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As the outlook of this planet rests primarily in the hands of the children of today, it is the role of parents and governments to ensure the education of sustainable development is as 1)far-reaching as possible. From a school administrator in the middle of America to children in 2)Ethiopia, no one is 3)exempt from the responsibility of passing on education that will sustain relationships and our way of life. It is vital to explore every opportunity that educates children, parents and communities, wherever they present themselves.

Where most people would see an unfortunate 4)eyesore, Bill Ahlers, the business manager for Community High School District 117 in 5)Antioch,6)Illinois, saw opportunity in a neighboring 7)landfill. Ahlers’ idea―use gas produced in the landfill to generate electricity and heat for the high school, cut utility costs and provide practical educational experiences for students.

After 20 years of monitoring and maintenance, the 8)Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the landfill owner were making plans for the final closure of the facility. 9)Enter Ahlers. He successfully raised funds and carried out a plan that cost approximately $1.9 million, but will pay for itself over the course of 20 years and provide 10)substantial savings in the form of reduced energy costs and environmental impact. The project impressed the EPA so much that it named the Landfill 11)Methane Outreach Program Project of the Year. Antioch shared that honor with the 12)BMW manufacturing facility in 13)South Carolina, which has also installed a landfill gas-to-energy system to generate electricity and hot water. “Through the efforts of the Antioch Community High School, a14)liability has truly been turned into an asset,” says the EPA’s Chris Voell about the Antioch award. “Not only has this project turned a former landfill into a source of renewable energy, this project serves as a great learning tool for the students and the community.”

Youth are benefiting elsewhere on Earth. In Ethiopia, children, parents, youth groups, schools, community groups, NGOs, farmers, the private sector, local authorities and national governments are uniting to sustain the environment one tree at a time. At the turn of the 20th century, 40 per cent of Ethiopia was covered by forest. Today, that figure is just 3 per cent. 15)Deforestation is 16)jeopardizing livelihoods and 17)taking its toll on children’s development. In 2007, as part of its millennium celebrations, the Government of Ethiopia pledged to plant more than 60 million trees across the country. This is part of 18)UNEP’s “Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign”―a worldwide program that strongly encourages the planting of 19)indigenous trees and promoting education of sustainable development. By the end of 2009, more than 7.4 billion trees had been planted under this campaign by participants in 170 countries. The Billion Tree Campaign will make a substantial contribution to the 2010 20)International Year of Biodiversity.

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Operating on a deeper level, educational campaigns such as those implemented in Illinois and Ethiopia, teach much more than the sustainability of resources―everyone involved learns the value of sustaining relationships with all human beings. These programs place the environment firmly in the hands of our future generations and instill a belief in nature, and preserve a way of life that will last long after the seeds have been sown.





从更深的层次上说,那些像在伊利诺斯州和埃塞俄比亚实施的教育活动,教育的不仅仅是资源的可持续性――更多的是让每个参与者学习到维系自然与所有人类之间的关系其价值之所在。这些项目把环境坚定地交到我们后代的手中,并向他们灌输对大自然的信仰,播下这些 “思想种子”,保持一种可长期持续的生活方式。

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