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In these days of high-tech entertainment facilities it's hard to recall a time when children were amused for hours on end with the simplest of objects. The children of every country in the world have always played games. These games were passed down from one generation to another and were often strikingly similar in different parts of the world. Games are an excellent way for a child to develop mental and physical skills that will prove useful in later life. They are also the origin of many sports. In this issue of Sports we take a trip down memory lane and take a look at the precursor to all sports: children's games.


The Games

Around the world, children have one thing in common. They love to play games. The following list of games is by no means exhaustive. Many of the games here will be familiar to readers although you may have played different versions of them. Some of these games might be new to you. You might even want to try them out. It's never too late!

Elastic Band Skipping Game

Several elastic bands are tied together to form a larger band. Two players then stand inside this elastic band with legs apart and facing each other at a distance. A third player then performs a jumping act with the elastic band. The type of jumping act they do varies. The simplest one is to jump and stand on one side of the rubber band, carrying the two sides together. Then jump again and make the two sides separate. Then jump again into the middle and after that jump outside it. Each time a level is passed successfully, the height of the elastic band is increased. There are other variations that are so complicated they would ①tangle up a professional acrobat, to which the average mother would warn, "If you fall and break both your legs don't come running to me!"


Hopscotch is played in one form or another around the world. In one particular game a grid, like the one in the diagram, is drawn on the ground. The player must then take a stone and throw it into square 1. That player then proceeds to hop on one leg (for squares 1, 2, 3 and 6) and on two legs (for squares 4 and 5, and 7 and 8) to the end and back again. They must then throw the stone into square 2 and repeat the action. The first player to complete all eight levels successfully is the winner. No touching the lines!

Tip The Can

An unmovable object, such as a lamppost, ②is deemed to be 'the can'. One child is 'on' and stands by the can and covers his eyes and counts to a hundred. No peeking! The other children hide. When the counting has finished the child by the can will shout out "ready or not, here I come" and will try to find the other children. If he finds one he must make physical contact by touching them. That child is then 'on' and must go to 'the can' to count. In the meantime, it is the object of the hiding children to get to the can before the 'on' child catches them. If you can 'tip the can' before getting tagged then you are 'safe' for the rest of the game. The last child left 'on' is the loser and is referred to as 'stinky-poo' for the rest of the day.

Bad Egg

A specific area is chosen, such as a square or a park. A tennis ball is used. The person with the ball is called the 'bad egg' and he or she must throw it at other players (with as much violent force as possible). The other players are allowed to dodge the ball. If it hits a child, he or she then becomes the 'bad egg'. Sometimes a 'freeze' rule is used. Someone would shout 'freeze' and everyone had to stop. The 'bad egg' would then try to hit another child from where he or she was standing. This process is continued until everyone is exhausted or angry mothers start shouting "this is the last time I tell you to come home. Don't make me come out and drag you back myself!"


One child is 'it' and has to hide. When another child finds 'it' they must hide with him or her until there is only one child left. The game starts again with the last child being 'it'. This continues until one child says "I'm bored of this game. Let's play something else", to which one or more other children reply, "yeah".


Two players stand on the edges of opposing footpaths. The curbs are the goals. The players will throw a football at their opponents curb. If they hit it they get a point and can stand in the centre of the road to take three penalty shots. The game ends when one player reaches a certain score (agreed beforehand) or gets called home for dinner.

Piggy in the Middle

This game requires three players and a ball of any size. One player is 'piggy' and must stand in the middle. The other two players attempt to pass the ball to each other without letting 'piggy' catch it. When 'piggy' catches it the player who threw it takes the place in the middle. This game can be played until an angry neighbour chases you away for constantly hitting the ball off his nice shiny car.


There are more games involving marbles than there are people called Wang in China. They all usually involve trying to acquire as many of your opponents marbles as possible. Sometimes a circle is drawn and a certain amount of marbles are placed in it. Players then use a shooter marble to try and knock the marbles out of the circle. They get to keep the ones they knock out but lose the ones that stay in the circle. The kid that gets the most marbles is... like the king, or something.




















Ring-around-a-rosy is a popular game with young children. The kids will join hands and form a circle. They will all run around in a circle while singing, "Ring around a rosie, a pocket full of posies. Atishoo, atishoo we all fall down." At the end all the children will fall on the ground.

Many people believe that this rhyme is a coded reference to the bubonic plague epidemic which killed 30% of Europe's population in the 14th Century. The 'ring' refers to a ring-like rash symptom of the disease. The 'posies' are a reference to the remedies made of flowers that were used to fight the disease. The sneezing sound and the part at the end where they all fall down represent the large death toll of the epidemic.

Others disagree and say that the rhyme could not have existed that long. They regard it as originating from the Protestant ban on dancing in the 19th Century. Young people found a way around the ban by playing ring-games.


“绕圈圈”是年幼的孩子们中间流行的一个游戏。小孩子们会拉起手来,围成一个圈子。他们所有人都会围着圈子跑起来并唱着,“Ring around a rosie, a pocket full of posies. Atishoo, atishoo we all fall down.(围着萝西歌唱,兜里装满花朵。阿嚏,阿嚏,我们都倒了下来)”唱完后,所有孩子都会跌倒在地上。



curb /k9:b/ n.路边

marble /`m3bl/ n. (玩具)弹球

bubonic plague /b(`b4nik pleiG/ 黑死病

symptom /`simpt9m/ n.症状;征兆

death toll /deF t9ul/ n.死亡人数

Protestant /`pr4tist9nt/ n.新教徒


Many skipping rope games involved chants that dictate the speed the rope would be turned at and the actions the player must make. Here are some classics:



Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, read the news.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, tie your shoes.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go upstairs.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say your prayers.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn out the light.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say "Goodnight!"

Mabel, Mabel, set the table,

Just as fast as you are able!

Put on plates, forks, salt... (etc.)

And don't forget the


(Rope turners go as fast as possible! 挥绳人要尽可能快地挥动!)