, and technology maintenance. The survey shed light on the use of SBCs and their impacts on university teaching and learning and revealed problems and weaknesses of the existing evaluation mechanism. Ideas and approaches were also discussed in relation to promoting SBCs and enhancing their exemplary effects.

Keywords: State Benchmarked Courses; development process; evaluation mechanism; technology platform

Research on Factors Impacting on the Use of Sakai Platform

Zhu Ke and Liu Qingtang

This paper reports on an experiment to verify hypothesis concerning factors affecting university students’ use of Sakai Platform. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was adopted as the theoretical grounding for this research. Based on the validation of reliability and validity of the assumed factors, the maximum likelihood estimation method was used to perform the standardization path coefficient, which in turn was used to perfect the hypothetical model. Findings from the experiment provide support for a number of relationships in the hypothesized model. In light of these findings, implications for theory and practice were discussed in relation to improving the effectiveness of Sakai platform.

Keywords: Sakai; Technology Acceptance Model; Web-based learning platform; distance learning