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肖庆周: 创建现代生态海洋化工大基地

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海化集团的超常规跨越式发展,首先得益于投入的大气魄,尤其是新上大项目多。去年仅过亿元的项目就有10多个, 40万吨重油综合利用、两个40万吨焦炭、2.4万吨三聚氰胺、60万具二氧化碳灭火器瓶体、热电扩建二期工程、合资溴化物等项目已陆续投入运行,年产60万吨纯碱扩建和8万吨硝盐扩建项目现在相继进入试生产阶段。





















海化集团制碱每年产生800多万吨蒸氨废清液、废渣,制盐每年剩余100多万吨苦卤,仅是盐碱一个产业链条上产生的这些“废弃物”, 如果直接排海,渤海莱州湾南岸的潍坊近海势必成为一片“白滩”,海洋生物将荡然无存。


肖庆周认为,在海化每上一个项目,决策者首先考虑的是兼顾“前后左右”的关系,产品能否和上下游产品接续成链,能否和关联产品复合成网,资源能否实现综合利用直到“吃干榨尽”。 目前,海化集团海洋化工产业形成了溴系列、纯碱系列、苦卤化工系列、精细化工系列高度关联、互为依托、精深加工、滚动增值的生态工业“互联网”。




Nowadays, whoever visits the Shandong Haihua Group (SHG) will find a prosperous scene of busy construction spots and flourishing factories, all of which reveal a powerful “industrial group” rising on the land.

The year 2003 witnessed an extraordinary “great leap forward” development of SHG. Under the disadvantageous conditions that the price of its dominant product (soda ash) reduced by a great margin while the prices of raw materials increased by a large margin, SHG still turned over revenues of 5.38 billion yuan, taxes of 650 million yuan, and profits of 370 million yuan, increasing by 59.1%, 73.1%, and 149.1% over the previous year, respectively.

According to current provincial guidelines to develop new-type industries, SHG has energetically increased its investment and adjusted and optimized its industrial structures, which has resulted in sustainable development.

“To work in an enterprise, the consciousness of responsibility and risk should be higher than any other thing. Nothing will tolerate your carelessness and laziness,” said Xiao Qingzhou, Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of SHG.

This extraordinary great leap forward development of SHG, first of all, arises from the large amount of investments, especially the many new invested projects. Among the invested projects last year, more than 10 are with an investment scale of more than 100 million yuan. Thus far, quite a few of these have already commenced operations; among these are the comprehensive utilization of 400,000 tons of heavy oil, 400,000 tons of coke furnace, 24,000 tons of trimeric cyanamide, and 600,000 carbon dioxide extinguisher bottle bodies. In addition, there are the second phase extension of the thermal power plant and the joint-funded bromide project. The extension projects for annual production of 600,000 tons of soda ash and 80,000 tons of nitrate have been initiated as experimental operations.

For SHG, the increasing of investment is an important measure to seek survival and development. At the end of the 1990s, a wave of mergers surged among Chinese SOEs (state-owned enterprises). As a result, SHG incurred heavy burdens: accepting 20 enterprises that had already stopped production or stopped half production as well as 14,800 employees from the Building Materials Company and the Chemical Industry Company, which led to over-employment and low efficiency. At that time, SHG had to pay the salaries of nearly 27,000 employees with loans from banks. The low operation quality and returns at that time resulted in a 1.2 billion loss and way too many non-performing assets.

Luckily, the 20 newly invested projects over the past three years have all succeeded, turning out the expected goals of high content of science and technology, outstanding scale advantages, and powerful promotion functions.

Nowadays, SHG is energetically engaged in large projects for this year. Through investing more than two billion yuan, SHG is transforming the heavy soda ash production of the old soda ash factory, improving the supportive facilities of the new soda ash factory, and going ahead with the project of 10,000 tons of chlorine alkali, the project of 10,000 tons of PVC, the construction of 50MW power generation sets of the third phase of the thermal power plant, and the 50 tons of coke project of Xuecheng Coke Plant, each of which will require an investment of more than 100 million yuan.

In the past, when mentioning the products of SHG, people would think of salt, alkali, and bromine. The saltworks make salt, and the alkalin factory produces soda ash with salt. Last year, since the price of soda ash dropped by a large margin, compared with the previous year, the price of each ton of soda ash reduced more than 110 yuan, which made the profits of SHG fall sharply by 150 million yuan.

The price changes in the soda ash market present a trough curve. When the price is at the bottom, the returns of the enterprises, inevitably, will fall into the bottom, even incurring the danger of bankruptcy.

“Last year, even under these disadvantageous conditions, SHG realized a rapid and coordinated development. This happy result arises from the adjustment of industrial patterns over the previous year,” said Xiao. “As a direct result of adjustment over the previous years, SHG, while involved in its dominant industry (i.e., ocean chemicals), according to its own actual status, has oriented itself to the international and domestic development trend and marketing demands, and has gradually expanded its business scope to include coal chemicals and petrochemicals and is now making every effort to develop them into additional dominant industries.”

Cultivating cooperation with international petrochemical magnates and domestic ocean chemical enterprises to develop the petrochemical industry is another important strategy for SHG to adjust its industrial structure. Previously, SHG had a petrochemical factory engaged in the intensive processing of non-distillate oil. Though possessing professional technologies, this factory only had the annual ability to process 150,000 tons of oil. Therefore, in the previous year, in accordance with relevant state policies that encourage the development of energy resources, the decision-makers of SHG decided to invest 250 million yuan in constructing a plant to process 400,000 tons of heavy oil. At present, the project has been smoothly commenced; and when fully put into operation, this project can increase sales turnover by 800 million yuan every year. Moreover, by relying on the expansion ability of the petrochemical industry, the factory makes it integrated with the ocean chemical industry. The ethane and propane produced by the intensive processing of non-distillate oil, integrated with the chlorine gas produced by the ocean chemical production of chlorine alkali, will produce polychlorovinyl. By 2005, the sales turnover of petrochemicals will hit more than two billion yuan.

Today’s SHG has formed an industrial pattern supported by three dominant industries (salt, coal, and petrochemicals) as the pillars, and five industries as auxiliary supports. The latter include thermal and electric power, tertiary industry, building materials and real estate, chemical industry machinery, and fine chemicals.

SHG lays the emphasis concerning capital operation on attracting overseas investment to accelerate the opening-up and large-scale development. At present, the bromide project jointly funded by SHG and the Dead Sea Bromine Group (DSBG) of Israel has been put into operation. The total investment of this project is 300 million US dollars. In the first phase of engineering, an investment of 30 million US dollars will develop eight kinds of products. After the whole project is put into operation, it will not only make China’s production technologies of bromide reach world advanced level status and earn more foreign currency through export, but also will greatly promote the hi-tech of China’s ocean chemical industry and related industries.

While developing cooperation with DSBG and Itochu Corp. of Japan, SHG is also making every effort to develop cooperation with the world top 500 corporations with a view toward establishing a group of hi-tech joint-ventures. In the previous year, SHG signed 25 agreements on cooperation inclinations and 17 contracts on cooperation, which totaled 970 million yuan of potential investment. Thus far, 320 million yuan have already been invested, and this has energetically promoted the sustained and rapid development of SHG.

At present, among the 40 kinds of major products produced by SHG, more than 30 are exported to more than 40 countries and regions, turning over import and export volume of 127 million US dollars, among which the turnover of export volume is over 100 million US dollars, increasing by 87% and 103% over the previous year, respectively, which turn SHG into the largest modernized base for production and exportation of ocean chemical products nationwide.

During the course of alkali production, SHG can turn out more than eight million tons of waste ammonia liquid and residues every year. During the course of salt production, more than one million tons of halogen is left over every year. If these waste liquids and residues are directly put into the sea, the offshore of the southern Laizhou Bay of the Bohai Sea will be polluted, destroying the survival environment of marine animals.

In order to process these waste residues, SHG specially sets up a factory to process the water products, which not only prevents the waste products from being put into the sea, but also produces more than 100,000 tons of salt every year. Besides, SHG has invested in the setup of a project to produce calcium chloride with waste ammonia liquid, which can process more than two million tons of waste liquid and produce 120,000 tons of calcium chloride every year, 70% of which is exported. With the constant expansion of soda ash production, the volume of waste liquid is accordingly increased.