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Artistic Merits and Charm in Nicholas Jose’s The Red Thread

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Abstract:The Red thread by Nicholas Jose mirrors the famous Chinese literary classic, Six Chapters of a Floating Life by Shen Fu and gives a second chance of life for Shen Fu and Yun. Destined to be attached to the Chinese classic, Shen Fuling and Ruth change their destiny as the incarnations in their protection of love and life. The co-existence of two love stories beyond time and space illustrates a quest for beauty, love and the affirmation of life in common.

Key words:The Red Thread; destiny; ties

中图分类号:I106 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1672-1578(2013)03-0013-02

The Red Thread is an elegantly and richly structured work depicting a modern, romantic love-story which mirrors the famous Chinese literary classic, Six Chapters of a Floating Life by Shen Fu. The chronological narrative binds the passion of Shen Fuling and Ruth, relives the life of Shen Fu and Yun and achieves the subtle substance of experience imbued with destiny and hope, art and beauty, love and life.

From the beginning when Shen is given the four chapters of Six Chapters of a Floating Life where the red thread extends, to the happy ending when the missing two chapters are found where it’s necessary to cut the thread to release Shen and Ruth to return to their own paths, the well-crafted narrative reaches integrity and wholeness.

The Red Thread is about the ties that bind people together, past and present, East and West, physical and spiritual. Above all, it ties elements of universality in human nature beyond time and space.

The image of the Old Man of the Moon drawing a red thread between his fingers presented as a gift on Shen Fu’s wedding day in the eighteenth century finds its way on the wall of Shen Fuling’s attic in modern times, which reflects the unchanging wishes of Chinese people for love and marriage. Shared preference in art and beauty brings Shen Fuling, a Chinese man and Ruth, an Australian girl passionate attachment. Their common sentimental reading of Shen Fu’s Six Chapters of a Floating Life binds them closer. Shen Fuling prefers interest in Chinese antiques to economics. Ruth learns Chinese character, embroidery and likes eating congee. In their first face-to-face contact, Shen Fuling is shocked to feel “as if a connection already existed between them” (The Red Thread, 47), and Ruth also wonders “if its pages [of Six Chapters of a Floating Life] could explain the connection she felt between herself and the young Chinese man seated opposite her” (RT, 50).

The love originated in their hearts encircles Shen Fuling and Ruth to travel along the red thread to its end. The romantic journey to give a second chance of life for Shen Fu and Yun is also a spiritual journey for Shen Fuling and Ruth as they both have subtly experienced the values of the protection of love and the survival of life. And in this journey, “a contest between individual free will and the directions of 'fate' is an essential element”, notes Lyn Jacobs.

Tracing the origin of the ancient tale for the first time at Old Weng's, Shen Fuling felt “he had become the custodian not just of an object but of lives, history, and the miracle of continuity through the storms of time”(RT, 80). Here Shen feels he is destined to be attached to the book, but his profound understanding of his fate, life, the miracle of continuity only gradually gains. After experiencing happiness and sorrows, when he accompanies Ruth back to Shanghai for treatment, Shen thinks on the boat, “those little things make all the difference, those stray threads imbued with all our passions, that bind us, heart and soul, to the physical world and to one another. My longings were tied to a particular person, a face and a shape, a time and a place, but that red thread of passion also bound us to something larger than ourselves” (RT, 162). In order to save Ruth from fate, Shen toils over dealing with Situ and Han to find the answer to his own life and to Ruth’s. Confident and more clear of his love, near the end of the novel, Shen claims to Ruth that their love will be unlike that of the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl and they will reach old age together as a loving couple against Shen Fu’s sigh that “A loving couple will not reach old age together”. Ultimately, Shen Fuling’s pursuit of life and protection of love is fairly noticeable.

Free will against fate in Ruth is more dramatic. In her childhood, Ruth knew that “the future was uncertain” (RT, 74). Her uncertainty is strengthened after her mother died against her hope and in the many twists and turns she has experienced alone. It seems she cannot control her destiny from destructions. It’s the attachment with Shen Fuling that brings Ruth an increasingly obvious life track. First reading Six Chapters of a Floating Life on the furry to Old Weng’s, Ruth realized “She might have been a ghost in her own life before this”, “but now suddenly the present was enough. There was a destination that she did not question” (RT, 76). It was not until she met Shen that she “found her own happiness” (RT, 192). And finally Ruth acquires the power to change her destiny as an incarnation of Yun. She tells Shen:

Granting the power of those still unbroken attachments, the bodhisattva breaks the rules of life and death for a far longer time than humans dare to ask, and still the story is uncompleted. Still our love for each other brings us back again. Still the vital flow of feeling in Han's devotion brings us back to our earthly selves. Still we are bound. Why? …It's surely time to cut the thread. We don't lose by doing that. We only gain. (RT, 246-247)

Lyn Jacobs remarks, “Ruth's reading leads her to understand that they are vehicles of a former passion, a


re-embodied 'second chance' but she reverses the cycle when she adopts the contemplative life at the expense of love”.Ruth has gained courage from the power of love shared with Shen Fuling and she is confident this love will always bind them just as Shen Fu remembers Yun even after Yun’s death. A cherished and remembered love goes to eternity.

Jose’s novel is structurally and thematically rich. The plot and central thesis are both neatly tied by the red thread, the interpersonal attachment. The reason for a harmonious co-existence of two love stories across two centuries, lies in the continuity and universality of human nature, that is the quest for beauty, purity, love and the affirmation of life. Regardless of time and space, this pursuit prevails and continues, the red thread ever renewing. This is the charm Jose reveals in The Red Thread.


[1]Jose, nicholas. The Red Thread. South Yarra, Victoria: Hardie Grant Publishing, 2001. Hereafter referred to in the text as RT.

[2][3]See Jacobs, Lyn. Remembering Forgetting: Love-stories by Nicholas jose[J]. Simone Lazaroo and Hsu-ming Teo. 8, Oct. 2002. 16 Sep. 2008. .

作者简介:万红芳, 硕士研究生,讲师, 现工作于河北工业大学外国语学院,研究方向:英美文学。