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选修6 Units 4~5重点词汇讲解

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n. 量,数量;大量

in quantity = in large amounts 大量;很多

a large/small quantity of 大量的/少量的

quantities of 大量;许多

I was overwhelmed by the large quantity of information available. 仅已有的信息量就大得令我不知所措。

It is cheaper to buy goods in quantity. 大宗购物比较便宜。


a large (small) quantity of +可数名词复数形式或不可数名词 充当主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。quantities of+可数名词复数形式或不可数名词,充当主语时,谓语动词用复数。如:

A large quantity of resources has been wasted.

Quantities of food are on the table.

a amount of 或amounts of 后只能接不可数名词。a large amount of修饰不可数名词做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,但large amounts of 修饰不可数名词做主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。如:

A large amount of water was spilt the floor.

Large amounts of rice were taken from the country to the city by railway.


vi. 趋向,易于;照顾

vt. 照顾,护理

tend to do 趋向;易于,往往会

tendency n. 倾向;趋势

tendency to do sth

People tend to think that the problem will never affect them. 人们往往认为这个问题不会影响他们。

Plants tend to die in hot weather without water. 若没有水,植物在热天容易枯死。

Mother was usually busy tending (to) my younger brothers. 妈妈通常要忙于照顾我的弟弟们。

The nurse skillfully tended their wounds. 那位护士熟练地为他们包扎伤口。

She has a tendency to forget things when she is nervous. 她紧张时很容易忘记事情。


vt. 反对;反抗;与人较量

opposed adj. 反对的;对立的

He threw all those that opposed him into prison. 他把所有反对他的人都关进了监狱。

I oppose you going there alone. 我反对你独自去那儿。

We are not opposed to the plan at all. 我们根本不反对这个计划。

Do not oppose your will to/against mine. 不要违背我的意愿。


oppose sth/sb/doing sth/sb doing sth


be opposed to sth/to doing sth


oppose sth to/against sth



vi. 扫视,看一下

n. 一瞥,扫视

have/take a glance at 扫视,匆匆一看

at first glance 乍一看

She glanced at her watch and left. 她匆匆看了一下手表就走了。

He asked me if he might glance through my album. 他问他是否可以浏览一下我的影集。

She glanced round to see if there was anyone that she knew. 她环视了一下,看是否有她认识的人。

Tom glanced at/took a glance at the newspaper headline. 汤姆匆匆看了一眼报纸的大标题。

At first glance the problem seemed easy. 乍一看,这个问题似乎容易。


glance at to look quickly at sth 一瞥,扫视

stare at to look at sth for a long time 注视,凝视

glare at to look at sth in an angry way 怒目而视

Mr Black glanced at the report. 布莱克先生大致浏览了一下报告。

It is not polite to stare at others in public. 在公共场合盯着别人看是不礼貌的。

The two drunk foreigners glared at each other. 两个喝醉的外国人对对方怒目而视。


vt. 任命,委任;安排,确定(时间,地点)

They have appointed a new headmaster at my school. 他们为我们学校任命了一名新校长。

They appointed Mr Brown (to be) manger of the company.

= They appointed Mr Brown as manger of the company. 他们任命汤姆为公司的经理。

Mary has recently been appointed to the committee. 玛丽最近被任命为委员会成员。

The teacher appointed me to call the roll. 老师指派我点名。

A date for the meeting is still to be appointed. 会议日期尚待确定。

He arrived there half an hour earlier than the appointed time. 他比约定的时间早半小时到了那里。

I made an appointment with the doctor at three.我和医生约好了三点钟看病。

His appointment as head of the department has caused a lot of friction. 任命他为部门的经理引起了很大的矛盾。


appoint sth 任命什么职务

appoint(to be/as) sth 任命/指派某人为

appointto sth 任命某人到什么机构工作

appointto do sth 委派某人做某事

appoint sth (for) sth (为某事)确定(日期,场所)

make an appointment 约会,约见

break an appointment 失约

make an appointment with与某人约会/约见


v. 不同,有别;变化,变更,改变

The quality of the students’ homework varies considerably. 学生作业的质量甚是参差不齐。

The menu varies with the season. 菜单随季节而变动。

Study methods may vary from person to person. 学习方法可能因人而异。

Class numbers vary between 25 and 30. 班级的数目从25到30不等。

The shoes vary in color and size. 这些鞋的大小颜色不同。


vary in sth (大小,形状等)不同,有别

vary with sth 随……变化,改变

vary from sth to sth (vary between ... and ...) 从……到……转变


various adj. 各种各样的

variety n. 不同种类,变化,多样性

varied adj. 形形的

a variety of = varieties of 种种,多种


vt. 担保,保证

n. 担保,保证

We guaranteed to deliver your goods within a week. 我们保证一周内交货。

I guarantee that I will pay off his debt. 我保证付清他的债务。

The authorities could not guarantee the safety of the UN observers. 当局无法保证联合国观察员的安全。

They guaranteed their workers regular employment. 他们对工人保证会长期雇用他们。

That kind of behavior is guaranteed to make him angry. 那样的行为肯定会让他生气。

He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again. 他向我保证这种事情不会再发生。

This iron is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship. 这种熨斗对工艺缺陷可保修一年。


guarantee against/from ... 保证某人/某物免受(伤害,危险)

guarantee to do sth 保证去做某事

guarantee to向某人担保

guarantee that 保证

guarantee sth 保证,保修

guaranteesth 向某人担保某事

be guaranteed to do 肯定,必定会做某事

be under guarantee 在保修期内

givea guarantee that ... 向某人担保

under guarantee 在保修期内


ensure 侧重指使某人相信某种行为或力量产生的结果

guarantee 指对事物的品质,人的行为及人履行义务等的保证

promise 侧重表达自己的主观意向,常指设法用语言使人感到稳当可靠

1. As I waited for Mike to arrive, I , the clock and saw that he was late.

A. glared at B. stared at

C. glanced at D. noticed

2. We are all strongly opposed to to the island without a guide. It is not a wise decision.

A. go B. going

C. be going D. have gone

3. The TV play is said to have won several awards in 2011 and I can you will enjoy it.

A. evaluate B. announce

C. guarantee D. tend

4. ―Why does the lake smell terrible?

―Because large quantities of water .

A. have polluted B. is being polluted

C. has been polluted D. have been polluted

5. Romeo fell in love with Juliet . (glance)


6. He when people oppose his plan. (tend)


7. Prices of fruit and vegetables often .(vary)


8. She for her son to see the doctor.(appoint)


9. Not many people money brings true happiness. (subscribe)


10. The computer is . (guarantee)


11. How he left school? (come)


12. Buying a train ticket two days ahead of time will usually . (guarantee)


1~4 CBCD

5. at first glance

6. tends to get angry

7. vary with the season

8. made an appointment

9. subscribe to the idea that

10. under guarantee

11. did it come about that

12. guarantee you a good seat