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Part 3 Traveling at Home

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Kathryn: Hey, Tom! Been a while since I’ve seen you. I was beginning to think you’d gone off traveling again!

Tom: Oh, come on! It’s only been a week! And of course I haven’t run off somewhere. I had to stay in town to host Laurence.

Kathryn: Your couch surfer? Ah, I’d completely forgotten! How was it?

Tom: It was great! He’s a really cool guy. ①We did get off to kind of a rocky start, though.

Kathryn: Uh oh! What happened?

Tom: Well, like you said, I decided to be careful, so I asked him to meet me in a coffee shop before letting him come over to my place.

Smart Sentences① We did get off to kind of a rocky start, though. 尽管我们开头确实不顺利。

get off to a rocky start: have a bad beginning(有个坏的开头)。例如:

The movie got off to a rocky start, but in the end I liked it.


② Good call. 做得好。

good call: used to express that someone has made a good decision(用于表达某人作了个很好的决定)。例如:

—I decided to eat a salad instead of a steak.


—Good call. Salad is much healthier.


③ But it was like squeezing blood from a stone! 但似乎都不可能。

squeeze blood from a stone: try to get sth. from sb., even though it’s almost impossible(努力从某人那里得到某物,尽管几乎是不可能的)。例如:

Getting money from my dad is like squeezing blood from a stone.


④ He finally admitted that he was totally beat from his trip. 他最后承认因为旅途劳顿,他累坏了。

to be (totally) beat: to be very tired from hard work or activity(由于工作或活动而非常累)。例如:

After playing football all afternoon, I was beat.


slip sb.’s mind: to be momentarily forgotten by sb. (完全忘记某事)。例如:

George never called me back. It must have slipped his mind.


1) tension [???????] n. 紧张(状态),不安,压力

2) squeeze [??????] v. 压榨,挤,挤榨

3) prod [????] v. 刺

4) shuteye [??????] n. 睡觉

Kathryn: ②Good call.

Tom: I thought so, too. But when we sat down to have some coffee, it seemed like there was some 1)tension in the air. I tried to make conversation, ③but it was like 2)squeezing blood from a stone!

Kathryn: Not a promising start. Did you ever figure out what the problem was?

Tom: Yeah. After a little bit of 3)prodding, ④he finally admitted that he was totally beat from his trip, and he really just needed to sleep.

Kathryn: Ah, a simple fix.

Tom: Indeed. After he got a bit of 4)shuteye, he really opened up. We shared war stories about our travels.

Kathryn: Sounds like exactly what you were looking for! Tom: Without a doubt! Then, on Saturday, I showed him around town. He had a great time at the lake.

Kathryn: Come to think of it, the lake is a really fun place! I’m so used to it that I don’t think about it anymore. I guess an outsider can help you see your hometown in new ways!

Tom: Couldn’t have said it better myself!

Kathryn: So, what about Sunday?

Tom: Before he left, he decided to check out the couch surfers’ lunch we learned about from that website.

Kathryn: Oh! ⑤That slipped my mind as well! Was it everything you dreamed it’d be?

Tom: Yes, and more! Surrounded by so many travelers, I felt like I was on the road again, even though I was still in my own back yard!

Kathryn: You got the best of both worlds, then! Maybe I’ll come with next time.

Tom: You really should!

Kathryn: Maybe I’ll even take on a couch surfer myself! I do have a spare room, and I have been feeling kind of bored lately.

Tom: That’s a great idea—but it was a little scary letting Laurence into my place. No matter how nice a stranger seems, you never know what’s beneath the surface!

Kathryn: Noted. I’ll watch my back. Speaking of which, it’s time for me to get back to work! See you later, and keep me updated on your adventures!

Tom: Will do! Catch you later!