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To Rain or Not to Rain

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The National Meteorological Center(NMC) has forecast that rainstorms will hit China’s western regions over the next three days while the south will continue to see lingering(拖延的) high temperatures. The NMC said that from Tuesday to Thursday, storms will hit Chongqing Municipality and some areas in Sichuan and Guizhou provinces, and severe rainstorms are expected to hit the northern part of the Sichuan Basin and parts of Shanxi province.

The continuous downpours that have wreaked havoc in Sichuan since Thursday evening have left six people dead, four others missing and some 27,600 people forced to relocate, sources with the provincial flood control office said.

As of 5:00 pm Monday, the rainstorms have leveled about 1,000 houses and affected some 290,000 people in seven cities and 32 counties in the province, according to the office. A total of 36 monitoring points from 21 counties have recorded precipitation of more than 100 mm, while the highest rainfall was registered at 465 mm in the city of Chongzhou. Direct economic losses are estimated to reach 500 million yuan ($77 million) as a result of the rainstormtriggered flooding.

Raintriggered mudslides have also cut off access to a pivotal highway in the province, State Highway 213, which links Sichuan with northwestern Gansu province and southwestern Yunnan province. The highway was referred to as a “lifeline” by rescue workers following the devastating 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, which occurred in Sichuan’s Wenchuan County.

Downpours on Monday morning triggered new caveins at the Luoquanwan Bridge section of the highway, which greatly hindered repair work. Taxi Driver, said, “My car has been waiting up there for 40 minutes. The water is too deep, as high as 20 centimeters. And it entered into my car and turned it off. Every year we face the same circumstances during the flood season.”

The local meteorological(气象的) center forecasts that more heavy rainfall will be coming in the following days, which will pose a big challenge to the city’s sewer system.

Scorching heat will continue to hit the southern and southeastern regions, with the highest temperature expected to reach 39 degrees Celsius in some areas, and the heat wave will persist in these regions on Wednesday. In Shanghai, residents are bracing for what will be the most intense heat wave this year. The local meteorological center has issued an orange heat warning, cautioning that temperatures will hit nearly 38 degrees Celsius.

The forecast indicates that Beijing and neighboring Tianjin Municipality will also endure hot weather on Tuesday, with temperatures ranging 35 to 37 degrees Celsius.

(文章选自: www.省略/china/201107/05/content_12838179.htm)


1. Which of the following is right according to the passage?

A. Storms will hit Chongqing Municipality on Monday.

B. The continuous downpours have left more than six people dead.

C. Over the coming 3 days, the south of China will have to fight against rainstorms.

D. Approximately 27,600 people are forced to leave their homes because of the continuous downpours.

2. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To call on people to protect the environment.

B. To introduce the different weather information in different parts of China.

C. To tell us how to fight against rainstorms.

D. To tell us how to fight against high temperatures.

3. The underlined word “triggered” in para.5 probably means .

A. explored

B. protected

C. caused

D. rejected

4. It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that .

A. the highest temperature has reached 39 degrees Celsius in some areas.

B. the heat wave will disappear on Wednesday.

C. the intense heat wave has drawn the local meteorological center’s attention.

D. Beijing and Tianjin will continue putting up with the hot weather on Tuesday.

A long dispute means that both parties are wrong. (Voltaire)


1. D。细节判断题。答案在第二段里有着明显的提示,…some 27,600 people forced to relocate…。A选项可以从第一段from Tuesday to Thursday这个时间排除;B选项可以从第二段…have left six people dead ……排除;C选项可以从第一段第一句话排除。

2. B。主旨大意题。纵观全文我们可以看出全文介绍了中国目前西部涝灾而其他一些地方却长时间干旱高温。A选项文章没有提到;本文不是讲如何抗洪和抗旱,所以C和D选项错误。

3. C。词义猜测题。根据第五段前两句话:周一的大雨 高速公路罗全湾大桥段新的塌方,这极大地阻碍了维修工作。我们可以得知,此处应该填“引起”之类的词。故答案选择caused。

4. C。推理判断题。根据第七段The local meteorological center has issued an orange heat warning. 我们可以得知当地的气象部门已经非常关注酷暑天气。A选项可以根据文章中with the highest temperature expected to reach 39 degrees Celsius in some areas排除掉;B项无法从文中推断出来,是杜撰出来的一个信息;D选项是文章中最后一句基本原话,不属于推断出的结果。



我国地域辽阔,天气变化万千,洪水、飓风、地震等不可抗性灾难频发。人民的生命和财产造成巨大的伤害。近50 年来,我国每年由地震、旱涝、疫病等自然灾害造成的直接经济损失约占国民生产总值的 4%.自然灾害已经成为影响我国经济发展和社会安全的重要因素,依靠科技进步,提高我国防灾减灾的综合能力已成为当务之急。我国政府已一系列措施,极大地防止和减轻了灾害的危害和损失。每个人都必须履行其责任和义务来保护环境。作为学生,该是我们必须采取一些有效措施去保护环境的时候了。如果今天我们细心呵护我们的地球,明天它将更美好。


Our country region is vast, the weather changes a lot and floods, hurricanes, and seismic resistance disasters waiting. People’s lives and property caused great damage. Nearly 50 years, our country annually by the earthquake, drought, disease etc natural disasters caused the direct economic losses accounted for about 4% of GDP. Natural disasters have become effect on our country’s economic development and social security of the important factors.

To enhance our country of disaster prevention and mitigation comprehensive ability has become a top priority. Our government has taken a series of measures to prevent and reduce greatly the disaster harm and loss. Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment. As a student, it’s time that we must do something useful to protect our environment. If we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow。(138W)


本文中有不少单词是《课程标准》和《考试说明》中列出的重点词汇,下面精选expect, register, estimate, persist, indicate五个常考的单词及其拓展知识进行讲解。

expect vt.

1. to think or to believe that sth will happen orwill do sth 预料;预期; 预计

We are expecting a rise in food prices this month. 我们预计这个月食物价格会上涨。

2. (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时) to be waiting for sb/sth to arrive, as this has been arranged 期待;等待;盼望

I’ll expect you for supper at six o’clock.


3. to demand thatwill do sth because it is their duty or responsibility指望;要求[(+from/of)]

Don’t expect too much of him. 别对他期望过高。

The professor expected respect from his students. 教授认为学生理应尊敬他。

4. used when you think sth is probably true猜想;认为;料想

―Are you going out tonight? 你今晚要出去吗?

―I don’t expect so. 我想不会吧。



expect sth from期望从某人那里得到某物

expect too much from对某人期望过高

to be expected 可能发生

register vt.

1. to record your/sb’s/sth’s name on an official lift 登记;注册

William went to the city hall to register the birth of his son.


2. the instrument shows or records that amount (仪表等)标示,指示;记录

The thermometer registered 70 degrees. 温度计显示七十度。

3. to show or express a feeling 流露;表达

Her face registered surprise. 她脸上露出了惊异之色。

4. to send sth by mail, paying extra money to protect it against loss or damage 挂号邮寄;托运

I want this letter registered. 我想挂号邮寄这封信。


register for sth 为……注册(登记)

register in sth 把……登记为成员

estimate vt.

to form an idea of the cost, size, value, etc. of sth, but without calculating it exactly (对数量或成本)估计;估算

The police estimated the number of demonstrators at about 5,000.


The medicare cost is estimated to be one billion dollars.



estimate sth at sth 估计……为……

The police estimated the number of tourists at about 20,000. 警方估计旅游的人数大约为两万人。

estimate for 对……估价

I asked building firms to estimate for the repair to the roof. 我请了几家建筑公司估价修理这屋顶所需的费用。

persist vi.

1. to continue to do sth despite difficulties or opposition, in a way that can seem unreasonable 顽强地坚持;执着地做[(+in/with)]

Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened.


2. to continue to exist 维持,保持,持续存在

If the symptoms persist, consult your doctor. 如果症状持续不消除,就得去看医生。


persist against sb’s remonstrance 坚持不听某人的规劝

persist in 坚持

persist in one’s denial 一直否认

persist in doing sth 坚持做某事

persist in one’s opinion 坚持己见

persist with efforts 继续努力

persist with a policy 坚持一项政策

indicate vt.

1. to show that sth is true or exists 表明,显示

Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy.


2. to be a sign of sth; to show that sth is possible or likely象征;暗示

A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day.



indicate fine weather 预示好天气

indicate one’s intention 表明意图

indicate the reasons 表明理由

indicate by 用……指示

indicate with one’s eyes 用目光示意