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朋友相会 第5期

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(sounds: door opening, café background noise)

Johnny: (increasingly 1)perplexed and 2)lost) Hello! Hello? Excuse me! Excuse me?

Olivia: Just sit down anywhere―they don’t have waiters in here!

Johnny: Oh, OK, is it OK if I sit here?

Olivia: Sure...but you’ll need to go to the counter if you want anything...

Johnny: Actually, I’m not really here to eat, or anything. I’m supposed to be meeting someone.

Olivia: Well, wait here long enough, most of London will come in...

Johnny: Sorry?

Olivia: Just joking.(door opens)

Sarah: (3)tentatively) Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?

Olivia: I can’t see anyone!

Sarah: Sorry?

Olivia: Just joking. Go ahead, sit down.

Sarah: Thanks.

Olivia: You might be waiting a while if you sit here.

Sarah: Sorry?

Olivia: There are no waiters here―people usually just go up to the counter and order whatever they want.

Sarah: Oh...well...I’m just supposed to be meeting someone here actually...

Olivia: Not him, 4)by any chance?

Sarah: Who?

Olivia: This guy here!

Johnny: Hello!

Sarah: Oh. No...

Johnny: No...I am waiting to meet someone...but not you! Where are you from, anyway?

Sarah: Well, I live in London now, but I’m originally from Shanghai.

Johnny: Thought so! I’m from HK.

Olivia: Sorry to interrupt..but who are you both waiting for?

Johnny: I’m waiting for my friend Harry...

Sarah: ...and I’m waiting for my friend Magda...

Olivia: How interesting!

Johnny: Erm...why’s that interesting?

Olivia: Because Harry and Magda are both friends of mine as well, and right now I’m waiting for both of them too...( door opens)...and here they are!

All: (surprised hellos)

Olivia: Let’s make this easier―I’m Olivia!

Johnny: I’m Johnny. I’m a friend of...

Harry: ...mine. He’s a friend of mine. I’m Harry.

Sarah: OK! I’m Sarah, and I’m a friend of...

Magda: ...mine! I’m Magda. Nice to meet you!

Olivia: This is complicated, isn’t it? Shall I get some tea? I think we’ll need a big pot, this might take some time. So, how do we all know each other?


London is indeed a big city, but the coming together of a group of friends from all parts of the world shows that we are in fact living in a small world.

The centre of the world for this group of friends is Tony’s Café, a small but busy café, which becomes a regular meeting point for the residents of this socially and ethnically mixed area of the capital.

Lifelong friendships are made and the ups and downs and twists and turns of the lives of the nine characters are all shared over a cup of coffee.

