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Why did we start the project ? 制作缘起

As far as the story of…the Second World War goes, there’s…there’s two very different perspectives. The

European theatre, which we’ve examined before with Band of Brothers, had a different DNA to it than the war in the Pacific did.

Steven Spielberg (Executive Producer): When Band of Brothers came out, many people who fought in the Pacific said, “What about us guys? We did something too. We made a major contribution.”

Gary Goetzman (Executive Producer): It was very

important for us to show how this war affected these men during the war, after the war. That really is something that we didn’t get into as much in Band of Brothers.

Director A: But it’s really a more personal and

1)intimate story than Band of Brothers. It’s much more


Bruce McKenna (Writer): When we began working on The Pacific, we wanted to cover the entire war, but to do it in a way that was personal and 3)compelling and dramatic.









Who are the main characters? 角色剖析

Our miniseries focuses on three guys: Eugene Sledge, Robert Leckie and John Basilone.

Eugene Sledge wrote, arguably, the best

4)memoir of combat anywhere called With the Old

5)Breed: at Peleliu and Okinawa.

Joseph Mazzello (as “Eugene”): He was just a kid who loved war stories. And when this war came around, he ended up getting a real taste of what war is really like.

John Basilone got the Congressional Medal of Honor, and his life and his 6)exploits were very well documented for us, and so we could follow them.

Robert Leckie was a writer before the war. He wrote a magnificent piece of 7)prose called Helmet for My Pillow, which was about his experiences at the Guadalcanal and Peleliu.

James Badge Dale (as “Robert”): It’s an honor to spend time on a character who was here and who lived it. And it’s an honor to try to tell the story, and try to tell the story properly.

Spielberg: We wanted this to really be based on, you know, real people and real situations, because the marines were also fighting 8)malaria and all kinds of the element. The natural environment was just as 9)debilitating.

McKenna: One advantage that we have in The Pacific

we had it on Band of Brothers is the 10)commitment of the actors. They had a sense that they had a moral responsibility to get it right. And part of getting it right is the research that we prepared for them, but also our military advisors and the 11)boot camp that they went to.











What is it all about?主旨何在

Goetzman: We’re telling the story the way it was. I feel we get inside our marines’ heads and hope that we told the story that we would want them to have us tell.

War is a part of the human condition. The

question we ask in The Pacific is, “What did it do to its…its participants? How can you survive? How can you see what those guys did and expect to just move on with things?”

Director B: It’s not about America vs. Japan. It’s about war and…how 12)horrific it can be for


Mazzello: Every single person that had to go through that deserves to be remembered, and their story

deserves to be told.

I can’t imagine any human being going through a greater struggle than what these guys did.

Spielberg: It’s 13)brutal, and it’s honest, and it’s…it’s right there in your face, as it was for them.






