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The word autochthonous (土生的) means something formed in the place it is found. But to David Tidmarsh, it means cheers and prizes as the 77th Annual Scripps National Spelling Bee(拼单词比赛) champ1!

Pausing between letters to catch his breath, David worked his way slowly through the tough2 word. When he finished, the crowd went wild! He was the champion! Beating out 264 other contestants3, he had earned his spot at the top of this year' s spelling list.

Not bad for a young man who finished 16th in the contest last year. "I had a really good time last year, so it made me want to do better," he said. That meant expanding his study list. "Last year I just studied words that had been used before. This year I studied those words, and I went to the dictionary and made my own list," he said. All told, he studied about 10,000 words.

When he's not winning spelling contests, David likes science. One recent project involved Gummi Bears(古米熊软糖) and his kitchen floor. "We were trying to test the five-second rule,"he said. "People say that if you drop a piece of food on the ground, then you can eat it if it's down there for less than five seconds."

His hypothesis(假设)? "We thought it would be unsafe to do that," he said. Sure enough, there was plenty of bacteria4 to mea- sure. "We found out that for the Gummi Bears, the number of bacteria increases the longer they were on the kitchen tile5," he said.

David also enjoys sports, playing baseball and soccer. He also swims, and recently started golf lessons. "I think you have to have a sort of balance between having fun and working on things like spelling bees. It is not just about the spelling. There are so many other things you can do."

David's new position as a role model begins at home. His two younger siblings6, sister Clare, four, and brother Kevin, ten, both like to try spelling. Clare makes a game of it. "She goes, 'Let's have a spelling bee,' but she does't know how to spell actual words." Kevin is interested in competing in the national spelling contest next year. That suits David, who will be too old to enter next year. "I'm hoping he does, too, because I'd like to go back," he said.


1.champ n. 冠军,champion的缩略

2.tough adj.困难的,棘手的

3.contestant n.参加竞赛者, 竞争者

4.bacteria n.(bacterium的复数)细菌

5.tile n. 瓷砖

6.sibling n. 兄弟或姊妹




当大卫不在为赢得拼字比赛学习时,他喜欢科学。最近的一个项目是用古米熊软糖和他家厨房的地板做测试。“我们在尝试测验 5秒钟规则,”他说。“人们说如果一块食物掉在地上不到5秒钟,你还可以吃。”

他的假说是什么呢? “我们认为那样做是不安全的,”他说。毫无疑问,能检测出那儿有大量的细菌。大卫说:“我们发现拿古米熊软糖来说,它们在厨房的瓷砖上放的时间越长,上面的细菌就越多。”

