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【摘 要】应用瞬态热线法导热系数测量装置,测定了含硼炉渣导热系数。获得了导热系数与温度的关系,及组成对导热系数的影响。在低温区导热系数随着温度的升高而呈直线形式略有增加;在高温区导热系数随着温度的升高而迅速降低。在所研究的组成中,随着碱度R=CaO/SiO2的增加,含硼炉渣的导热系数减少;在碱度R=CaO/SiO不变时,随着MgO含量的增加,含硼炉渣的导热系数增加;随着B2O3含量的增加,导热系数呈现出不规则的变化。为提高含硼炉渣硼的提取率提供了基础数据和依据。


【Abstract】The transient heat wire method was applied to measure the thermal conductivity of the boron-containing slag, and the relationship of thermal conductivity with temperature and composition was obtained. The thermal conductivity increased slightly with the elevation of temperature in the low temperature zone, the thermal conductivity decreased rapidly with the elevation of temperature in the high temperature zone. The thermal conductivity of the boron-containing slag decreased with the increase of R=CaO/SiO2. The thermal conductivity of the boron-containing slag increased with the increase of MgO content when R=CaO/SiO2 was constant. It provided basic data and reference for increasing rate of extraction of the B2O3 bearing slag.

【Key words】Boron-containing slag;Transient heat wire method;Measurement of the thermal conductivity

0 引言



1 测量原理与装置

1.1 瞬态热线法测量原理




3 结论

应用瞬态热线法在700-1600℃温度区间内,首次测量了MgO- B2O3-SiO2-Al2O3-CaO五元系富硼渣导热系数。并得到了含硼炉渣导热系数与温度关系,及在本实验研究的含硼炉渣组成范围内,组成对含硼炉渣导热系数的影响。为含硼炉改散含硼炉渣的活性提供了基础数据。






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