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Finding the right word was a lifelong quest for French novelist Gustave Flaubert注1:

“Whatever you want to say, there is only one word that will express it, one verb to make it move, one adjective to qualify it. You must seek that word, that verb, that adjective, and never be satisfied with approximations[接近], never resort to[诉诸于] tricks, even clever ones, or to verbal[文字上的] pirouettes注2 to escape the difficulty.” (letter to Guy de Maupassant注3)

A perfectionist (who happened to have an independent income), Flaubert would spend days worrying over a single sentence until he got the words just right.

Most of us, I suspect, don’t have that kind of time available. As a result, we often have to be“satisfied with approximations” when drafting[起草]. Loose synonyms[同义字] and almost-right words, like temporary bridges, let us move on to the next sentence before a deadline arrives.

Nonetheless[虽然如此], converting[转换] inexact[不精确的] words to precise[准确的] ones remains a critical part of revising[修改] our drafts—a process[过程] that can’t be reduced to a formula or a clever trick. Here are ten points worth considering the next time you find yourself in search of the right word.






1. Be Patient 有耐心

In revising, if the right word is not at hand[在手边], run a search, sort, select process through your mind to see if you can find it. Be prepared to rewrite today what you revised yesterday. Above all, be patient: take the time to select words that will transfer your exact thought to the mind of a reader.

(May Flewellen McMillan, The Shortest Way to the Essay: Rhetorical[修辞上的] Strategies)


2. Wear Ou t Your Dictionary 翻烂你的词典

Once you have a dictionary, use it! Wear it out!

When you sit down to write and need a particular word, pause to consider the key ideas you want to convey[传达]. Start with a word that’s in the ballpark[在某一范围内]. Look it up and go from there, exploring synonyms, roots, and usage notes. Many’s the time a usage note in the American Heritage[传统] Dictionary has led me to the word that fits, much as the right jigsaw puzzle[拼图玩具] piece slips into place.

(Jan Venolia, The Right Word!: How to Say What You Really Mean)




3. Recognize Connotations[(词的)涵义] 辨别涵义

Do not be fooled into thinking you can replace one word for another simply because a thesaurus[同类词汇编] groups them together under a single entry. The thesaurus will do you little good unless you are familiar with the connotations of possible synonyms for a given word.“Portly,” “chubby,” “chunky,” “heavy,” “overweight,” “stocky,” “plump,” and “obese” are all possible synonyms for “fat,” but they are not interchangeable[可互换的]. Your task is to select the word that conveys most accurately[精确地] the precise shade of meaning or feeling you intend.(Peter G. Beidler, Writing Matters)


4. Pu t Away Your Thesaurus 收起你的分类词典

Using a thesaurus will not make you look smarter. It will only make you look like you are trying to look smarter.(Adrienne Dowhan et al.[等人], Essays That Will Get You Into College)


5. Beware of Fancy[奇特的] Language 注意浮华的语言

There is a difference between vivid[生动的] language and unnecessarily fancy language. As you search for the particular, the colorful, and the unusual, be careful not to choose words merely for their sound or appearance rather than for their substance[实质,本体]. When it comes to word choice, longer is not always better. As a rule, prefer simple, plain language over fancy language.

Avoid language that seems stilted[呆板的] or unnecessarily formal, in favor of language that sounds natural and genuine[真实的] to your ear. Trust the right word—whether fancy or plain—to do the job.

(Stephen Wilbers, Keys to Great Writing)




6. Delet e Pet Words 删掉口头禅

They may be more pests than pets. They are the words you overuse without even knowing it. My own problem words are “very,” “just,” and “that.” Delete them if they’re not essential.(John Dufresne, The Lie That Tells a Truth)


7. E liminat e[除去] the Wrong Words 消灭错的词

I do not choose the right word. I get rid of the wrong one. Period[(口语)就是这样].(A.E. Housman, quoted by Robert Penn Warren in “An Interview in New Haven”)



8. List en 听

[B]ear in mind, when you’re choosing words and stringing[串起] them together, how they sound. This may seem absurd[荒谬的]: readers read with their eyes. But in fact they hear what they are reading far more than you realize. Therefore such matters as rhythm[节奏] and alliteration[头韵] are vital to every sentence.(William Zinsser, On Writing Well)


9. Be True 真情实感

“How do I know,” the sometimes despairing[绝望的] writer asks, “which the right word is?” The reply must be: only you can know. The right word is, simply, the wanted one; the wanted word is the one most nearly true. True to what? Your vision and your purpose.(Elizabeth Bowen, Afterthought: Pieces About Writing)


10. E njoy 享受愉悦

People often forget that the sheer[纯粹的] joy of finding the right word which expresses a thought is extraordinary, an emotional rush of an intense kind.(playwright Michael Mackenzie, quoted by Eric Armstrong)


Is the struggle to find the right word truly worth the effort? Mark Twain thought so. “The difference between the almost-right word & the right word is really a large matter,” he once said. “It’s the difference between the lightning bug[萤火虫] & the lightning.”
