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Kimberly: Hey, Garrett! Guess what?

Garrett: Hi, Kim. What’s up? Why so excited?

Kimberly: I just got my first job offer!

Garrett: That’s great! Congratulations!

Kimberly: Thanks! I’d hoped to get an offer before we graduated, but I didn’t expect to get one this quickly.

Garrett: ①Yeah, looks like you’re really quick off the blocks on this one. ②So, spill the beans: what’s the offer?

Kimberly: It’s a consultancy position in a private power company back in my country.

Garrett: Back in your country, huh? That’s great! But are you sure it’s the right position for you?

Kimberly: What do you mean “are you sure?” Being an energy 1)consultant is my dream job!

Garrett: Oh, I know. I meant, are you sure you want to launch your career at a private company? After all, you’re graduating at the top of your class.

Kimberly: I’m not following you at all. What’s wrong with the private sector?

Garrett: ③Well, in China, most people seem to think that public-sector positions are the plum jobs. Private-sector work can be seen as 2)second-rate.

Kimberly: Really? But I was under the impression that private-sector jobs paid better.

Garrett: They usually do, but the preference for government jobs isn’t as financial as it is cultural.

Kimberly: ④You’re gonna have to walk me through that.

Garrett: Well, you know about “face”, right? Lots of people think government jobs have more face than private sector jobs.

Kimberly: Even though the pay is often only half as much?

Garrett: Yeah. 3)Reputation is a big deal. In a way, a healthy reputation does more for your quality of life than a good salary does.

Kimberly: I see. In that case, I guess I can see how young people would want to start their careers in a stable position with an 4)admirable reputation.

Garrett: Exactly. Also, in terms of job stability and social stability, the public sector has the advantage. Private companies can’t always guarantee a stable future for new hires, and often they can’t help you get hukou.

Kimberly: That is a big cultural difference. In my country, we don’t have hukou. People move around pretty freely.

Garrett: I hadn’t thought about that. So, I guess government jobs aren’t as respected in your country as they are here.

Kimberly: Yes and no. Government jobs are seen as being 5)respectable, but because government agencies don’t have as much market pressure on them, we think that they can run the risk of 6)stagnating. Young people usually enjoy the fast-paced, energetic, profitable life of a 7)motivated private company. Stability is for old people!

Garrett: Maybe that’s true in your country. As for me, I plan to take the offer I just got at the state 8)power grid.

Kimberly: You got an offer, too? That’s great!

Garrett: Thanks! Looks like you’re not the only one getting your dream job!


























① Yeah, looks like you’re really quick off the blocks on this one. 嗯,看来你这次真的抢先一步了。

quick off the blocks: start an activity early and quickly(抢先一步,领先)。例如:

Look at the sales numbers. Terry’s team is quick off the blocks this time so we need to work hard.


② So, spill the beans: what’s the offer? 那么,跟我分享下:你的工作是什么?

spill the beans: share information with sb.(与某人分享信息)。例如:

Come on over guys. I’m going to spill the beans about Ted and Julie’s breakup.


③ Well, in China, most people seem to think that public-sector positions are the plum jobs.好吧,在中国,大多数人好像都认为国营企业的职位才是美差。

plum job: a desirable position which is well-paid(美差,待遇优厚的工作)。例如:

Come on, Tom. Be realistic. It is almost impossible for a new graduate to get a plum job.


④ You’re gonna have to walk me through that.你得给我详细解释下。

walk sb. through: explain sth. in detail to sb.(向某人详细解释某事)。例如:

Could you please walk them through the process again? They are new and have a hard time understanding our operation.
