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1. Ted was hard-working. His success made him work _________.(2013年,江西省)

A. harder B. hardest C. more quickly D. most quickly

2. _______ you hit the horse, _______ it will go. (2013年,广东省茂名市)

A. Hard; fast B. The hard; the fast

C. The harder; the faster

3. Debbie is growing fast. She is even __________ than her mother. (2013年,北京市)

A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest




Tom is the youngest of the three boys. 汤姆是三个男孩当中年龄最小的。

Tom is the youngest boy in our class. 汤姆是我们班里年龄最小的男孩。


very, quite, so, too只能修饰形容词、副词的原级,比较级前的修饰语可以用表示程度的much, a lot, far, a little, a bit, even, still等修饰。例如:

He is a little (much) taller than I. 他比我个子高一点儿(多了)。

I have many more books than you. 我的书比你的多得多。(注:many只可放在修饰可数名词的比较级前。)



I know you better than (I know) him. 你和他两个人相比,我还是更了解你。


Helen jumps faster than he/ him. 海伦跳得比他远。



Tom is taller than any other boy in the class.(=Tom is taller than any of the other boys in the class.)


They laugh at me just because I’m shorter than anyone else in the class. 我是班上个子最矮的一个, 他们为此而嘲笑我。

五、注意比较结构中的of the two

在含有比较级的句子中,如果of the two表示比较范围,此时,比较级前要用定冠词the。例如:

The purse is the more beautiful of the two. 这个钱包是两个中较漂亮的一个。

This dictionary is the better of the two. 两本词典中,这本比较好一些。


在使用比较级时, 比较的双方必须是同一类人或物,非同类的事物是不能进行比较的。例如:


误:His pen is cheaper than I.

正:His pen is cheaper than mine.

析:his pen只能与my pen相比较,这里的 mine = my pen。


误:The weather in Beijing is colder than in Shanghai in winter.

正:The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai in winter.




The supermarket is busiest on Sundays. 这家超市周日最忙。

The children are happiest on Saturdays. 孩子们在周六最快乐。


Collecting stamps is my latest hobby. 集邮是我最近的爱好。

Those tallest boys in our class, please stand at the back.我们班个子最高的那些男同学,请站在后面吧。

八、注意“比较级 + and + 比较级”的使用

“比较级 + and + 比较级”或“more and more + (多音节词的)原级”结构表示“越来越……”。例如:

The snow is thicker and thicker. 雪越积越厚。

Nanchang is becoming more and more beautiful. 南昌变得越来越漂亮了。

九、注意 “the + 比较级,the +比较级” 结构的使用

“the + 比较级,the + 比较级”结构表示“越……就越……”。例如:

The harder you work, the more you will learn. 你越努力学习,学到的东西就越多。

The higher the tree, the stronger the wind. 树越高,风越大。


两者相比,表示一个是另一个的多少倍时,可用“...times + more + 名词(可数,不可数)+ than...”结构,表示“……比……多少倍”。例如:

He earns five times more money than he did ten years ago.他现在挣的钱比十年前多五倍。

There are twice more students in our class than in theirs. 我们班的学生数比他们班多两倍。


1. Of the two pencil-boxes, the boy chose ________ one.

A. less expensive B. the least expensive

C. the less expensive D. the most expensive

2. I think Zibo is becoming ________. (2013年,山东省淄博市)

A. more beautiful and more beautiful

B. more and more cleaner

C. more and more beautiful

D. clean and clean

3. ――The doctor told me not to eat too much, but I find it difficult.

――The doctor is right._____ you eat, ______ you will be.(2013年,湖北省咸宁市)

A. The less; the healthier B. The less; the more healthier

C. The more; the healthier D. The more; the more healthier

4. The number of the students in our school is _____ than ______. (2013年,山东省威海市)

A. much larger; that of No. 8 Middle School

B. more larger; that of No. 8 Middle School

C. much greeter; No. 8 Middle School

D. more large; No. 8 Middle School

5. ――Many boy students think math is ___________ English.

――I agree. I’m weak in English. (2013年,湖北省十堰市)

A. much difficult than B. so difficult as

C. less difficult than D. more difficult than

6. China is larger than _______ in Africa. (2013年,山东省烟台市)

A. the other countries B. any country

C. any of the other countries D. any other country

7. ――What do you think of the house?

――It is much more beautiful than ______. (2013年,青海省)

A. we B. us

C. ours

Keys: 1-5 C C A A C6-7 B C