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Nim’s Island tells the story of a young girl named Nim, who lives on a deserted[荒废的] island with her

scientist father, Jack. She spends her days having wild adventures in the woods along with her animal friends and her wild imagination. Nim has a huge passion[热情]

for books, especially the Alex Rover books. One night when her father gets lost at sea, Nim sends a letter to her literary[文学的] hero pleading[恳求] for help. Little does Nim know that Alex Rover is a woman. Alex is

agoraphobic[患恐旷症的] and never leaves the house. She rarely even opens her door. Alex also has a wild imagination her fictional[虚构的] character Alex Rover talks to her, mocks[嘲笑] her, and gives her pep talks[鼓舞士气的讲话].

When they get Nim’s letter, fictional Alex badgers[纠缠]

Alex until he finally convinces her to leave her house to go and help Nim. After a long and terrifying journey, Alex makes it to Nim’s Island and tries to help. Will they find Nim’s father? Find out by going to see Nim’s Island.

Author Wendy Orr Talks About How it Feels to Have a Book Turned into a Film

I’ve been writing books for 19 years and had about 25 published in that time. Nim’s Island is a children’s book that was published in 1999.

In 2003, I got an email from Paula Mazur, a freelance[自由工作者] film producer in Los Angeles. She had picked up a copy of Nim’s Island for her seven-year-old son and her whole family had really loved the story. She asked if the film rights were available[可用的] and my first reaction was to scream a lot it was very exciting.

Things moved quickly from there. Paula and I worked together on the script[剧本] at first, and then two more writers were brought in and, ultimately[最后], the film’s two directors wrote the final draft[草稿].

The movie was shot at Hinchinbrook Island, Australia, from late July last year. I went up there in early August, and I couldn’t sleep at all for three nights because of the excitement.

I had expected the film set[(电影)布景] to be busy and lots of people to be involved, but everything was bigger, busier and calmer than I had imagined. There were about 200 crew[全体工作人员].

Another thing that surprised me was how friendly everyone was. I thought they would maybe let me stand on the sidelines[旁观], watching from a distance. Yet at one point I was sitting in the director’s chair with Mark, and he was very easygoing.

It wasn’t as glamorous[迷人的] as you might expect; these were people working very hard. No one dressed up[盛装打扮] or bothered with make-up.

I felt a sense of awe[敬畏] at meeting Jodie Foster.

I had such an awareness of her fame, but she was so lovely and normal. We chatted about children’s reading, and she told me that her eldest son had realized reading could be fun after reading Nim’s Island, so that was very special.

I found it really moving to see a little book that I created ten years ago being turned into a Hollywood blockbuster[大片].

Selkie, the sea lion, is a main character in the book, and on the day I got to meet the “real” Selkie, got to put my arms around her and hug her, I just started crying. It was so overwhelming[使(感情)难以自恃] to walk through[排练] the sets of scenes I had created in my mind. It was almost a creepy[毛骨悚然的] feeling, as if this was a house I had lived in a long time ago and had forgotten about.

My husband Tom and I got the chance to be

extras[临时演员] for one day, which was really fun, but I would hate to be a normal extra. I wanted to do it so that I could feel what it is like to be inside the movie, and it was really different knowing that you had to do what you were told and do it right.

We had to do the same thing over and over again, and Jodie said to me: “Isn’t this boring? Aren’t you bored?”

I found it amazing that the actors sometimes spend a couple of hours on less than a minute of filming.

They do it over and over, and the actors have to put everything into it each time. I have huge

respect[尊敬] for all of them. Abby is only 11, and to see her working like that was just phenomenal[了不起的].

On my last visit to the set, they gave me a prop[道具] from the movie:

the books that Jodie’s character Alex Rover wrote. They each wrote long messages to me inside them, and that was so touching.

It’s been the most phenomenal

experience, but I still enjoy my days of sitting in my office writing

that’s what I do and what gives me





















