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热点1 增加单词来强调

高考链接1】(2006年广东卷)So difficult it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.

A.I did find

B.did I find

C.I have found

D.have I found

【真题解析】B。考查So +形容词开头进行强调。构成“so+形容词+倒装+that从句”结构,表示“……那么……,以致于”。

【高考链接2】(2007年陕西卷) _______ that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere.

A.So successful her business was

B.So successful was her business

C.So her business was successful

D.So was her successful business


【考点透析】此类单词有:so, such, just, right, very, pretty, single, really, indeed以及反身代词等。如:

So difficult was the problem that none of us could solve it. 问题这么难以致于我们没有人能解决。

So excited was the boy that he couldn’t speak. 男孩是如此兴奋以致于他说不出话来。

You ought really to have asked me first. 你真应该先问我。

It is just a miracle that he survived the earthquake! 他从地震中活下来真是一个奇迹。

Crime is growing at a rapid rate, especially in urban area. 犯罪在快速增长,尤其是城市地区。

热点2 增加短语来强调

【高考链接3】(2006年广东卷)I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means __________with my progress.

A.the teacher is not satisfied

B.is the teacher not satisfied

C.the teacher is satisfied

D.is the teacher satisfied

【真题解析】B。考查by no means进行强调。以by no means开头的句子要进行倒装,即把助动词放在主语之前。

考点透析】常用的类似的短语有:on earth, in the world, by no means(位于句首需用倒装),not

…at all等。如:

“What on earth are you doing now?” asked his father angrily.(究竟,到底)

I think that by no means can the task be finished in time.(决不)

Though we are good friends, I don’t agree with you at all this time.(根本不)

热点3 用助动词do, does, did来强调

【考题链接4】My mother _______ well in the past because she used to be a teacher.

A.would singB.was singing

C.does singD.did sing



Do come and see us when it is convenient.(务必,一定)

The new exchange student does hope to go to the evening party with us.(确实)

They did have a wonderful time at the party. (的确,确实)

热点4 将“地点”提前加以强调

【高考链接5】(2006年四川卷)At the foot of the mountain _______ .

A.a village lie

B.lies a village

C.does a village lieD.lying a village



On the table were some flowers. 桌上摆了一些花。

热点5 用强调句来强调

【高考链接6】(2009年江西卷)It was _______ he came bank from Africa that wear _______ he met the girl he would like to marry.

A.when; then

B.not; until

C.not until; that

D.only; when

【真题解析】C。强调句型。根据It is…that 结构可知。

考点概述 强调句型是高考的必考考点。它的构成为:It is/was+强调部分+that/who….强调句型通常强调句子的主语,宾语,状语。 强调的部分可以是名词,代词, 短语或句子等等。解答强调句型试题的难点是如何正确地判断出所测试的句型是强调句型。下面结合历年高考试题,对一些强调结构中所应注意的问题作一简要分析:

在所有情况下,强调句型都可以用it is/was…that…构成。当强调句型中的强调部分指人时, 结构中除了用that 以外,还可以用who 或whom。但是如:

It was the way he asked that really upset me. 是他问的那个方式真的使我难过。

It was Li Mingkai who I saw in the street yesterday. 昨天我在街上遇到的是李明凯。

【高考链接7】(2006年上海春卷)David said that it was because of his strong interest in literature _______ he chose the course.


【真题解析】D。考查强调句。此处it was…that构成强调句,对状语because of his strong interest in literature进行强调。

【考点透析】如果强调部分为状语时,这时强调结构中也只能用that, 避免使用when, where, while, why等。 如:

Was it in the palace that the last emperor died? 最后一个皇帝是在宫殿里去世的吗?

Was it during the second World War that he died? 他是在二战中去世的吗?

It was for this reason that the naughty boy got severely punished. 是因为这个原因淘气男孩收到严重惩罚的吗?

【高考链接8】(2007年上海卷)Why! I have nothing to confess. _______ you want to say?

A.What is it that

B.What it is that

C.How is it that

D.How it is that

【真题解析】A。考查强调句。此处what is it that you want to say?构成强调句,对疑问词what进行强调。特殊疑问句的语序是:疑问词+一般疑问句。


Is it next week that we will hold another football match? 是下周我们要再举行一场足球赛吗?

Who was it that taught you English ten years ago? 是谁十年前教你英语的?

How was it that you managed to deal with such difficult problems? 你是怎样能够设法解决这样的难题的?

【高考链接9】(2007年浙江卷)It _______ we had stayed together for a couple of weeks _______ I found we had a lot in common.

A.was until; when

B.was until; that

C.wasn’t until; when

D.wasn’t until; that

【真题解析】D。考查强调句。此处对not until we had stayed together for a couple of weeks进行强调。

【考点透析】强调not…until结构时, 要把until 放在not 之后。 如:

It was not until he took off his dark glasses that I realized he was my uncle. 直到他拿掉墨镜我才认出是我叔叔的。

It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcasts began. 直到1920定期的电台广播才开始的。


―Where did you get to know her?

―It was on the farm _______ we worked.





【真题解析】D。考查创新结构强调句的省略。此处where引导的定语从句。完整的强调句应是It was on the farm where we worked that I got to know her.


Could it be in the restaurant in which you had dinner with me yesterday that you left behind your keys and wallet? 会是在你昨天和我一起吃饭的那个饭店你把钱包和钥匙落下的吗?

It was in the small house which was built with stones by his father that he spent his childhood. 他是在他父亲用石头建造的那个小房子里度过他的童年的。


1. 从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. ―Steven ! _______ and visit us some day.

―All right .

A.Do comeB.Do comes

C.Does comeD.Did come

2. Such a naughty boy _______ that nobody likes him.

A.he isB.he was

C.is heD.was he

3. ― _______ will I give up learning English.

―That’s right.

A.By this means

B.By no means

C.By means of

D.On no means

4. _______ more careful next time if you want to get a better mark in the exam.

A.DoB.Do be

C.Be doD.Did be

5. In the dark forests _______ , some large enough to hold three towns.

A.stand many lakesB.lie many lakes

C.many lakes lieD.many lakes stand

6. It is the fact _______ he doesn’t know his own birthday _______ surprises us all.

A.which, whichB.that, that

C.which, thatD.that, which

7. It is the ability to do the job _______ matters not where you come from or what you are.



8. It wasn’t until nearly a month later _______ I received the present.



9. It is what they do rather than what they say matters.



10. It was with great joy _______ we received the news that we won the game again.



11. Was _______ at the air battle on June 8, 1944, _______ was led by Captain Johnson Peter lost his life?

A.it; when; thatB.that; that; who

C.it; which; thatD.it; which; when

12. Is _______ 48 hours _______ the manmade satellite _______ is made in our country to orbit the planet a round?

A.it; that; where

B.it; when; that

C.it for; that it takes; that

D.it; that it takes; which

13. It is the ability to do things _______ matters not where one comes from or whether one is a man or a woman.



14. It was in the lab _______ was taken charge of by Professor Zhang _______ they did the experiment.

A.where; thatB.which; where

C.that; whereD.which; that

15. Was it in the village _______ we used to live in _______ the accident happened?

A.where; thatB.which; that

C.that; whereD.where; which
