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A Kenyan Girl Seeks Roots in Nanjing

By Guan Lijuan

The fleet led by Chinese explorer Zheng He arrived in East Africa six hundred years ago. Some ships ran on the rocks. Some Chinese sailors left the fleet and went to live on the land. That is how Chinese first set foot on Africa.

In July, 2005, a 19-year-old Kenyan girl named Mwamaka Shariff came to Nanjing seeking her Chinese roots. She was from Siyu village, Pate Island on the east coast of Africa. According to local legends, her family is the only family of Chinese descendants on the island.

From a poverty-stricken family, Shariff did not want to marry early like her two elder sisters when she graduated from junior high school. She wanted to have more education. A Kenyan Chinese donated money to help her go to high school after learning from the local media that she was a Chinese descendent. After her graduation from high school, she began to dream of her distant homeland. She surprised her village fellows by writing a letter to the Chinese ambassador in Nairobi. After receiving her letter, the Chinese ambassador came all the way to the island to visit her. Later, a group of Chinese television journalists came from Nanjing to shoot a documentary in Kenya marking the 600th anniversary of Zheng He’s historical journey. They came to shoot the story of Shariff. The team took a 2-hour trip across the desert to reach the village. Shariff entertained her Chinese relatives with tea made in Kenyan way. The family used to own a celadon bowl of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). But it was broken by an English archaeologist by accident in 2004.Shariff kept the broken pieces. She showed the broken pieces to Chinese visitors. Wu Jianning, the documentary director from Nanjing Television, offered to put the bowl together with an all-purpose glue. The villagers were all amazed and applauded when they witnessed the process of making broken pieces into a bowl again.

Shariff, a girl who had never traveled beyond the island, was shy when she first faced the camera and sang a native blessing song. Her voice was like the noise of a mosquito. And the song was recorded time and again until she got it right. When Wu Jianning shook hands with her, her face reddened.

But when she appeared at the premiere gala held at the Nanjing Television Studio, Shariff was not stage shy at all when facing cameras and microphones. People who came to know her during her Nanjing stay unanimously commented that the girl was brainy. She was able to say some Chinese phrases after learning them just once and her pronunciations were incredibly accurate. The deputy mayor presented a silk shawl as a gift to the Kenyan girl. Shariff loved it so much that she grudged it on small occasions. But when she came to meet the media, she put it on. She stayed in a luxurious hotel during her Nanjing visit. She had never even seen an elevator before she came to China. She managed to learn how to use devices in the bathroom in her hotel room quite efficiently after the interpreter explained just once.

When asked of her first impression of her ancestor’s homeland, she said, “China is beautiful. It has a lot of high buildings and cars. China is strong in science and technology. I hope China will give more scientific and technological assistance to Kenya in the future. Kenya has a lot of land and a large workforce. The two countries can work together since they share a long history of friendship. Chinese people are diligent and their work rhythm is fast. I want to be diligent.”

When a journalist from Nanjing Television offered to take her to do shopping, Shariff’s eyes shone. She was dazzled by a great variety of fashion clothes, and she stuck to her principle: she would buy clothes only in black and they must cover legs and hands. She spent a lot of time combing her hair every morning and changed her hair style now and then. She liked Chinese food, but her favorite was African food: chicken and bread. Her mother called her a few times a day from the public telephone of the village. The mother and the daughter were very excited when talking in Swahili.

In addition to the premiere, Shariff also visited the site of Zheng He in Nanjing and the Jinghai Temple. She knelt in front of a mural in which a giraffe was presented as a gift to Chinese in Kenya. She kissed the mural with tears. In July 3rd, she went to Taicang, where Zheng He set sail on his western voyage. In September, Shariff will come back to China and study traditional Chinese medicine in a university.

(Translated by David)