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Members of University Digital Management Information System Design and Implement

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Abstract. In accordance with the organizational development process and management of party members, in this article it is based on the C/S and B/S mixed structure to finish the application design of client and servers, and using the language of develop with Inner Mongolia Agricultural university, members of University College digital management information system. The system from research projects of Agriculture University Occupation Technical College of Inner Mongolia.

Key words: Party Members Management,C/S and B/S Mixed Structure,

1. Introduction

In China, the organizational development of the party members is very important part of the grass-root party organizations, and its management process is different from other management process. In accordance with the fact that the university grass-root party organizations develop per the organizational development process [1], this system is a computer information management system designed and developed to manage and maintain different-stage information of the persons applying for joining the party and to meet the actual needs of automatically converting work. Besides, this system is beneficial to the scientific and automatic daily information management of party members [2], and also is an ideal assistant to promote the informatization and standardization of the party organizational development.

The system uses three-tier structure, namely, C/S and B/S mixed structure is used to implement data tier, Web service tier, user interface tier, and Web browser tier. In C/S structure, language [3] is mainly used to develop the client application and implement the information management and maintenance of different-privilege users on the persons applying for joining in the party. In the B/S structure, Spring [4] and hibernate technologies are mainly combined to develop the client application. Affairs management and object addition can be implemented through spring and hibernate. The design of the Web service interface can be implemented by relying on 2.0 to develop Web forms. The application can provide data by for users with the method, which is used by XML [5] serialization and De-serialization to implement the persistent objects.

2. System Function

The university party-member digital management system is as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1: The System Function Module

3. System Overall Structure

The overall structure of the system uses the three-tier structure, namely, the B/S and C/S are combined as shown in figure 2

Figure 2: The Structural Pattern of B/S and C/S

B/S and C/S mixed structure is dividing the application into mutually independent tiers. Thus, if a certain tier is necessary to change, it will not affect other tiers greatly, so as to make the maintenance of the application easily. At the same time, the structure between different tiers is very self-evident, and is easy to be developed and deployed. In this system, the database is a tier called as data tier in the C/S structure; the Internet Information Server (IIS) is a tier called as Web service tier; the Windows form [6] application running in client is a tier called as user interface tier, to complete the task of dialogue with the application. In B/S structure, the last tier is the client Web browser which uses the Web server as the core of the system and provides the application logics or data through Extensible Markup Language, XML [7] and Simple Object Access Protocol, and hence it exists with an independent Web Services [8] file.

4. System Implementation Technology

The system uses the Visual language of the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 integrated development environment to develop the Windows client application, and the Spring and Nhibernate [9] technologies to develop the server application, and the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 create and manage database [10]. The technological interface of the s actual development is as shown in figure 3 and figure 4 respectively.

Figure 3: Client application development projects Figure 4: Server application development projects

5. System Main Function Interface and Code Implementation

(1) Implementation of User Login Page

Main codes of implementing the user login page are shown below.

connectionString="DataSource=.;Integrated Security=false;Database=PermissionBase;User ID=PB_DB_USER;Password=wangjun"/>

(2) Implementation of Main Form page

The system main form interface is the starting point of the system function implementation, and realizes most data operation functions of the client, and hence can help view data easily and quickly, as shown figure 6.

Figure 5: System main form page

Part of the codes of the system main form page in figure 6 is shown below.

/* function to generate organizational structure tree view*/

Public Sub ViewMemberData()

If Not TreeCom Then Exit Sub

ListView1.Columns.Clear ()

If TreeView1.SelectedNode.GetNodeCount(True) > 0 Then

ListView1.Columns.Add("Party organization name", 160, HorizontalAlignment.Left)

ListView1.Columns.Add("Party organization type", 120, HorizontalAlignment.Left)

ListView1.Columns.Add("creation time", 120, HorizontalAlignment.Left)


DepData = GWeb.GetDepartmentById(TreeView1.SelectedNode.Name)

BackgroundWorkerID = 3

Progress bar form.Label1.Text = " current task:load " & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & "[" &

TreeView1.SelectedNode.Text & "] sub-department data"

Progress bar form.ShowDialog()


ListView1.Columns.Add("No.", 160, HorizontalAlignment.Left)

ListView1.Columns.Add("Name", 120, HorizontalAlignment.Left)

ListView1.Columns.Add("Gender", 120, HorizontalAlignment.Left)


End If

End Sub 'display the data of the right list

(3) Implementation of Management Page to Develop the Party Members

The work of developing the party members is important part of organization construction of the grass-root party branches. Thus, it is necessary to follow the policy "insist on standards, guarantee quality, improve structure and develop cautiously" in the process of organizational development. According to the party member development process [11], the management page of developing party members implements the operations such as adding, deleting and modifying the information of persons applying for joining the party and changes timely the information in the process of evaluating the developing party members, and also lays a foundation for the generation of all reports. Part of the codes of the developing party member management page is shown below.

Public Class personnel information comprehensive management

/* the first stage: training at party school, evaluation of Youth League branch, evaluation of Party branch, Confirmation letter materials, preliminary verification of Party committee*/

Applying time.Value = MemberDto.ApplyTime

Training time.Value = MemberDto.PeiYangTime

If MemberDto.DangXiaoPeiXun = "Y" Or MemberDto.DangXiaoPeiXun = "y" Then training at party school Check.Checked = True Else training at party school Check.Checked = False

If MemberDto.TuanTuiJian = "Y" Or MemberDto.TuanTuiJian = "y" Then recommendation of Youth League branch Check.Checked = True Else recommendation of Youth League branch Check.Checked = False

If MemberDto.ZhiBuKaoHe = "Y" Or MemberDto.ZhiBuKaoHe = "y" Then evaluation of branch Check.Checked = True Else evaluation of branch Check.Checked = False

If MemberDto.DangWeiShenCha = "Y" Or MemberDto.DangWeiShenCha = "y" Then verification of Party committee Check.Checked = True Else verification of Party committee Check.Checked = False

If MemberDto.WaiDiao = "Y" Or MemberDto.WaiDiao = "y" Then transfering Check.Checked = True Else transfering Check.Checked = False

(4) Implementation of Page to generate Report

Report statistics is a regular task for the grass-root organizations. Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library is mainly introduced to print the report page [12]; multiple methods provided by this Library are used to generate Excel reports in training, development and being a true party member of the persons applying for joining the party. Part of the codes of the page to generate reports is shown below.

Public Class report printing

Public DateString as String

/* Vocational and Technical School of Inner Mongolia Agriculture University "Organizational development preliminary verification registration form (student) */

Private Sub FZYS_Student()

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel report output

Dim Sdig as New SaveFileDialog

On Error GoTo ErrO

DimExappAsNew Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application

/*deifne new workbook */

Dim Exbook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook

/* deifne Sheet*/

Dim Exsheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet

/*ban to display the information "is it save"*/

Exapp.DisplayAlerts = False

Dim i As Integer

6. System Characteristics

First, spring, Hibernate and are used to implement the design and development of system server application [13]. Second, the Web form of is used to implement the Web service application development, and the spring technology’s dependency injection DI [14] is used to complete the interface design. Third, the open-source persistent framework Hibernate is used to design the DAO tier and implement the access logic of most data. Fourth, according to various information reports generated in the organizational development process, the system introduces Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library to implement twelve Excel file reports. Fifth, for the affair of probationary Party member to become a true party member, the system can give a warning function ahead of schedule, to promptly notify the grass-root party organization and make a full preparation. Sixth, based on the network database platform, data centralized management is implemented; the information security is ensured; the maintenance workload of the client is effectively reduced. Seventh, the system has a good extensibility, can add data at any time and place, and prevent the insufficient-information problem and the repeated waste of resources, and also uses C/S and B/S mixed structure.

7. Conclusion

Through a debugging and an experimental test on the digital Management Information System in universities to develop party members totally, it is indicated that system can meet all requirements of the organizational development [15], implement the management on related information of the persons applying for joining the party and working in party organizations, provide the data for the upper-level party organizations, and generate related reports, etc. Besides, this system is very good in practical applicability, user interface, portability, stability and business expansion, and also can meet the actual requirements of university grass-root party organizations on the organizational development.


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