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[摘要] 目的 建立大连地区尿氟正常值,为职业病诊断提供依据。 方法 采用国标方法离子选择电极法测定尿氟。选择2011年2~12月大连市内五区来我院进行召工体检,各项检查均正常,无氟接触史,年龄为21~53岁的正常人群共798名作为测定对象。 结果 798例尿氟检测结果经统计学分析显示,男女间差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);将市内五区分为两组,尿氟检测结果差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),分别为0.91 mg/L(甘井子区与高新园区)、1.05 mg/L(中山区、西岗区和沙河口区),与总体1.0 mg/L差异不大;最终确定大连正常成人尿氟值在1.0 mg/L以下。 结论 大连地区尿氟正常值小于国家标准1.6 mg/L,在职业病筛查及诊断中应适当降低标准,以免漏检。

[关键词] 尿氟;正常值;离子选择电极法

[中图分类号] R446.122 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)07(b)-0113-02

Exploration of urinary fluoride results of 798 normalin Dalian area

SUN Dongjie GU Li WEI Wei

Department of Physical and Chemical Inspection, the Forth People's Hospital of Dalian City, Liaoning, Dalian 116001, China

[Abstract] Objective To establish the normal value of urinary fluoride, in order to provide basis for the diagnosis of occupational diseases. Methods The urinary fluoride was measured by the national standard method, namely ion selective electrode method. A total of 798 normal people without fluoride contact history from five districts in Dalian city aged from 21 to 53 years old, who received recruit physical examination in our hospital from February to December 2011 were selected. Results Statistical results of 798 people's urinary fluoride showed that there was no significant difference between male and female (P > 0.05); five districts in Dalian were divided into two groups, there was significant difference in urinary fluoride value between the two groups (P < 0.05), which were 0.91 mg/L and 1.05 mg/L respectively, but the two groups had no large difference from the overall 1.0 mg/L. The normal urinary fluoride value of adults in Dalian was below 1.0 mg/L. Conclusion The normal urinary fluoride value in Dalian is lower than the national standard of 1.6 mg/L, so the standard should be lowered properly in the screening and diagnosis of occupational diseases, in order to avoid omission.

[Key words] Urinary fluoride; Normal value; Ion selective electrode method


1 对象与方法

1.1 对象


1.2 试剂与仪器

1.2.1 仪器


1.2.2 试剂 氟化物标准储备液 将氟化钠于105℃烘2 h,冷却至室温后准确称取0.221 g,溶于去离子水中并移于100 mL容量瓶中,定容至刻度,冰箱保存,此溶液1.00 mL含1.00 mg氟化物。