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A Kingdom of Huge Trees

By Yang Jusan

The Western Tianmu (Western Heavenly Eyes) Mountain, nearly 100 kilometers west of Hangzhou, the capital seat of eastern China’s coastal Zhejiang Province, is famed for its forest of aged-old huge trees. The mountain spreads over an area of 1,000 hectares where ancient but thriving trees tower and spread. According to scientists, of the 2,600 plus plant species seen there, 37 have Tianmu in their academic names and 35 are under the protection of the state government. Designated as a national nature reserve in the 1980s and the only one in the province for a long while, the mountain area has kept its primitive ecology intact.

Trees are the soul of the Western Heavenly Eyes. The huge Cryptomeria trees, the symbol of the mountain, look like heavenly guards that flank zigzagging paths and loom huge in precipitous valleys and on undulating slopes. According to folk legends, Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799) measured the perimeter of the thickest tree with his belt only to find that his belt was not long enough. The emperor named the tree ’King of Trees? Unfortunately, however, the royal tree, measured 2.4 meters in diameter, suffered a pathetic fate: those who wished to enjoy health and longevity tried to absorb the royal blessing from the tree. They began to steal barks, leaves, and twigs from the huge tree until the king did not have any bark left. The king of trees died more than 7 decades ago, after a long painful torturing over centuries. Fortunately, after the demise of the last king, a new king has succeeded to the throne in the Western Heavenly Eyes. It is so gigantic that some pragmatic and using-data-to-convey-vivid-messages killjoys calculate that this king is equal to 81 cubic meters of timber. According to them, none of the other trees in the mountain has that much of timber to offer.

Gingko trees in the mountain are the very antique left over from a period of 170 million years ago when dinosaurs were first roaming the wild planet. Dinosaurs disappeared but some seeds of the gingko trees in the Western Tianmu Mountain somehow managed to survive the Quaternary ice age. They geminated and by now, some seedlings have grown into the world’s oldest gingko trees.

Pseudolarix amabilis is another plant wonder in the Western Tianmu Mountain. One of the five major species of landscaping trees in the world, this special cypress flourishes in the forest at 1,000 meters above sea level in the Western Tianmu Mountain. The tallest one measures 56 meters in height, taller than a ten-storied building. It is said to be the tallest of the same species in the world.

The Western Tianmu Mountain is more than a kingdom of trees. It is a sacred place of religions. In the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD), some Taoists tried to seek nature’s help in this mountain in order to find a way to become immortal. Zhang Daoling, a sect leader of Taoism, was born in the Tianmu Mountain. Buddhism began to flourish here during the Jin Dynasty (265-420). Over centuries, more than 50 temples came and went. The most flourishing period saw over 1,000 monks reside there. The Chenyuan Temple, nestled against the woods of towering Cryptomeria at the foot of the mountain, was first built in the 4th year of Emperor Kangxi (1654-1722) of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). It is more than 300 years old now.

(Translated by David)