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U.S. college campuses are becoming hot spots for parkour. Most college campuses, with their airy[通风的] courtyards and architecture in various shapes, are well suited for testing the ability and nerve of traceurs.

The sport has been seeping into[渗入] American consciousness in recent years via more than 25,000 YouTube clips, as well as more mainstream forms of entertainment. A freshman[大一学生] says he told his parents last year that he had started practicing parkour, but they didn’t really get what he was talking about until more recently, when he asked if they had seen the James Bond film Casino Royale. “Yes,”they responded.

“Do you remember the chase scene at the construction site-tion sit?”


“Well, I’m doing stuff like that.”


For all its inherent[固有的] risks, parkour encourages good habits. The sport is heavy on discipline and self-improvement. True traceurs don’t smoke (because it would hurt their endurance[耐力]) or run under the influence[喝醉酒] (because it would hurt their balance and agility[敏捷]). “The problem is that people see all these videos of high-level stuff, so they might go home, jump off their roof and wonder why they blow out[爆裂] their knees,”says Tyson Cecka, 20, a sophomore[大二学生] who just spent a week in Los Angeles doing parkour for a sneaker[运动鞋] ad. “Rhey don’t understand that we’re training thousands of times on the ground, all these different vaults[撑物跳跃], all this precision[精确].”

In general, traceurs tend to respect authority and if told to stop climbing on a wall will nod and move along. Some try to explain to campus cops[(非正式)警察] exactly what it is they’re up to. Students at Maryland’s McDaniel College told its campus Safety Director how much planning goes into the sport. Their entreaty[恳求] worked. Today there is no official prohibition[禁令] against parkour in McDaniel. Other schools seem caught between safety concerns and not wanting to stifle[抑制] students?enthusiasm[热情]. Last year, when a university administrator went outside to tell Cecka to stop climbing on her office building, she was impressed by his passion for the sport and encouraged him to apply for a $4,500 leadership scholarship, which he is using to create a nonprofit club to spread parkour.







