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人教版八年级下册Unit 5 If I became an athlete, will I be happy? Section B 3a教学设计

开篇:润墨网以专业的文秘视角,为您筛选了一篇人教版八年级下册Unit 5 If I became an athlete, will I be happy? Section B 3a教学设计范文,如需获取更多写作素材,在线客服老师一对一协助。欢迎您的阅读与分享!


本节课内容为人教版新目标八年级(下)unit 5 的第四课时,Section B部分的3a,是一节语篇教学课例。根据《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011年版)的建议,本节课采用任务型语言教学模式,辅以情景交际和多媒体应用,使学生能够在老师的指导下运用恰当的阅读技巧进行阅读,领会文章主旨,抓住文章细节,读懂文章;学会根据提示词复述文章大意,并学会模仿短文,用目标语言描述自己的理想职业。提高学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们学好英语的信心,学会、巩固用if引导的条件状语从句组织语言,表述自己的梦想和增强为了理想而奋斗的决心。



本节课内容为人教版新目标八年级(下)Unit 5 的第四课时,Section B部分的3a。

是学生在Section A学习完if 引导的条件状语从句基本用法之后的一节阅读能力训练拓展课。






against, charity, chance, all the time, make a living doing sth., get injured


If I become an athlete, will I be happy

Becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.

Many professional athletes get injured.





1. 通过多种教学手法,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们学好英语的信心,并提高其听和说的主动性;

2. 学会、巩固用if引导的条件状语从句组织语言,表述自己的梦想,增强为了理想而奋斗的决心。




against, charity, chance, all the time, make a living doing sth, get injured


If I become an athlete, will I be happy?

Becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.

Many professional athletes get injured.






Step 1: 导入和复习

用目标语言“If … have / has a chance to …, … will be …!”谈论:

T: Look at the picture on the screen. Could you please tell me what they are doing?

Ss: (They are swimming.)

T: Are they happy?

Ss: (Yes, they are.)

T: I think so. I like swimming. If I have a chance to swim, I will be happy! (Repeat once) (Teach the word “chance”, ask them to read it after the teacher) Could you please talk about the other pictures (Picture 2 5) like me?

S1: (Picture 2) If they have a chance to …

S2: (picture 3) If she has a chance to …

S3: (Picture 4) …

S4: (Picture 5) …

T: The people in the pictures are very happy. They play sports for fun, not for a living. Who play sports for a living? (Lead in to the next step.)


Step 2: 游戏(猜谜游戏)

展示一些著名运动员的图片(姚明、刘洋、李娜、贝克汉姆等),请学生猜一猜“Who are they? What do they do?”,学习词块,如 professional athletes, make a living doing sth., do sth. for a living等。

2. 谈论职业运动员,如:

T: They are all famous professional athletes. If you become a professional athlete, what will happen? (Show a picture of Liu Xiang with many people around him and asking for his signatures.)

S1: If I become a professional athlete, people all over the world will know me and some people will follow me to ask for my signatures.

T: You mean you’ll be famous?

S1: Yes, I’ll be famous and make money easily.

T: You’ll be famous and rich?

S1: Yes. If I become a professional athlete, I’ll be famous and rich.

T: If you become famous, what will happen? (Show a picture of a man who is taking photos of a famous man furtively.)

S2: Many people will know me and follow me all the time.

T: If you become rich, what can you do? (Show a picture of some athletes giving money to charities.)

S3: We will give money to schools and some poor children.

T: Charities? It means “慈善事业。”

Ss: Yes.

T: We will give money to charities. (Read the word “charity” some times.)

T: If you become a professional athlete, you’ll be famous and rich, many people will know you and follow you all the time, you will give money to charities. Will you be happy all the time? Let’s read the passage in 3a to know the answer.( Lead in to 3a.)



Step 1: 速读训练任务

请学生速读3a部分短文,抓住文章主旨大意。(Three choices: A. The reasons for being an athlete. B. The reasons against being an athlete. C. The reasons for and against being an athlete.).

这个环节学习单词 “against” and “for”, 并学习阅读策略 “To catch the main idea, we can read the first sentence of each paragraph.”


Step 2: 详读训练任务

任务一:Read Paragraph 1 carefully and find out the reasons for being an athlete.

The question is: What are the reasons for becoming an athlete?

The answers may be:

・It seems like a dream job.

・You can make a living doing sth you love.

・You can become famous.

・People all over the world will know you.

・You can give money to schools and charities.

・You can have a chance to help people.

任务二: Read Paragraph 2 and 3 carefully and find out the reasons against being an athlete.

Read and tell “True” or “False” and try to correct the false ones:

・Professional athletes never have any problems. (F)

(Professional athletes can also have many problems.)

・If they are famous, people will watch them all the time. This can make life interesting. (F)

(If they are famous, people will watch them all the time. This can make life difficult.).

・Sometimes their work is dangerous and they get injured. (T)

・It is very easy for them to know who their real friends are. (F)

(It is very difficult for them to know who their real friends are.)

本环节,让学生学会生词 “get injured”, 并学会运用阅读策略 “To guess the meaning of some new words, we can notice the situation and the sentence before or after it.”


Step 3: 总结语言知识点

1. 学生自读文章,找出自己的知识难点。

2. 教师引导学生总结知识点:seem like a dream job, make a living doing something, a great chance, all the time, play sports for a living, get injured, have a difficult time doing sth.


Step 4: 在文章内容理解和知识学习的基础上,完成短文(完形填空)



Step 1. 在教师提供的图表的提示下复述课文。图表如下:


Step 2. 写作训练

1) List the names of some professions, such as teacher, policeman, actor, lawyer, doctor, artist, etc.

2) Ask students to write a short passage about your dream job using sentences with “if” and “will”. Choose two things and write about both.

They can write it like this:

Maybe I’ll become a/an … when I grow up. If I become a/an …, I will … I will … But I won’t … Maybe I’ll become a/an …

3) Ask some of students to read their short passages in class.









3.老师对学生的这些活动进行评价。这非常有益于学生更好的认识自我,树立自信。 对游戏比赛每一环节的操作进行评分。









