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[典例1]While intelligent people can often the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.(2013年湖北卷)

A. sacrifice

B. substitute

C. simplify

D. survive


[典例2]We at a three star hotel near the airport last night.

A. associated

B. disputed

C. negotiated

D. registered

[解析]D。本题四个选项都属动词的过去式,解答本题的关键是理解句意和辨别词义。根据句中at a three star hotel和last night的信息推断,本句谓语含有“登记住宿”之意,因此应选择registered。associate“交往,联想”;dispute“辩论,阻止”;negotiate“谈判,交涉”,均不合句意。


[典例1]She the carpet with some very nice curtains in colour.(2013年江西卷)

A. connected

B. fitted

C. equipped

D. matched


[典例2]—I hear Toms debts have greatly increased.

—Thats true. Whats more, his physical and mental health has begun to .

A. disappear

B. fall

C. fail

D. damage




在“动词+宾语+介词”结构中,动词和宾语不同,介词通常也就不同。例如:make friends with“和……交朋友”;make room for“为……腾出地方”。解答这类试题,一要推敲句意,二要观察宾语和介词,在理解句意的基础上选出符合固定搭配或习惯用法的动词。

[典例1]We were all agreed that the cottage would a perfect holiday home for the family.(2012年江西卷)

A. make

B. turn

C. take

D. have


[典例2]I him of the appointment, but he didnt make any response.

A. told

B. reminded

C. warned

D. advised

[解析]B。解答本题既要注意词语搭配还要注意推敲句意,因为remind和warn后都可以接“sb of sth”。但由于本句的意思是“我提醒他约会的事,但他没有搭腔”,因此要用reminded;如果用warned则表示“警告”,不合常理。


英语中,许多动词与宾语有固定的搭配形式。例如practice drawing/playing the piano“练习绘画/弹钢琴”,decide to visit Beijing/study abroad“决定去游览北京/出国留学”。解答这类试题关键是要“顾后”,要在理解句意的基础上选择符合固定搭配或习惯用法的动词。

[典例1]If you are in trouble, Mike is always willing to a hand. (2013年天津卷)

A. lend

B. shake

C. wave

D. want

[解析]A。lend/give a hand属固定搭配,意思是“提供帮助,助一臂之力”。如果表示“帮助某人”或“助某人一臂之力”,则用lend/givea hand。

[典例2]In fact, you can easily fake up an excuse to going out with him.


B. avoid

C. arrange

D. refuse



英语中,许多动词后接“宾语+宾语补足语”的搭配形式。例如name/call the boy Tom“称这个男孩为汤姆”,order the stranger to leave“命令那个陌生人离开”,have the house repaired“把房子维修了”。解答这类试题需要“瞻前”或“顾后”,要在理解句意的基础上选择符合固定搭配或习惯用法的动词。

[HJ2.3mm][典例1]Let those in need that we will go all out to help them.(2013年陕西卷)

A. to understand

B. understand

C. understanding

D. understood

[解析]B。本题既可以说是考查非谓语,也可以说是考查动词let的用法。本题中,those是let的宾语,in need是those的定语,let后接不定式作宾语补足语时,该不定式不带to,因此本题应选择understand。句意是:让那些需要帮助的人们知道,我们将会全力以赴地帮助他们。

[典例2]—What happened to your grandfather on the bus just now?

—He had his pocket .

A.to pick

B. pick

C. picked

D. picking

[解析]C。本题考查have用作使役动词时宾语补足语的表示法。本句的宾语是his picket,对于“口袋”来说是“被掏”,因此应选择picked作宾语补足语。


在某些句型中,动词有其固定的表达形式。例如在“There be +名词+动词”句型中,这个动词要用ing形式;在“It is high time + that从句”句型中,that从句的谓语动词要用过去式形式;在“Sb suggests +that从句”句型中,that从句的谓语要用“(should)+原形动词”。

[典例1]Laura was away in Paris for over a week. When she got home, there was a pile of mail for her.(2013年辽宁卷)

A. waited

B. to wait

C. waiting

D. was waiting

[解析]C。本句属“There be +名词+动词”句型,其中的动词wait要用ing形式,因此应选择waiting。句意是:劳拉到巴黎待了一个多星期。当她回到家时,有一大堆邮件等着她阅读。

[典例2]She that she had been given the chance to go to university.


B. hopes

C. suggests

D. demands

[解析]A。that从句的谓语是表示过去完成时态的had been given,因此主句的谓语动词要用wish,因为wish后的从句要用“与过去时态”相关的虚拟语气表示法。句意是:她想以前要是有上大学的机会就好了。hope“希望”后的从句不用虚拟语气;suggest“建议”和demand“要求”后从句的谓语用“(should)+原形动词”。


prove, remain, stay, appear, seem, become, feel, look, sound, taste, smell, grow, turn, go, come等属“两栖”动词,它们既可用作“行为动词”,也可用作“特殊连系动词”。当这些动词用作“特殊连系动词”时后面常接形容词、名词或不定式等作表语。解答这类试题关键要分析句子结构,弄清题意,确定该动词是否用作特殊连系动词。

[典例1]Some people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what nice.

A. looks

B. smells

C. feels

D. tastes

[解析]A。前句中的eat with their eyes表明有些人“凭视觉判断食物的优劣”,因此后句应选择looks填空,表示“他们宁愿去点那些看上去很好的食物”。smell nice“闻上去味道好”,feel nice“感觉好”,taste nice“尝起来味道好,均与前句的意思不符”。

[典例2]Peace and development to be the overriding themes of the times.


B. sound

C. appear

D. remain





这类试题的四个选项都是由同一个动词加不同的副词或介词构成,例如“A. give up B. give out C. give away D. give off”。

[典例1]At the last moment, Tom decided to a new character to make the story seem more likely.(2013年全国新课标Ⅰ卷)

A. put up

B. put in

C. put on

D. put off

[解析]B。put in的意思是“提出,放入,种植”。句意是:就在最后一刻,汤姆决定插入一个新的角色使得那个故事看起来更加活灵活现。put up“提供,建造,举起”;put on“穿上,上演”;put off“推迟,扔掉,阻止”,均与句意不符。

[典例2]—What did your teacher ask you to do?

—He asked us to our points in a logical order.

A. set out

B. set off

C. set in

D. set up

[解析]A。空缺后是our points in a logical order,因此空格处缺少的应该是“陈述,表达”之意,因此应选择set out。句意是:老师要求我们按逻辑顺序陈述我们的观点。set off“出发,引起”;set in“开始,到来,流行”;set up“建立,装配,开业,竖立”,均不合句意。[JP]


这类试题的四个选项是由不同的动词加相同的副词或介词构成,例如“A. drop out B. come out C. leave out D. stay out(这四个选项为不同的动词+相同的副词out)”。再例如“A. contribute to B. relate to C. attend to D. devote to(这四个选项为不同的动词+相同的介词to)”。

[典例1]Butterflies a sweet liquid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect.(2013年湖北卷)

A. carry on

B. feed on

C. put on

D. focus on

[解析]B。这四个选项为“不同的动词+相同的介词on”。主语是butterflies“蝴蝶”,宾语是a sweet liquid“一种甜的液体”,说明空格处缺少的是“以……为食,吸食……”的概念,因此应选择feed on。句意是:蝴蝶吸食一种由花儿产出的甜体,这些花儿由蜜蜂和其他昆虫采集而来。carry on“继续,从事,进行”;put on“穿上,上演”;focus on“集中于,聚焦于”;均不合句意。

[典例2]We will our cooperation and exchanges with the WHO and other countries.

A. hold up

B. take up

C. set up

D. keep up

[解析]D。这四个选项为“不同的动词+相同的副词up”。句意是:我们将继续加强与世界卫生组织以及其他国家的合作与交流。keep up“继续,保持”;符合句意。hold up“举起,阻挡,拦截”;take up“拿起,开始从事,占用 (时间、空间或精力)”;set up“建立,装配,开业,竖立”,均与句意不符。


这类试题的四个选项是由不同的动词和不同的副词构成的动词短语,例如“A. give out B. take in C. show off D. carry on(四个动词和四个副词均各不相同)”。

[典例1]Briggs will as general manager when Mitchell retires.(2013年辽宁卷)

A. get away

B. take over

C. set off

D. run out

[解析]B。这四个选项为“不同的动词+不同的副词”。take over“接任,接管,接办,接受”,句意是:米切尔退休时,布里格斯将接任总经理职务。get away“离开,逃脱,出发”;set off“出发,引起”;run out“用完,耗尽,跑出”,均与句意不符。

[典例2]At the edge of the desert, the traveler a deserted church.

A. turned down

B. dealt with

C. took after

D. came across

[解析]D。at the edge of the desert表示“在沙漠的边缘地带”,a deserted church“一个被遗弃的教堂”,透过这些意思推断,空格处缺少的应该是表示“看到,发现”的短语,因此应选择came across“偶然碰到”来表达“在沙漠的边缘地带,那个旅行者碰巧发现了一个被遗弃的教堂”。turn down“调低,拒绝”;deal with“处理,对付”;take after“与……相像”,均不合句意。



[典例1]— OK, Ive had enough of it. I give up.(2012年江苏卷)

—You cant your responsibilities.

A. run off with

B. run up against

C. run out of

D. run away from

[解析]D。run away from“逃离,躲避,逃避”。这段对话的意思是:——好了,我已受够了,我放弃。——你不能逃避你的责任。run off with“拐走,取走”,run up against“意外地碰到,偶遇”;run out of“用完,耗尽,从……跑出”,均与句意不符。

[典例2]There are many inconveniences that you have to when you are camping.

A.put up with

B. keep up with

C. do away with

D. come up with

[解析]A。many inconveniences的意思是“诸多不便”,因此此处应选择put up with表示“忍受,容忍,承受”。句意是:你在露营时必须承受诸多不便。keep up with“跟上……不落后于”;do away with“废除,消灭,去掉”;come up with“追赶上,比得上,想出”,均与句意不符。


1.When you rewrite the paragraph, I advise you to the last sentence as it is rather misleading.

A. point out

B. make out

C. leave out

D. put out

2. Youd better not drink all the rice wine now. That is to say, youd better some for later use.

A. have

B. keep

C. stay

D. remain

3. Theyve us WTHZ$WT300,000 for the house. Shall we take it?

A. provided

B. supplied

C. shown

D. offered

4. —Shall we our discussion to have some tea or coffee?

—Thats a good idea.

A. take off

B. pay off

C. break off

D. turn off

5. The young man who a red Tshirt behaved very badly at the party yesterday.

A. had on

B. held on

C. put on

D. kept on

6. Those old houses near the museum will sooner or later be .

A. hit down

B. broken down

C. pulled down

D. let down

7.The famous pop singers are going to hold a concert to money for the sick boy.

A. rise

B. raise

C. lift

D. carry

8. —All the lights in our classroom have gone out.

—Yes. Perhaps they have electricity.

A. cut off

B. cut through

C. cut down

D. cut up

9. —Id like to go to the movie with you, Dad.

—Sorry, my son, but only the grownups are into the cinema.

A. required

B. intended

C. admitted

D. supposed

10. —Never the secret otherwise youll be severely punished.

—I certainly wont.

A.made out

B. took out

C. pass out

D. let out

11.Take care during the festivals! Drinking too much can heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A. contribute to

B. refer to

C. attend to

D. devote to

12.—Do you know the plan his daughter will spread a lot?

—Really? I dont know it yet.

A. look up to

B. come up to

C. live up to

D. get down to

13. The society today offers the young generation more chances to their talent and skills.

A. give out

B. take in

C. show off

D. carry on

14. I am confident that we have the strength and wisdom to this strategy.

A. set aside

B. carry out

C. take in

D. get through

15. It must be very difficult for you as a banker to try to your customers during periods like this.

A. serve

B. promise

C. satisfy

D. support

16. Sharing life with someone else does not come naturally, thats why we need to learn to life.

A. treat

B. care

C. spare

D. share

17. Thanks to the doctors and nurses for their care and treatment during my stay in the hospital, I soon after.

A. pulled through

B. went off

C. set out

D. gave up

18.—Lily has been recently .

—Oh, she deserve it. She has made great contributions to the company, you know.

A. supported

B. involved

C. promoted

D. admired

19.—I fresh air and exercise for my health.

—So do I and so does my elder brother.

A. take in

B. give in

C. turn in

D. believe in

20. Which place in the world would you like to as your perfect home?

A. reflect

B. select

C. collect

D. correct

21. Those young men were by the police with making trouble in the neighborhood.

A. charged

B. blamed

C. scolded

D. accused

22. Those suffering an abnormal level of sugar in the blood are supposed to their doctors and maybe change their diets.

A. consume

B. connect

C. consult

D. conduct

23. Thanks to Mrs. James, the father and son eventually after ten years cold relationship between them.

A. took up

B. made up

C. got up

D. turned up

24. Having a large family to , Uncle Li has to take up two parttime jobs in his spare time.

A. design

B. support

C. share

D. organize

25. —Here you are at last, James! We were about to .

—Sorry to keep you waiting. My bike broke down on the way.

A. give in

B. pull through

C. get through

D. give up

26.Time pockets often when youre waiting for someone or something at home.

A. rise

B. arise

C. raise

D. lift

27.Blue for forever love, which is why a bride wears something blue on her wedding day.

A. sits

B. stands

C. runs

D. cares

28. —Tom says he doesnt want to work together with you.

—Thats all my fault. I cannot and will not him.

A. respect

B. blame

C. defend

D. chat with

29. Keep in mind that if you make too many rules for your children, nothing will anymore.

A. drops out

B. stands out

C. makes out

D. pulls out

30.Jenny did not her father while he was talking to her, but the look on her face spoke volumes.

A. replace

B. insert

C. interrupt

D. plug


1.C。leave out“省去,删去”。句意是:由于容易引起误解,我建议你在重写这一段时把最后一句删去。point out“指出”;make out“理解,辨认出”;put out“熄灭,伸出”,均与句意不符。

2. B。句中缺少含“保留”之意的及物动词。作“保留”解时,stay后跟形容词,表状态的持续;remain为不及物动词;而keep为及物动词,因此应选择B项。

3. D。从“Shall we take it?”可以看出,本句应选择offer,因为offermoney for sth含义为“向某人开价多少卖某物”。show明显不适用;provide和supply不与for搭配。

4.C。break off的意思是“暂停,突然中止”。句意是:让我们暂停讨论去喝杯茶或咖啡好吗?take off“脱下,起飞”;pay off“付清”;turn off“关闭”,均与句意不符。

5.A。have on表示“穿,戴”的状态,即“穿着,戴着”;put on则表示“穿,戴”的动作,即“穿上,戴上”;hold on表示“别挂断(电话)”;keep on表示“保持,继续”。综上,本题只能选择A项。

6. C。pull down表示“摧毁,,拆除(建筑物)”,句意是:博物馆附近的那些旧房子迟早要被拆除的。另外三个短语的意思分别是:hit down“把……撞倒”;break down“坏了,垮了”;let down“辜负,使失望”。

7. B。raise表示“筹款,募捐”。句意是:那些著名的流行歌手将举行一场音乐会为那个生病的男孩筹款。另外三个动词的意思分别是:rise“升起,升高”;lift“提起”;carry“搬运,携带”。

8.A。cut off“切断水、电等的供应”。由上文“教室里的灯全熄了”可以判断“他们可能停止供电了”。另外三个选项的意思是:cut through“穿透,抄近路穿过”;cut down“削减,砍倒”;cut up“切碎,抨击”。

9.C。be admitted intoWW(…WW)表示“允许进入”。句意是:对不起,孩子,这部影片只允许成年人观看。require“需要,要求”;intend“打算,想要”;suppose“假设,认为”,均与句意不符。

10.D。let out “透露,泄露(消息等)”。句意是:千万不能把这个秘密泄露出去,否则你将受到严惩。另外三个短语的意思是:took out“取出,去掉”;pass out“昏倒,失去知觉”;make out “辨认出,理解”。

11. A。contribute to“导致”。句意是:节日期间要当心!喝酒太多会导致心脏病和引起高血压。refer to“参考,涉及”,attend to“注意,照料”,devote to“将……奉献给,把……专用于”,均不合句意。

12. D。his daughter willWW(…WW)属plan的定语从句,意为“他女儿将要……的(那个计划)”,由此推断应填入get down to表示“着手做”,即句意应该是:你知道他女儿将要着手做的那个计划已经传开了吗?come up to“达到,等于”;live up to“做到,不辜负”;look up to“尊敬”,均与句意不符。

13. C。show off“炫耀,展示”。句意是:当今社会给年轻一代提供了更多的机会来展示他们的才能和技能。另外三个短语的意思分别是:give out“分发,发出”;take in“吸收,领会”;carry on“继续”。

14. B。carry out“执行,贯彻,实现”。句意是:我坚信,我们将会用力量和智慧完成这一战略。set aside“留出,撤销”;take in“吸收,领会”;get through“通过,到达,接通电话”,均与句意不符。

15. C。satisfy“使……满意/满足”。句意是:处于这样的时期,你作为一个银行家,要想尽力去满足你的顾客们的要求肯定是很困难的。另外三个动词的意思是:serve“为……服务”;promise“许诺,保证”;support“支持,供养”。

16. D。share“分享,分担,分配”。句意是:和别人分享生活不是与生俱来的,这就是为什么我们要学习分享生活。另外三个动词的意思是:treat“对待,治疗”;care“关心,喜爱,在意”;spare“节约,饶恕”。

17. A。由句意“多亏了在我住院期间医生和护士们的精心照顾和治疗”推断,说话者“病愈了”,故选pull through表示“康复,渡过难关”。go off“(铃)响”;set out“出发”;give up“放弃”,均不适合句意。

18. C。由答语“你知道,她对公司做出的巨大贡献”推断,说话者觉得莉莉理应得到“晋升”,故应选promote。support“支持”;involve“卷入”;admire“羡慕”,均与句意不符。

19. D。由于空格后是“fresh air”,本题极易误选take in表示“吸收”。其实本句的意思是“我相信新鲜空气和锻炼对我的健康有益”,因此应选择believe in。

20. B。select“选择,挑选”。句意是:你想选择世界上的什么地方作为你最理想的安家之地呢?另外三个动词的意思是:reflect“反射”;collect“收集”;correct“改正”。

21. A。chargewith doing sth意为“指控某人做某事”,用charge符合句意和搭配。blame“责备”,scold“责骂”与句意不符;accuse可以表示控告,但其与of搭配。

22. C。句意是:那些血糖水平高的人应该“咨询”医生并改变饮食。consult意为“咨询”,符合句意。consume“消费”;connect“连接”;conduct“操作,进行”,均与句意不符。

23. B。make up在本句中的意思是“重新和好”。take up“开始从事,占据”;get up“建造,增加”;turn up“出现,发生”,均与句意不符。

24. B。由句意“李叔叔利用闲暇时间打两份零工”推断,应选support表示他有一个大家庭要“养活”。另外三个动词的意思是:design“设计”;share“分享”;organize“组织”。

25. D。由语境“你终于来了”推断,说话者等得有点不耐烦,差不多要放弃了,故选give up表示“我们准备放弃了”。give in“屈服”;pull through“渡过难关”;get through“通过,完成”,均与句意不符。

26. B。arise是不及物动词,意思是“出现”。句意是:当你在家中等人的时候,零碎时间会经常出现。rise“上升,起立”;raise“提高,筹集”;lift“提起,举起”,均与句意不符。

27. B。stand for的意思是“代表”。句意是:蓝色代表永恒的爱情,这就是为什么新娘在婚礼当天总是佩戴着一件蓝色的饰物。

28. B。blame的意思是“责备,怪罪”。句意是:——汤姆说他不想和你一起共事了。——这都是我的错。我不能、也不会怪罪他。respect“尊敬,尊重”;defend“包围,防御”;chat with“和……聊天”,均与句意不符。

29. B。stand out的意思是“突出,出色”。句意是:记住,如果你给孩子定太多的规矩,则最后什么都无法突出。drop out“退出,退学”;make out“理解,辨认”;pull out“拔出,撤离”;均与句意不符。

30. C。interrupt表示“插嘴,打断别人”。句意是:珍妮的父亲在跟她说话时,她没有插嘴,但她的面部表情却说明了一切。replace“取代,代替”;insert“插入,嵌入”;plug“塞住,接插头”,均与句意不符。