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Great Expectation(Ⅰ)

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《远大前程》(great expectation)是英国19世纪最杰出的小说家查尔斯・狄更斯(Charles Dickens, 1812~1870)最成熟的作品之一。贫苦的乡下孤儿匹浦由姐姐一手带大。姐夫乔则是一位和蔼温良、诚实厚道的铁匠,也是家里唯一真正关心匹浦的人。 匹浦把当姐夫的学徒作为自己的最高理想。但后来经历的两件事使他的人生追求和命运发生了根本转变――匹浦在沼泽地里偶遇逃犯,在极不情愿的情况下,他偷了家中的食品与锉刀解救罪犯于危难之中。这件事是他对物质生活态度的转折点;当地贵族艾丝黛拉小姐的刻薄无理与无情嘲弄深深刺痛了匹浦的自尊心,使他不再希望成为一个铁匠,不再满足朴素诚实的生活。他决心跻身于有教养的绅士行列。

怀着新的生活理想, 匹浦拼命自修,期望能找到充满幸福与富贵的“远大前程”。终于有一天,一位律师通知他有位恩人要出钱资助他去伦敦学习,培养他成为一名体面的绅士……

One Saturday evening, when I had been a apprentice(学徒) to Joe for four years, we were sitting in the pub with other villagers, listening to Mr. Wopsle, when a stranger came and stood in front of our little group.

“I’m looking for the blacksmith(铁匠), Joe Gargery,” he said, “and his apprentice,Pip.” I knew immediately that he was the gentleman I had met on the stairs when visiting Miss Havisham. However, he didn’t recognize me. I could even smell the same perfumed soap on his large hands. “I’d like to have a word with (对某人说某事)you two in private,”he said to us. So Joe and I left the pub and walked home with him.

“I’m a lawyer and my name is Jaggers,”he said, when he reached the iron workshop.“Joe Gargery,I am sent by someone who suggests ending the apprenticeship between this boy and you. Would you want any money to replace him?”

“I’d never do anything to stand in Pip’s way(阻止某人做某事),”said Joe, staring. “The answer to money is no.”

“Remember you can’t change that answer later,”warned Mr. Jaggers. “Now, remember, I’m just a messenger, I don’t speak for myself, but what I want to say is that this young man has great expectations.”

“I’d never do anything to stand in Pip’s way(阻止某人做某事),”said Joe, staring. “The answer to money is no.”

“Remember you can’t change that answer later,”warned Mr. Jaggers. “Now, remember, I’m just a messenger, I don’t speak for myself, but what I want to say is that this young man has great expectations.”

Joe and I were shocked into silence and could only look at each other.

“He will be very rich when he is older. In addition, the person who is taking care of him and whom I work for wants him to leave his home and be educated as a gentleman.”

My dream had finally come true.Miss Havisham was going to make me rich!

The lawyer continued, “There are two conditions for you to receive this offer. One, you must always use the name of Pip. Second,the name of your guardian (法定监护人) and provider is to remain a secret, until that person chooses to tell you. You must not try to discover who the person is,or ask any questions to find out. Do you accept these conditions?”

I could hardly whisper, “Yes.”

“Now,as for details.You will move to London for your study. You have been given enough money to live the life of a gentleman while there. I will provide you with all your needs while you live there.When is it possible for you to come to London?Next Saturday?”

Still feeling very confused,I agreed. Looking at Joe,I saw he was even more confused.

“Well,Joe Gargery?It’s not my decision to promise you anything,” he said, throwing his purse from one hand to another, “ but perhaps I have been told to give you a present when you lose yourapprentice.”

Joe rested his great strong hand on my shoulder in the gentlest possible way. “Pip is free to go after(追寻) his fortune and happiness,he knows that. Money can never pay me back for losing the little child―who came to the iron workshop―or the best of my friends!” He could not continue.

Dear good Joe!How ungrateful I was,so ready to leave you! I can still see the tears on your cheeks when you said those words.At the time I was too excited by my good luck to remember what I owed to(欠某人债)Joe. Mr. Jaggers clearly thought Joe was making a mistake in refusing money. He looked oddly (奇怪地) at Joe and then left the house,telling me to be at his office in London in a week’s time.

Joe told Biddy about our meeting with Mr.Jaggers,and she congratulated me. Both she and Joe were very quiet and sad at first, but I promised I would not forget them or the iron workshop and would often return home to visit them. Biddy tried to explain what had happened to my sister, but the poor woman could not understand.

Joe and Biddy became more cheerful talking about my future,but I began to feel quite different. Now that I was going to be a gentleman, as I had always wished, I felt miserable. I didn’t know if I wanted to leave my home, my former life of happy memories.

That week passed slowly. I took a last walk through the churchyard to the wetlands to see my parents’grave. I felt relieved that I needed never to think about my prisoner again. I was quite sure he was dead by now.

There was one person I had to visit before going to London. I was dressed in my new clothes and went to Miss Havisham’s house. Her cousin opened the gate for me again.

“Well, Pip?” Miss Havisham said when she saw me.

“Tomorrow I’ll leave for London, Miss Havisham,” I said, choosing my words carefully. “I’ve come to say goodbye. I’ve had much luck since I saw you last, and I’m so grateful for it !”

“Good,good!” she replied. She looked delightedly at her cousin, who was staring at my new clothes. I’ve heard of your good fortune from Mr. Jaggers. It seems a rich person has decided to provide for you?”

“Yes, Miss Havisham.”

She smiled cruelly at her cousin, who was looking rather ill and uncomfortable.

“Remember, do whatever Mr. Jaggers tells you. I know you are to always keep the name of Pip. You will do this,won’t you? Goodbye,Pip.” She gave me her hand I kissed it. Then I left the old lady in her yellow bride’s dress sitting in the dark candle light, surrounded by dusty furniture.

Being in such a hurry on Saturday morning, I only said a quick goodbye to my family, and set out to walk the few miles into town to catch the coach to London. The mist over the wetlands was rising as I left the peaceful sleeping village, as if showing me the great unknown world I was entering. I suddenly realized all I was leaving behind―my childhood, my home, and Joe. I wished I had asked Joe to accompany (陪同) me to the coach, and I could not stop crying. Throughout the journey, whenever the horses were changed, I thought with an aching(痛苦的) heart about getting down and going back to say a proper goodbye. But the mist had already disappeared, and my new world lay ahead of me.













“喂,乔・葛吉瑞?答应给你点什么不是我的决定,”他把钱包在手里漫不经心地抛来抛去, “但是,也许有人叫我为你没了学徒给你点儿什么。”

乔把他那粗壮有力的手尽可能轻地放在我的肩上。 “匹浦可以自由地去找寻他的未来和幸福,他知道这个。金钱决不能补偿我失去这个小孩儿――他来到这个铁匠铺――成为我最好的朋友!”他再也说不下去了。











