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有问有答 第9期

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No.1 经常见到be said to be 这一句式,不知是什么意思?请介绍一下(最好能举例说明)。(湖南 姜志勇)

答:be said to be主要用于表示“据说”“被认为”等。如:

He is said to be a good teacher.他被认为是一个好教师。

Women are of ten said to be more emotional than men.女人常常被认为比男人易于动感情。

Einstein was said to be a rather slow learner in his boyhood.传说爱因斯坦小时候学得相当慢。

Shakespeare is said to be the foremost writer in the English language.莎士比亚被认为是最杰出的英语作家。

No.2 如何用英语表示汉语的数量词“副”,如“一副手套”“一副耳机”等


(1)用a pair of表示。如:

a pair of gloves一副手套

a pair of ear rings一副耳环

a pair of headphones一副耳机

a pair of spectacles一副眼镜

a pair of crutches一副拐杖

a pair of shoe-laces一副鞋带

(2)用a set of表示。如:

a set of false teeth一副假牙

a set of building blocks一副建筑积木

(3)用a pack of表示。如:

a pack of cards一副纸牌


a knife and fork一副刀叉 a cup and saucer一副杯碟


Some people have naturally beautiful voices while others need to be trained.有些人天生就有一副好嗓子,有些人则需要训练。

An ambulance officer brought a stretcher for the injured woman.救护车工作人员带来了一副担架抢救受伤女子。

The man wore sunglasses that concealed much of his face.该男子戴着一副遮住了大半个脸的太阳镜。

No.3 be but是什么意思?but表示“但是”吗?(山东 刘海滨)


She is but a child.她还仅仅是个孩子。

I have seen him but once.我只见过他一面。

It is but a joke.这不过是开玩笑而已。

Our world is but a small part of the universe.我们的世界只不过是宇宙的一小部分。

No.4 能说It's fun to do sth吗?如果能说,那么它与It's funny to do sth有区别吗?(湖北 何雪娟)

答:It’s fun to do sth和It’s funny to do sth都可以说,但两者有区别。首先要明白funny与fun词性不同:funny是形容词,意为“有趣的奇怪的”;fun是名词,意为“有趣的事”。


It is more fun to go with someone thanto go alone.偕伴同去比自己独自去好玩。

It’s funny to see a man walk with hishands and head.看见一个人倒立走路很滑稽。

No.5 over the years 是什么意思?它通常与什么时态连用?(天津 王清轩)

答:over the years的意思是“这么多年来”“经过这么多年之后”,它指的是一种从几年前持续到现在的情况,因此通常与现在完成时连用。如:

My tastes have changed greatlyover the years.几年来我的爱好有了很大改变。

Life was difficult then but thingshave got better and better over theyears.那时生活很艰苦,但情况已一年比一年好了。

Women’s social status hasn’tchanged much over the years.这些年来妇女的社会地位没有多大改变。

No.6 two of us与the two of us有什么不同?(湖南 王成坚)

答:two of us指“我们当中的两个人”(我们总共不止两人),the two ofus指“我们两人”(我们一共只有两个人)。根据情况,其中的数词two也可以是three,four,five,six等。体会下面的句子:

Only two of us passed the exam.我们当中只有两个人通过考试。

The two of us passed the exam.我们两人都通过了考试。

Five of us have seen the film.我们当中有五个人看了这部电影。

What about the five of us goingto see a film?我们五个人去看电影怎么样?