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Cluster Analysis of the Ability of Carrying Population of Chinese Environment

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Abstract. The environment-friendly society is a harmonious coexistence of man and nature, society, the core connotation coordination between human activities and natural ecosystems and sustainable development. The construction of environment-friendly society is the goal. This article attempts to build an environmental carrying population model, quantitative analysis of the relationship between the population and the environment from the point of view of the population. And it compares the status and the change of the environmental carrying capacity of the provinces and autonomous regions in China. We believe that, in the study of the relationship between the population and the environment, it is necessary to take full account of the impact of the mode of production, social and lifestyle factors. And it has the need to reflect on the meaning of development as well as the purpose of life. We expect to incorporate new concepts in population studies, in order to promote the study of the development of the population.

Key words: Environment-Friendly Society; Natural Population; Environmental Carrying Population; Regional Differences


The ecological environment is the basis of the survival and development of human society, human social and economic activities as well as the resulting environmental pollution and ecological destruction and the enormous pressure generated on the basis. If this pressure exceeds the maximum bearing capacity of the ecological environment, it will cause the collapse of the natural ecosystem. Macro environmental strategy research pointed out that the environmental situation in China is a partial improvement, yet to curb overall, continue to increase the pressure, the pressure on the environment than any country in the world, the issue of environmental resources than any other country, solve than any countries are difficult. It can be seen that the tension of the population and the environment have become an important factor in the impact of Chinese social development, the relationship between attention and study population and the environment is the historic mission entrusted by the times.

In modern times, the development of industrialization did to promote the improvement of productivity, but also brings more and more serious environmental disaster. People began to pay attention to the relationship of population and environment. With the development of the natural sciences, scholars continue to explore new approaches in order to adapt to the needs of the research, such as scholars have used the land carrying capacity to express the relationship between the population and the environment, scholars with eco-environmental pressure index to measure the status of the regional economic development pressures on the environment, scholars through the measurement and analysis, design, indicators of population carrying capacity of water resources, and to explore the regional water carrying capacity of the population and its dynamics. Another scholar also designed consumer pressure demographic indicators, use it directly reflects the level of regional economic development, people's lifestyles, consumption patterns and the resulting pollutants generated pressure on the regional environment, the comparison on this basis China's provinces and autonomous regions in consumer pressure on population status and change. However, these newly created indexes only reflected from one side of the relationship status of the population and the environment, or from the biological point of view, or from a resource point of view, or from an economic point of view, and no comprehensive consideration of the impact of population multiple parameters of the relationship with the environment, in a sense, to avoid the complexity of the relationship between population and the environment.

Based on the complexity of the relationship between population and the environment, the study variables further broaden the natural environment and socioeconomic factors are taken into account, the population as a quantitative parameter being integrated in the relevant model to examine population growth on The environment pressure changes related to specific indicators: per capita gross domestic product, the level of urbanization of the population, population density, the per capita amount of water resources, forest coverage. We believe that this approach can be more comprehensive and intuitive to reflect the population at different levels of development and the environment in which interaction between, and provide scientific reference for the development of rational and effective population policy and economic policy.

The Model of Environment Carrying Population

Moderate population growth continuously improves the quality of the population, and gradually reducing the population pressure. The continuous improvement of living environment is an inherent requirement of the environment-friendly society. Resource endowments of the level of development of productive forces, the people's mode of production and way of life, the degree of concentration of the population, as well as all over the coordination of the relationship between the population and the environment are important. Theoretically, the degree of harmony of the population and the environment can be used a specific population capacity index to measure. With the help of the population and socioeconomic development indicators, and build an environment carrying population model, trying to quantitative analysis of the different parts of the population and environment relationship from the point of view of the population, as an example of regional population development and environmental improvement in the degree of coordination. We can assume that the environment there is a standard bearer population unit, in accordance with the national average level of productivity, the level of urbanization, population of the level of resource endowments, the regional natural population according to its variable level differences converted into the corresponding environmental carrying population. Environment carrying the total population of the provinces and autonomous regions in the total population and its natural should be consistent, but the actual distribution of the population has changed, and this change is the direct reaction of the regional population and environment relationship.

We construct the basic model is:

P i b = P n i × E × U i i × C i × W i × F I (1)

Wherein, P n Representative of the absolute population of the various regions the Jibei study natural population size of the population; i representative of the various regions; P i b Environment represents a region bearing population; E i represents the level of economic development of the regions for comparison; U i Comparative index represents the level of urbanization of the population in each region; C i represent the population of arable land for comparison; W i represents the volume of fresh water per capita comparison index; F I represents the forest coverage rate comparison index;

Further decomposed representation of the respective components, the above formula is extended to:

P i b = P n i × e i / × u i / × c i / × w i / × f i / (2)

e i is defined as the level of per capita GNP, the total amount to reflect the level of economic development of the region; / Is defined as the average level of economic development of the various regions of the country; e i / I.e. (E i ) Is the level of economic development of each region for comparison, the values reflect the relative productivity of the relationship between the level of economic development of each region and the national average or regions; U i as a comparative index of population urbanization, the urbanization rate of the provinces and autonomous regions in addition to obtained to the average urbanization rate of the provinces and regions, u i / is that the indicators can reflect the degree of concentration of population of the region, is essential for the study of regional environmental carrying capacity and ecological pressure; arable land per capita is an important indicator of refraction of a regional per capita arable land, arable land as the effective use of resources is human foothold This is the most fundamental and most important resource, the size of the arable land big impact on the production and living of the residents is no doubt, we use c i / Represents a comparative index of per capita arable land. Water is the source of life, the amount of freshwater resources in the possession of both closely related to the quality of life of the residents, they are important indicators of environmental quality assessment using wi / To represent the per capita fresh water resources for comparison; the forest human life barrier, and the coverage rate is a direct indicator of environmental quality assessment, we use fi / as forest coverage comparison index.

We know that the relationship in the population and the environment, simple, more natural population is unable to reflect the differences in the population of the pressure on the environment, because of the different resource endowments and environmental protection in different regions, different levels of productivity and living standards of the population, their production and living pollution generated. After finishing above several comparative indexes, we can get the regional environmental carrying capacity index; in turn, it can get the region's environment carrying population. Obviously, environmental carrying population is around the level of productivity in considering the level of urbanization and resource endowments future population size, population survival into the level of economic development and the quality of the line adjustments, it is a virtual population assumed. A comparable population as a standardized size of the population, it can make different quality.

This model can be applied to the quantitative analysis of the compare different socioeconomic conditions of the population pressure on the environment, help study population development and economic, social and environmental coordination, for example, although the same size of the population. But because of the production different level of resource endowments and environmental quality, but the performance gap environment bearing the number of the population, in order to compare the population pressure on the environment, this can be described as clear and concise as indicators to measure the development of the population in all regions.

The Regional Differences of China's Environment

Carrying Capacity

According to the environmental carrying population model, an empirical analysis of the relationship between the population and the environment of the various regions of China, in order to verify the operability of the model. The data in this article come from the basic data of the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the China Regional Statistical Yearbook published. By fitting, they are listed in the table below.

Environmental carrying capacity index value are relative to the size to reflect the size of the ecological capacity or ecological pressure, the greater the environmental carrying capacity index, the greater the ecological capacity, the higher the quality of the ecological environment, the relationship between the population and the environment, the more relaxed; contrary, ecological the lower the quality of the environment, the relationship between the population and the environment, the more tense. The study found that the environmental carrying capacity index level uneven. 2000, the province with the highest environmental carrying capacity index Heilongjiang, index as high as 36.7686, the lowest in Ningxia, the index was 0.0 088, the former is the latter 4000 times. Environmental carrying capacity index in 2008 in Guangdong, the index of 13.1040, the lowest index is Ningxia 0.0 141 indexes, the former is the latter 1000 times. Under the existing conditions, the relationship between the population and the environment of China's provinces and autonomous regions is very different. According to the size of the environmental carrying capacity index, the chinese provinces and cities divided region, namely: the carrying capacity index greater than 10 A area (bearing area) carrying capacity index (2, 10) Area B (high-load region), the bearer capability index (1, 2) between the C region (generally bearing area), carrying capacity index (0.5, 1) between the D region (lower bearing zone) and carrying index less than 0.5 E zone (low bearing area).

Located in Zone A of the provinces in 2008, Guangdong and Heilongjiang provinces; 13 Yunnan, Zhejiang, Guangxi, Fujian, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Hunan, Tibet, Hubei, Liaoning, Hainan province located in Area B; located Area C of the four provinces of Guizhou, Anhui, Shaanxi, Chongqing and other provinces; located in Zone D of the four provinces of Shandong, Jiangsu, Xinjiang, Henan; located in Zone E of Hebei, Qinghai, Shanxi, Gansu, Beijing, Tianjin Shanghai and Ningxia provinces.

From Table 2, we found that:

First, the existing level of economic and social development, ecological prospects of the same, and some provinces in environmental carrying population increase is declining in some provinces. Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui, Fujian, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi and environment carrying population decline, and other provinces on the rise. Of course, the rise and fall at different rates.

Second, the population growth rate is not necessarily lead to the deterioration of the local environment, the further decline of the carrying capacity of the environment, such as Xinjiang, Ningxia, Tibet, Hainan, Tianjin, Beijing and other provinces and cities, the population growth rate of more than 10%, but the population of the region the growth does not lead to the further decline of the carrying capacity of the local environment, opposite, environmental carrying population growth there, some of the growth rate is still very prominent, such as Xinjiang growth rate of 60.35%, and 78.55% in Ningxia, Tibet up to 97.20%. Therefore, the population and the environment between the degrees of the decisive factors are tenser than population growth.

Third, environmental carrying population is huge, and significantly more than the natural population provinces of Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, and Yunnan provinces, environmental carrying more than population billion people, and the population of these provinces and environmental relations in relatively good condition. The environment carrying significantly lower than the population of natural population provinces of Ningxia, Qinghai, Gansu, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanghai, Shanxi and other provinces, population and environment relationships of these provinces relatively tight, attention needs to be paid to environmental protection work.

Fourth, in addition to the Shaanxi environment carrying population is reduced, the other environmental disaster population of the western provinces is increased, visible, although the ecological environment in the western region has not been fundamentally changed, however, the situation becomes better, indicating that the western region on The importance of environmental protection. On the contrary, in the provinces of the eastern region, except Hainan, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Beijing, Tianjin, and other provinces in the case of natural person's mouth below the national average growth, the environment carrying population were to decline, indicating that the eastern region of economic development on the environment caused by pressure, environmental protection cannot keep up the pace of economic development.

Fifth, the standard deviation of the population and environment carrying in 2000 is 29184.67, and 24812.92 in 2008; the difference decreases as time goes on.

In terms of the environmental carrying population distribution, we can be divided into five grades, the environment carrying more than 400 million people as a district, is between 1 to 400 million b District, is between 0.5 to 1 billion c area, d zone between 0.1 to 0.5 billion, less than the 010 million e area. So, is located in a region of Heilongjiang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces; eight provinces of Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hubei and Hunan provinces in area, b; located at c the six provinces of Jiangsu, Shandong, Henan, Guizhou, Shaanxi and Anhui; located in the d zone of Hebei, Hainan, Chongqing, Tibet, and Xinjiang provinces; in e area of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanxi, Shanghai, Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia seven provinces.


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