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There once was a tiny, skinny child named Rue. Rue’s family was poor, so he didn’t get out much, nor did he have any money.

He had three good friends: Linda, Timothy, and Sahara. They lent him money when he needed it, and even just to give some charity[施舍]. But they soon grew tiresome[令人厌烦的] as the years progressed. As high schoolers, they did not want to give him any more

money, instead, they insisted he owed them.

“You owe me at least 50 dollars for the movies and arcades[商场] we went to!” Sahara told Rue while he was walking home alone. Rue did not have the money to pay her back. She ignored him and scoffed[嘲笑] at him.

“You owe me at least 200 dollars for the food and CDs and concerts!” Linda told Rue as he was eating lunch by his lonesome[孤独]. Rue did not have the money to pay her back. She kicked him in the shin[小腿] and ran off.

“You owe me at least 220 dollars!” Timothy said when his friends had caught Rue after school. Rue did not have the money to pay him back. Timothy and his gang beat Rue up.

Rue later went on to be a doctor and was no longer poor, while Sahara was a teacher, still making pretty good money, Timothy, a banker whom was loaded to the fullest, and Linda, a columnist who lived pretty swell[第一流的].

One day they got together, it was two years after Rue had last seen them. They knew he wouldn’t ever pay them back, as before. They decided to murder him and split[分摊] the money three ways.

Linda would call Rue to come over, which worked since Rue had had a crush on[迷恋] her back in high school. Sahara would call and come over invited by Linda, which Rue didn’t seem to mind. Lastly, Timothy came and hacked off[砍下] poor Rue’s head.

While searching for money Linda found an old, small box with the dates “1993-200-” on it, and as she opened it she found letters addressed to each of their old addresses when they were children. She opened her envelope and found inside a letter written delicately in ink.


My deepest apologies for not paying you back.

Rue L. Lettingdale

Under that lay 500 dollars.

We Are All Innocent.













