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英国问答 第11期

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William: Hello and welcome to Ask About Britain, the programme where we answer your questions about British life and culture. I’m William Kremer.


My name’s Jason. I’m from Harbin, China. I have a question today. You know, among

Chinese young people, there are some kinds of activities for us to get together and have fun, such as go[ing] to [a] nice bar, cinema, karaoke bar…something like that. So do you British people

like karaoke? If not, what’s your best way to get your friends together and have some fun?

William: As we’ve just heard from Jason, a lot of young people in China like to go to a karaoke bar when they want to catch up or have some fun together.

Yang Li: That’s right. It would be interesting to find out whether young Brits have a similar taste or not.

If I was going to see friends of mine, we might go out into the park, or go for a walk, or play football. Karaoke wouldn’t be something that we would do, but we might sit down and watch TV. We might watch a film. I like to go out to…to restaurants. I’m not much of a one for clubbing, although people are, you know, and they will drag[拖] you along.


William: That was Martin, a young

professional in his late 20s. He said karaoke wouldn’t be something he and his friends do together. Instead they might go for a walk or play football.

Yang Li: I’m not surprised, William, as

football is so popular in Britain.

William: Other things he likes doing with friends include watching TV or a film, going to a restaurant, but not going clubbing.

Yang Li: Do you ever catch up with friends by going clubbing, William?

William: …No, I don’t, Li. There are other things I like better, to be honest with you. Let’s hear this young woman sharing her views on what young people like to do to catch up with one another.

Yeah, I think they will meet like in cafés for coffee. They will meet for lunch. They will go around to each other’s houses, flats, you know. And if they’re students, you know, they will go to each other’s…kind of accommodation

halls[宿舍]. They will meet in...they will go to like, I don’t know, like social clubs, like book clubs. Internet as well, Facebook, Twitter, you know, MSN, you know, this…I think that’s more like the young persons’ thing now.


William: It’s interesting that she should

mention the Internet as being the young

persons’ thing now. It’s indispensable[不可缺少的]

for them as a way of catching up with friends. She also mentioned a few popular social

networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and MSN. However, nothing is like a face-

to-face catch up with friends.

Yang Li: I agree.

William: So far, we’ve been looking at young people in their 20s or 30s. How about younger teenagers?

Yang Li: Actually a group of school girls aged 14 to 15 are eager to tell me how they like to catch up with friends.

Girl A: To catch up with my friends, I like to go shopping.

Girl B: To catch up with friends, we usually go shopping too, or we go to a place to visit, such as, like, a day out for fun.

Girl C: When I go to catch up with friends, I usually go to the cinema, and maybe get a pizza before, and we usually talk, so…yeah, that’s fun.




William: Girls will be girls, I’m afraid. They just love shopping together, don’t they?

Yang Li: Yes, they do. But William, you haven’t told me yet what your style of

catching up with friends is. Going to the

theatre or museums, I guess?

William: How did you know, Li? How did you know? No, actually, you’re right. I, in fact, in my lunchtime today, I went to a museum with a friend.

Yang Li: You see? I have seen it. You are such a cultured person! Thanks for joining me today, William, and thanks to Jason for your interesting question.

William: Till the next time, bye bye.

Yang Li: Bye for now.