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中图分类号:DF438;F832.0 文献标志码:A 文章编号:16748131(2012)04009507

Legal Definition of a “Financial Consumer” inPostcrisis Era and Its Legislation Suggestion

LI Jinrong

(School of Economics and Law, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing 401120, China)

Abstract: Under the postcrisis era, developed countries through modifying existing laws strengthen the protection of financial consumers and the concept of a “financial consumer” has become the consensus of all countries, however, the concept of a “financial consumer” has been in dispute in legal field in China, the laws of China do not obviously define the concept, which result in ineffective protection of a financial consumer by laws when his or her rights are violated in reality. Under the big background of mixed financial operation, the syntheses of financial products and service make the securities investors, the identity of the depositor or the insured persons have a common nature and the depositors, insurers and securities investors are divided based on the simple division of the financial sector, and so the protection of the financial consumer by different legislations has lost its practical significance. Thus, the legal definition of the financial consumer should be learned from developed countries, legal concept of the “financial consumer” should be determined based on China’s reality, and Financial Consumer Right Protection Law should be issued to effectively protect the rights of financial consumers. 

Key words: financial consumer; consumer right protection; mixed business; operation by division of section; financial products and service; financial investor 

