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Problem and Countermeasure Analysis of Shandong Province Community Service Infor

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Community service is an important part of community construction. Informationization is the inevitable direction of the development of community services and under the background of global informatization,community service informatization has became one of the most hottest issues. In recent years, many cities in China including shandong provinces which actively construct community service informationization and put it into operation, which made some achievements in practical work, but some problems are highlighted. This paper aims to summarize and analyze the construction problems of community information service in Shandong province, and put forward the related countermeasure, I hope this research can offer some theoretical complements to the development of it.

Key words: Community; Community service; Informatization

The community service informatization mainly refers to establish a community service information network in the city connecting city, district, street and residents’committee, which applying with telephone, fax and computer network information technology, integrating varieties of information resources to realize the sharing of community resources and provide comprehensive information technology community service for community residents and organizations, therefore, the public can enjoy the convenience of community service informationization without go out. The community service informatization is a part of city’s informatization, which is the aggregation and service object of the government informatization, enterprise informatization and social informatization. Does well the job of community service informatization have important significance to improve the quality of residents’ life and it is benefit to promote social construction.


After many years of construction, Shandong province community service industry has a great development, which has played a positive role in improving the quality of residents’ life; the construction of community service informatization has obtained some achievements. But with the deepening of economic system reform and global informatization process accelerated, the improvement of people’s living standards and the increasing demand for community service, the existing problems and difficulties in the development of community service informatization have been arising gradually, which mainly showed in the following aspects:

1. The position of government is unclear which resulted in leading too much, yet the management is not smooth.

The community service informatization is still a new thing in our country, so there are little related materials. Due to the lack of theoretical guidance, community service is usually regarded as a government work, a single and passive behavior, due to the essence of community services lack enough understanding and grasp, which leading to the unreasonable position of the government.

On one hand, the government dominant is overmuch, community services administration tendency is serious. This tendency is embodied that the government dispatch Street agency to implement vertical management to community service, thereby weakening the function of the guidance, planning, public service and supervision and management of the government in community service, affects the overall efficiency of community service of the play, and the direct consequence is that the existing community management is not significantly reduce the government’s social burden, nor improve the residents from the deeper awareness of democratic participation, community management is still be more of a government behavior.

On the other hand, the government responsibility is not clear. Community service is a collection of many service sector, which involved in business, labor, land, urban construction and other departments, each sector has different cognition and focus to the community service. From the perspective of the government, the focus should be on the overall planning and policy guidance about community service informatization. At present, the government of Shandong province is unclear the role and the responsibility in promoting community service, which is also lack of macro-control, lack of overall planning and coordination, without format the overall development planning of community service.

Finally, the community management system is not smooth; the authority has not yet been clearly. Community service is a work with strong social and service, not only have a clear legal norm, policy guidance, but also have specialized management institutions. At present, the all departments of Shandong have not yet established an all-round, supporting laws and regulations system and management system. So the relevant administrative departments at all levels, lack of coordination, work role ambiguity, working relationship of ownership is not clear, responsibility is not clear, lack adequate integration effect.

2. Knowledge of community and information is not enough, consciousness of residents and social order is thin, and lack of strong sense of participation and the participation degree is low

Residents are the main force whom involved in the community to promote the community development, and they are also the dominant force in the goal and essence that community service informationization construction. From the present situation of Shandong community service informationization, the rate of residents and all take part in the community is very low still, and in this limited participation, still under the government mobilization.

The first is the information knowledge is not enough;

the awareness of residents to participate in community service and the sense of Identity information is not strong. At present, the relevant job did not keep up with in time, the concept of residents’ community service informatization is vague, and did not form a sense of identity and belonging. Many residents still do not know what services and how to receive services that the community service informatization can provide, services and be serviced was not formed an effective communication channel. Residents’ participation consciousness is not strong, in the current situation, there are still some problems in the information services such as the low rate utilization and unused equipment problem which all have been built into, which led to the social benefits of the information network are not fully realized, not to mention what economic benefits.

The second is has not a strong sense of community volunteer service. Public opinion propaganda is not enough, thus the majority of residents do not understand the volunteers and volunteer activities deeply, otherwise, they still stay in the level of “heard” or “cognitive”, the cognition degree of community volunteer service is insufficient, cannot actively participate in community activities all that make the community management in awkward situation of loud thunder but small raindrops.

3. Community servicers’ quality is not high, information level is low, information services management and the personnel training need to strengthen urgently

The informatization construction of community service, not only require high community service and professional knowledge and skills, but also need senior professional staff have the knowledge of network management, system safety, construction sites and other related information, and requires a large amount of personnel have the basic knowledge and community depth information resources development. At present, the overall quality is relatively low, and technology professionals, professional social work staff and management personnel are lacked badly, whole information talent training, training mechanism of adaptation to community information needs is lack, so that the community service informatization project development and service quality is difficult to improve, it is difficult to meet the requirements of the development of community information services.

4. Lag of infrastructure, lack of supporting measures, without form the service network of multidimensional wide coverage of the community, service information system work well

On one hand, although the infrastructure in some areas is perfect, but the overall situation is that the community service and information related to hardware construction investment are insufficient, lack of funds, personnel, planning, coordination of a series of measures, all of which resulted in the already established information system performance.

On the other hand, the construction of community information, understanding is unified, the competent departments administered separately within each region information construction, the lack of overall planning and overall department coordination, thus the public information resource’s low level of digitalization information resources, lack of effective integration, there is no established the public information resource library, forming extensive coverage of large the database, the information isolated island. The community management and service information mining set, such as working repeated, serious impact on community work efficiency and enthusiasm of community informatization.

5. The lack of funds for construction

The community service informatization construction cannot leave capital investment. At present our country and Shandong province community service funding mainly comes from three aspects such as government funding, donations and paid service income. On one hand, as a result of our country and local finance income have been strained so that they could not come up with a large sum of money into community service, in developed countries, the government to the community generally accounted for more than 50%, our country most accounted for about 30%.On the other hand, the social economic level is relatively low, units and individuals to the social public welfare donor capacity limited. At the same time, the community operating income is not high, had not formed a funding source. So, in the province of Shandong community service industry in the development process has been existing in service demand and expand service fund shortage this contradiction. Some communities are the lack of long-term stable economic source, directly affects the construction of the community and development.

6. Information service contents and forms to be innovative

The community service informatization vitality lies in application; this requires the information resources development must meet the growing need for change. Shandong community service and information in the long-term government generally run at a low level, form and content of services to meet all of the members of the community, and a plurality of individual modernization demand. Some community website information has not been updated for a long time, the contents of both lack of personality which can not reflect the community characteristics and lead to the residents lose interest. Therefore, some informatization pilot invested considerable funds for line modification and hardware acquisition, established a small LAN, but for the residents to provide only Internet access services, and other daily service hardly carry out, and the construction of information from beginning to make money, also created enormous waste.


The community service informatization construction is a complex social system project, involve square respect area of the society, must have the aid of government, market and social force, using it to promote community service industry development, in order to develop the community service industry to support the construction of informatization, through the establishment of a modern community service information network, providing service to the community to provide various types of products and services, to meet the needs of residents, to promote the benign operation of community service and information. In general, we can take the following measures to improve the community service informatization construction in Shandong province:

1. The government should attach great importance to and fully support the community service informatization construction, reasonable positioning, and adequate power, make scientific planning and policy guidance

Community service and information related to people’s daily life and various social services, security work, the government must use information technology tools to enhance community organization and guidance, catch good community service informatization construction, and strengthen guidance.

Firstly, the Shandong provincial government should straighten out the community construction management system, adequate power and reduce administrative sex factors on community service and information behavior, and gradually play the role of city community autonomy organization. The responsibility of the government in this work should be the policy guidance, provide funds, material help, and strengthen the community service informatization planning, coordination, evaluation, its function should show more top-down administrative, policy guidance, and from macroscopical level expansion. Government behavior should gradually withdraw from microcosmic management environment, form the government, departments, social organizations and volunteers to participate in the community service informatization to run a mechanism.

Secondly, the community service informatization

construction of scientific planning and policy guidance.The community service informatization city informatization construction into the overall planning, in order to guarantee the construction of community information to adapt to the development of the application of information technology, to develop a community information service construction technology requirements and management approach, unified, efficient management department, responsible for the construction of the coordination work and after the completion of the management work, promote community information service efficiency sustainable development.

2. Improve the community residents and all social levels of community informationization consciousness, build a good running pattern

The community service informatization construction, want to achieve community members and social order of the understanding, consensus, participation, and community members to participate in informatization construction is an important premise that community members must have a sense of community. Only members of the community have a strong sense of community service information, can be an active interest in, and put into the construction of community information to, take as the rights and obligations of community residents, community service and information can be entered benign development. Therefore, on one hand, want to solve good community residents of the community informatization is cultivation of the awareness of problem. On the other hand, must be clear in the development of community information services building, resident and each order has specific responsibilities, mobilize social forces, promote the development of community service information system of benign operation, so that the community service informatization construction in the government of unified planning and promotion of the healthy development, formed the unified leadership of the government, comprehensive coordination, the relevant departments to support and the vast majority of residents to participate in the benign operation pattern.

3. Good community information service talents training work

The talent is not only the most precious resource in the implementation of community informatization construction, but also the important factors to promote the development of community information services. The community service informatization construction needs a high-quality information technology professional team, to take various approaches to training and the introduction of community information service personnel, to meet the needs of the development of city community information service.

First of all, to make full use of the news media and various other community resources, increase the community information management education, propaganda through lectures, training, competition and many other ways to improve community management application level of information, let them realize that community service information management is the inevitable trend of community service, thereby accepting, habit, like information community management and services, and actively involved, for the community service informatization construction sustainable development lays good foundation.

Secondly, strengthen talent introduction and training, the establishment of a high-quality community service informationization construction professional team. Take the “bringing in, going out” strategy, enlarge the information talent introduction and training, at the same time based on Colleges and universities, the establishment of a professional team of volunteers, forming the part-time team of highly qualified professionals, for the community service informatization sustainable development key factors.

4. Unified planning, resources integration, good information technology infrastructure

On one hand, the construction of community information need sophisticated network, computer, information communication technology and other infrastructure as a platform, but at present, the level of Shandong province is that the infrastructure is backward, which restricted the expansion of information service. Henceforth, it is necessary to increase the dynamics of infrastructure construction. On the other hand, database construction determines that community information resources sharing and utilization level, and ultimately determines the success or failure of community informatization. Community informatization should which collected data, how to collect the data of community informatization implementation process is a major problem. According to the Shandong province community informatization planning, coordination, integration of all functions of the Department of resources, the establishment of a comprehensive public information exchange platform and community portals, strengthen departments and community information between the exchange of information, strengthening the construction of database, realize the sharing of resources, prevent the act of one’s own free will, the bulls construction.

5. Innovation financial support mechanism, ensure the community service informatization construction funds

Community information services needed the network infrastructure, the development of community informatization unified platform, the training of community information skills, the popularization of residents computer skills, the mining of organization of information resources and the need of a large number of financial and technical supports. The Shandong province community service informatization construction funds mainly come from the government, if things go on like this will cause the government increased load. Can innovation financial support mechanisms, absorb more enterprise and social investment; emphasize the government, market and community participation. Through multiple channels of financing, investment, form of operation, extensively absorb the folk capital, encourage the parties to join the community information value-added services, make the information construction of the funds required for adequate.

6. To enrich the content and form of information services to residents, diversification of demand oriented community service informationization construction

Community construction is not the government, nor the telecommunications sector and real estate business, and is the only community residents. Community residents demand is driven by the driving force for the development of community information services, to the needs of community residents as the center, to develop the community informationization construction, is to determine the key factors for the success of community informatization. Therefore, community information service should be the “user-centric”, improve the service network, providing employment, domestic service, community management, housing repair, logistics, sports and entertainment, science and technology education, health care, business finance, social security, transportation and tourism the diverse interactive information service project, increase of residents absorption capacity, and constantly enrich the content, the way of innovation, to meet the broad masses of the people to the information consumption demand. With the actual demand for the wizard, advance Shandong to save the community service informatization construction in Shandong Province, to achieve the goal of sustainable development of community informatization.

7. To standardize the market, enhance service

To promote the development of economy and society, government and market are playing an important role, a good government and a perfect market mechanism are the two important factors to promote the construction of community. In the community service informatization construction, the government is neither possible nor necessary to undertake all the matters, but at the same time it also need marketing approach, the “governmentled, community, market operation”, which not only can realize the investment saving, convenient management and maintenance purposes. Will the government takes the lead of the community service informatization system gradually transformed into a plurality of investment subject in common, construction and operation of“information service platform”. Investment main body by the government the sole into government, enterprises, professional investment institutions to participate in the operation of the main streets, by; construction of information department in charge of change government, residents, businesses and other common construction, service main body from the original government extended to the community, businesses and residents from. Practice shows, only closely around market make an issue of, and meet the needs of residents, to achieve social and economic benefits of double harvest, community information service to sustainable development and benign operation.

To sum up, the community service informatization construction is a complex systematic project, which not only need strong push and support of the government, the market operation, but also need active participation of the residents of the community and all kinds of organizations. Establish the government guidance, department coordination, market operation, the operation mechanism of community participation in the community service informatization, is the rapid development of the route one must take informatization construction.


I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis.

My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Teacher Wang Meng and Ding Ri for they constant encouragement and guidance. They have walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without they consistent and illuminating in struction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.

Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Teacher Zhang Juan, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past time.

Last my thanks would go to other teachers who helped me during the writing.


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