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cost, pay, spend, take这四个动词都可以表示“花费”的意思,但用法不同,因此使用时要特别注意。现对它们的用法分别作一说明:

一、 cost意为“值(多少)钱”、“使……花钱”。其主语必须是“物”,常用于“sth costs (sb) some money”结构中。例如:

(1) I like the skirt, but it costs too much. 我喜欢这条裙子,但是价钱太贵。

(2) The pants cost twenty yuan. 这条裤子值20元。

(3) The Chinese dictionary cost me forty yuan. 这本汉语词典花了我40元。

二、 pay意为“付款”、“给……报酬”,其主语是人,宾语是表示人或钱的名词或代词。例如:

(4) I haven’t paid the doctor yet. 我尚未付款给医生。

(5) Please pay this bill by the end of the month. 请在月底付款。

(6) He paid the worker 100 yuan. 他付给那个工人100元钱。

如果表示“买什么东西付款”可以用“pay (some money) for sth”结构。例如:

(7) I’m afraid that if you’ve lost the book, you must pay for it. 如果你把书弄丢了,可是得赔偿啊。

(8) I’ll pay 50 yuan for these books. 这些书我花了50元钱。

表示“付给某人(多少钱)买某样东西”时,可用“pay(some money) for sth”结构。例如:

(9) She will pay you for this handbag. 她愿付钱买这个手提包。

pay for 还可以作“得到报应”、“吃亏”解。例如:

(10) You’ll have to pay for your crime. 你必将因你所犯的罪行而受到惩处。

三、 spend的主语必须是人,宾语可以是“时间”、“金钱”、“精力”等。常用于“sb spends some money on sth/in doing sth”结构。例如:

(11) I didn’t spend all the money. 我没有把钱都花掉。

(12) I spent a lot of money on books. 我花了很多钱买书。

(13) She spent two hours (in) doing her homework. 她花了两个小时做家庭作业。


(14) An hour was spent in doing the work. 干那件工作花了一小时。

四、 take表示“花费”时,主语可以是“人”,也可以是“事”,后面常接双宾语。常用于“it takes somebody some time to do sth”句式,意为“做某事花费某人多少时间”。这时it用作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的动词不定式。例如:

(17) He took five days to finish reading the book. 他花了五天看完这本书。

(18) I like writing to my penfriend,but it takes a lot of time. 我喜欢给笔友写信,但这要花大量的时间。

(19) It’ll take you about half an hour to get there. 到那儿你大约要花半个小时的时间。

练习:用cost, pay, spend或take填空:

1. The nice coatthe girl thirty yuan.

2. Itthem two hours to do their homework.

3. They didn’tfor the books.

4. Shean hour writing the letter last night.

5. Have youfor the windbreaker?

6. How much did the T-shirtyour sister?

7. He took out some money andfor the jacket.

8. How long did itthe workers to finish the teaching building?

Key: 1. cost2. took3. pay4. spent5. paid6. cost7. paid8. take