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意为“供给;提供;准备”,强调在别人需要时主动地提供所需物品,或提供抽象的事物如机会、机遇、关爱等,可带双宾语。短语provide sb. with sth. 与provide sth. for sb.意思相同,均为“为某人提供某物”,两者通常可相互转换。

例1Parents provide their children deep feeling of love. 父母给儿女无限的爱。

例2The school has provided every teacher with a computer.学校给每位教师配备了一台电脑。

例3They provided some necessary support for the sufferers. 他们为受难者提供了一些必要的援助。


意为“供给;补充;装备”,着重指提供具体的物品,比如材料、食品、能源等,以满足人们的日常生活需求。常用固定表达是supply sth. to sb. 或supply sb. with sth.,两者意思一样,可互换,但介词不可混淆。

例4The factory supplies gas to consumers. 这家工厂向消费者供应煤气。

例5That company supplies the printers with paper. 那家公司向印刷商提供纸张。

例6We are well supplied with foods. 我们的食品供给充足。


意为“提出;提供;呈现”,表示主动地提供别人可接受也可拒绝的东西,如帮助、服务或物品等。它后面可带双宾语, 常用结构为offer sb. sth.或offer sth. to/for sb.。offer后也可跟不定式,表示主动提出做某事。

例7The young man offered the old man his own seat on the bus.


例8He offered to help her, but the woman didn’t accept. 他表示愿意帮助那妇女,但她拒绝了。



例9He afforded me an opportunity. 他为我提供了一个机会。(区别于offer,用afford暗含“我接受了”的意思)

例10Television affords pleasure to many people. 电视给很多人带来乐趣。


表示“给;送;付”等意思,它的含义最广,也最常用。其后可接双宾语, 构成give sb. sth.或give sth. to sb.的结构。

例11She gave some food to the beggar. 她给了那乞丐一些食物。

例12We would give more examples if we could afford the space. 假如我们能匀出篇幅来, 就可以多举些例子了。


1. The government ______ the victims(灾民) with board(伙食) and lodging(住所).

A. gave B. provided C. supplied D. offered

2. He ______ to drive us to the West Lake, but we preferred to walk there.A. gave B. supplied C. offered D. provided

3. Our farm ______ fruits and vegetables to the market.

A. gives B. supplies C. offers D. affords

4. The police are ______ a big reward for any information about the murder.

A. supplying B. providing C. giving D. offering

5. I’m sorry for ______ you so much trouble.

A. supplying B. providing C. giving D. offering

6. His three grandchildren ______ him great pleasure in his old age.

A. afforded B. supplied C. offered D. provided with

7. The neighbor ______ her a job, but she didn’t accept.

A. gave B. provided C. offered D. supplied

8. The hotel ______ a reservation of tickets for its residents.

A. gives B. provides C. supplies D. offers

9. Dancing ______ us pleasure.

A. provides for B. supplies C. offers D. affords

10. The ABC company ______ cheap electricity to the community.

A. supplies B. provides C. offers D. gives

【参考答案】1~5. BCBDC6~10. ACBDA