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(本文摄影:夏子昂 杜小芬)

21-Year-Old Dutch Goes to Chinese Primary School

By Gong Ming

On November 1, 2006, Wenzhou Evening News in Zhejiang Province published a photograph with a caption that “the 21-year-old Foreigner Studies in Primary School”. The photograph shows a young man writing “Hello, my teacher” in Chinese on a blackboard with a piece of white chalk. He was surrounded by his classmates, a large group of 8-year-olds. The photograph story caused a sensation across the city.

The young man in the photograph is Huton Blant from the Netherlands. The blond young man looks a typical westerner at a glance. His father is an oil painter and his mother a middle school principal. The family had no relations whatever with China. But since the 1980s the Chinese population in the Netherlands has grown rapidly, many people being from Wenzhou. In the city of Rotterdam, there have appeared dozens of Chinese restaurants and hundreds of shoe and fashion shops, all operated by business people from Wenzhou in southern Zhejiang Province. With the growing Chinese population, schools have appeared for the Chinese children. A lady surnamed Lin from Yueqing, Wenzhou was particularly passionate for education for Chinese children in the Netherlands. Since she was in education, she made friends with Huton Blant’s mother. The mother and the son were often invited to attend Chinese gatherings in celebration of Chinese festivals. This was when young Huton Blant was exposed to the Chinese culture. He decided to learn the Chinese language.

After graduation from high school, Huton Blant persuaded his parents to let him come to China to learn the language. A friend in the Netherlands introduced him to work in a restaurant in Chengdu, capital of southwestern China’s Sichuan Province. After half a year, the young Dutch managed to speak elementary Chinese with some Sichuan accent. But he could neither read nor write and he worried his accent was far from standard Mandarin.

So Huton Blant asked his mother to ask Lin if it was possible for him to attend a Chinese school at the woman’s hometown in Yueqing, Wenzhou. With some strings pulled here and there, the proposal was approved by the education authorities in Yueqing. So in August, 2006, Huton Blant arrived in Wengyang Town and got himself ready to start at the second grade. He would study Chinese and music at the No.5 Wengyang Town Primary School.

His appearance in the school attracted local residents across the remote seaside villages in the rural town. Huton was pleased, for he knew the more the people, the more opportunities he got for learning Chinese. He blended quite well with his classmates just in a few days. They asked him questions about his purpose in Yueqing, his interest in learning the Chinese language, and the size of windmills in his homeland, etc. and they told him Chinese stories, seafood and local cuisine, etc. Such a full exposure to Chinese enabled Huton to absorb the language fast. He asked his mother to send 52 notebooks from home by express delivery, which he distributed as gifts to each of his classmates.

His classmates have attributed his fast progress to his earnestness. He is most attentive in listening to the teacher; he writes Chinese characters with greatest care and keeps asking questions if running into any problem. He never cheats in examinations. He scored 62 in his first monthly Chinese test, rather poor in the eyes of his classmates. In the second examination, some friends passed some tips to him, trying to help him out. He declined. He scored 75 this time, showing a great progress. The class clapped their hands when he was given a little red paper flower as an award for his achievement.

His teacher thinks one of the great contributing factors for his fast progress is that Huton Blant keeps a diary in Chinese and submits it to his language teacher for comments and corrections regularly. The teacher red-pencils misspelt words and corrects mistakes in syntax and diction. The teacher sometimes is amazed by the way Huton Blant writes about his life experience in Yueqing and his comments. One day, the teacher found that Blant wrote more than 300 words in an interesting piece of diary and praised Blant.

The gentle, polite, courteous, and warm-hearted Huton Blant behaves himself well, setting a fine example to his younger classmates. His presence in the school has brought about some subtle and positive changes in the school spirit. They learn from him.

(Translated by David)