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My Visit to Mount Saint-Michel

By Yi Fei

I have been to France twice. Every time before I went I was told by my friends, “You would have to visit Mount Saint-Michel to make your visit to Paris complete.?So I flew to Paris after my trip to Greek early this year and then visited the rocky islet situated more than 300 kilometers away from Paris to make my trip complete.

The granite islet is more than an architectural wonder. Towering between Normandy and Brittany, the mount is home to an abbey dedicated to the archangel St Michael.

Unknown as a desolate place since time immemorial, the islet first appeared in the dream of Aubert, Bishop of Avranches in one spring night of 708 AD. The bishop dreamed of St Michael in golden shining lights ordering him to build an abbey on a heap of white rocks just thrown up by the sea. The priest was slow to remember the dream. It was not until the third dream in which the angry archangel thrust a finger on his head and made a hole in his skull that the bishop remembered the dream. What appeared in three dreams became reality through a long time. It took more than 40 generations of disciples and artists a good 800 years to get the grand architectural miracle erected on the granitic islet.

All the building materials were transported from outside. Architects added one chapel after another. Additional monastic buildings were added gradually. The 32-meter-high bell tower was built and the 8-meter-tall statue of St Michael was added to the top later.

Shortly after crossing a river, I saw the Mount Saint Michael loom, looking like an exquisite bonsai. The spire pointed at the azure sky and the statue shone dazzlingly.As parking lot was full up to the capacity, I had to park at the roadside and walked. After crossing a suspension bridge and entering the gate, I saw two rocky defense walls facing the sea. The fortifications, mounted with cannons, include ramparts, towers and a barbican. The defense work was completed during the Hundred Years War between Britain and France. It is said that the French people thought it a great honor to defend the Mount St Michael. Some volunteers even brought their wives and kids to join the defense. The most legendary soldiers were 119 knights holding the abbey against the English siege for twenty-four years.

Past the defense walls were narrow but neat streets flanked by shops and hotels, restaurants, galleries and museums. All the buildings there emitted a medieval glory, embodying the architectural wisdom, dedication, and civilization. For a moment, I believed the wonder of the abbey looked convincingly better than the magnificence of Versailles Palace, Eiffel Tower, Louvre and Champs-Elysees.

(Translated by David)