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My mom is a world-class chef, at least in our eyes. Her repertoire ranges from southern to northern Chinese cuisine, spiced with some Western influences. But, in my opinion, her specialty is in good old and comfort foods, the soul food of China, like jiaozi, chunbing and jiucai hezi.

As her daughter, I felt it an obligation to use this time living at home to learn a few family dishes. I grew up watching my mom pirouette in the kitchen and I dutifully ate all the remainders. It’s about time that I whetted my appetite for cooking and not just for eating.

Crossing the culinary threshold is, without a doubt, the hardest step. As my mom tells me, she started cooking when she was at the tender age of eight. I’m starting to cook at the not-so-tender age of 23. By now, I should be wielding a chef’s knife like nobody’s business. At the very least, I should be able to cut a slab of meat.

I crossed the threshold with some great fear. Ahead of me was a war of monolithic proportions―cutting, frying, chopping, sauteing. On my first lesson, I was clanging into the kitchen with my hand-made, head-to-toe body armor, fit with chain mail. My mom cried out in horror. I’m sure she was trying to figure out if I was actually her child. Where on earth were those cooking genes?

We started off with something innocuous―a simple but hearty Chinese noodle dish. “The egg and tomato noodle with green onion!” my mom said excitedly. The beginning of the lesson started off smooth enough. I washed the tomatoes with great expertise. I was chided when I started washing the eggs. Apparently, this isn’t really necessary.

It started getting heated when I was separating the egg yolks from the egg whites. The problem: my eggs decided that separating was not for losers. It refused to be split into yolk and white. I wouldn’t blame it. It took a good 10 minutes before the mission was completed.

The next step was beating the eggs with just a tad bit of water. This wasn’t too bad. Even cutting up the tomatoes wasn’t too difficult. The worst part was to come―the eggs frying in a wok. I’m deadly afraid of hot oil. I danced around nervously, waiting for the oil to get to the right temperature. “See if the oil is ready,” my mom asked. I gave her a question mark. She sighed in despair, “Go to put your hand over the oil.”

“You’re serious? You want me to precariously drop my hand over the hot oil?” I repeated incredulously. “Yes.”

I went on a diatribe of how dangerous and foolish this instruction was. By the time I finally dropped my hand over the oil, I knew it was hot enough. The sides of the pan were starting to spit wisps of smoke.

“This is how we do things,” my mom explained. “You must test the oil. The oil must be very hot to fry the eggs so it gets fluffy.”

I yelped as I poured in the eggs. It sputtered and spewed angrily at me. With one eye closed, I stabbed the eggs, which were forming into little islands, with vengeance. No longer than a minute later, my mom directed me to take out the eggs and place it aside.

While the noodles cooked in the pot of boiling water, I sauteed the tomatoes. I was doing fine until my mom instructed me to put in the seasoning. “Just a spray of that. Just a pinch of this. Just a...well you know...a bit of that.” My mom tried to explain.

She cooked with her heart. Since she was so experienced, she knew exactly how much sugar or salt to add. However, this didn’t translate so well to me. I looked blankly at her.

By the end of my first experiment, I had an over-cooked and over-salted but rather satisfactory dish.

我 的妈妈是一个世界级的厨师,至少在我们眼中她是这样。从中国的南方菜到北方菜,她都会做,还加入了一些西餐的风味。但是在我看来,她最拿手的是那些用老法子做的食物,也就是那些中国传统美食,比如饺子、春饼和韭菜盒子。












