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Two veterans(老兵) both fought in Vietnam war and witnessed the loss of their friends. But after the war, they led very different lives. 30 years after the war, one was 1 and lonely while the other was happy and healthy, 2 by a loving family and close friends.

So, what was the 3 ?

One man thought, “What is the point of being 4 to someone? Ill lose them anyway. ” So he lived his life in bitterness, not being close to anyone to

5 having to feel the pain of losing them.

6, the other man thought, “Life is precious. I have to live it to the7 and cherish every moment of it. ” So he lived his life in gratitude, 8every moment he has with his loved ones. What a big difference that made!

When I was studying in Cambridge, Mr. Beadsworth, a mathematics teacher 9 his famous “Rainbow Talk” in the auditorium. He said, “It seems that you and your friend are looking at the 10 rainbow, but you are looking at two different rainbows. ”

When I 11 the “Rainbow Talk” now, it is true that two persons may be looking at the same rainbow, but they still see it 12.

13 has meaning except the meaning you give it. You are 14 for giving meaning to everything that has 15 in your life. So, the question is, would you rather be 16 the first veteran who lived his life with 17 and fear? Or would you rather be like the second, who saw the18the war had taught him and created a more powerful meaning for it?

Either way, the good news is that, with 19, you now have the choice of 20 to any incident in your past that may be the source of your pain or you are suffering now, and create a new, more powerful meaning for it.

1. A. annoyedB. depressedC. worriedD. embarrassed

2. A. encouragedB. admiredC. surroundedD. blamed

3. A. differenceB. resultC. argumentD. point

4. A. generousB. helpfulC. friendlyD. close

5. A. escapeB. avoidC. missD. admit

6. A. BesidesB. ThereforeC. HoweverD. Still

7. A. longestB. mostC. bestD. fullest

8. A. treasuringB. pausingC. recallingD. remembering

9. A. finishedB. gaveC. heardD. drafted

10. A. rareB. colorfulC. sameD. beautiful

11. A. write aboutB. learn aboutC. talk aboutD. think about

12. A. differentlyB. clearlyC. directlyD. constantly

13. A. AnythingB. NothingC. SomethingD. Everything

14. A. anxiousB. readyC. responsibleD. eager

15. A. struckB. inventedC. disappearedD. happened

16. A. likeB. withC. againstD. for

17. A. bitternessB. worryC. disappointmentD. difficulty

18. A. truthB. lessonsC. valueD. message

19. A. effortB. intelligenceC. awarenessD. judgment

20. A. putting backB. reflecting backC. dating backD. going back



1. B【解析】第一个老兵感觉抑郁(depressed)和孤单,与另一个老兵的健康快乐形成对比。

2. C【解析】考查动词。第二个幸福的老兵被家人和朋友包围着(surrounded)。

3. A【解析】他们之间有什么差别(difference)呢?第四段最后一句“What a big difference that made! ”也给出了暗示。

4. D【解析】第一个老兵心想:“和一个人保持亲密(close)有什么用呢?反正早晚要失去他们。”下文中的“being close to anyone”给出了暗示。

5. B【解析】考查动词。所以他生活在痛苦中,不愿意和任何人保持密切的关系,为了避免(avoid)在失去他们时经历痛苦。

6. C【解析】根据语境可知,上下文表示转折关系,故选C。

7. D【解析】另一个老兵想:“生命这么宝贵。我要好好珍惜生活。”live life to the fullest意为“尽情享受生活”。

8. A【解析】所以他心中充满了感恩,珍惜(treasuring)与亲人在一起的每一刻。此处与上一句中的“cherish every moment of it”相照应。

9. B【解析】give a talk“作报告”。根据下文的内容可知此处答案为B。

10. C【解析】表面上看,你和你的朋友在看同一个(the same)彩虹,其实你们两个人看到的是两个不同的彩虹。“two different rainbows”给出了暗示。

11. D【解析】现在,当“我”思考(think about) Beadsworth老师作的关于彩虹的报告时,“我”非常赞同他的观点。

12. A【解析】虽然两个人都在看同一个彩虹,实际上他们眼中看到的彩虹有所不同(differently)。第五段的最后一句给出了暗示。

13. B【解析】只有你赋予它一定的意义时,我们身边的东西才有意义。

14. C【解析】考查形容词。你有责任(responsible)给你生命中的东西赋予意义。

15. D【解析】此处表示“那些发生(happened)在你生活中的每件事情”。根据文章的内容可知,其他三项均不符合逻辑。

16. A【解析】like“像……一样”。下一句中的“Or would you rather be like the second”有暗示。

17. A【解析】根据第三段中的“So he lived his life in bitterness”可知,第一个老兵的生活是不幸福的。bitterness “痛苦”符合语境。worry “担心”;disappointment “失望”;difficulty “困难”。

18. B【解析】考查名词。第二个老兵吸取了战争带给他的教训(lessons)。

19. C【解析】考查名词。只要我们保持清醒(awareness),我们可以选择快乐地生活

20. D【解析】考查动词短语。你有权利回忆(going back)你过去生活中发生的那些给你造成今天的痛苦的事情。