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Ou is a 25-year-old employee of an Internet company in Haikou, Hainan Province. She put an advertisement on taobao. com to sell the records of her travels abroad, in the form of postcards, asking buyers for 20 yuan ($ 3) a pop, which has attracted 147 takers till now.

Ou’s story began with nothing more complicated than a desire to see the world, and a flying dart was her preferred method for choosing destination. “Using a dart to choose where I want to go is such a romantic idea,” Ou said. “I like the feeling of spontaneity to explore the world unknown on the journey.”

On January 26, Ou touched down in Vietnam. It was the first time she’d stepped foot out of China. She said that in the past while traveling around China, she has maintained a habit of sending postcards to herself, but she lost them while moving residences.

“But I found that my friends always kept the postcards I sent to them,” she said. “I know they’re more than just pieces of paper, they’re documents of a very special place, time and relationship in your life.”

Making her way through Vietnam, she made sure to find a post office in every city she visited and spent enough quiet time to write a kind message to every postcard seeker she was in contact with.

“Most people asked me to address the postcards to their loved ones,” she said. Due to the time by chance, most of Ou’s postcards arrived around Valentine’s Day. “For girls, this was an absolutely priceless present,” she said.

One man in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province asked Ou to send a postcard to his son, who is still too young to read. Another contact asked Ou to write a letter of appreciation for his wife, with whom the man had recently been arguing, with the words “Thank you for sticking with me through all the hardships without any complaints” on it. This postcard in particular, Ou said, helped her realize the gravity of her task.

Ou’s travels weren’t without difficulties, though. In 2008 she was diagnosed with Sjgren’s syndrome. She suffered a seizure during the trip. But Ou said she was lucky enough to meet a US medical school student, who helped Ou recover through her pain and discomfort.

Ou said her journey was so exciting that she can’t wait to hit the road again. “I’ll keep selling dreams—I’m thinking about India for my next destination,” she said.








不过,楠茜旅行中也并非是一帆风顺的。2008年,她被确诊为肖格伦综合症(一种自身免疫性疾病,症状包括口、眼等器官干燥)。旅行中,病情突然发作,但是楠茜说她很幸运,碰到了一个学医的美国学生,通过他的帮助,楠茜摆脱了疼痛和不适,恢复了健康。 楠茜说,旅行让人兴奋,她又迫不及待准备动身了。她说:“我还会继续出售梦想——我正在考虑把印度作为我的下一个目的地。”