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一、 博览会是东盟关税优惠商品最便捷的展示平台。首先,广西的区位优势、资源优势、政策优势明显,能够降低生产成本、交易成本以及运输成本。其次,第二届博览会在商品贸易专题方面将重点引导双边贸易额较大、相互有市场的五大类商品参展,即机械设备、电子电器、五金建材、轻工工艺、农产品和食品。这些产品占自贸区《货物协议》规定降税7000多项中的3600多项,比例接近50%。另外,截至5月底,国内预订的展位超过了650多个,占了将近1/3。

二、 博览会为双边服务贸易合作提供了领域广泛的平台,将进一步提高双边的投资合作贸易额。随着降税计划的启动,降税商品的交易额会越来越大,这必将带来一轮技术合作的高潮。比如,水果保鲜的合作。第二届博览会专门设立了投资合作专题展区,博览会展示先进实用技术成果,开展先进技术项目,将促进中国与东盟10国之间的技术合作,双边的技术贸易额也将会大幅度增加,从而也大大促进贸易的成交。第二届博览会中国科技部将组织“星火计划”、“火炬计划”150个项目中的先进适用技术项目成果参展;中国农业机械工业协会组织100家拥有世界专利技术成果的农业机械企业、中国食品加工和包装协会150家百强企业参展;广西的一批农业高新科技企业在果蔬加工、畜牧养殖、渔业捕捞、水产养殖、渔船修理、稻种树苗、农药等15个技术领域可以提供广泛合作。

三、 博览会同时向全球开放,将进一步扩大降税产品的成交额。博览会的定位就是“服务中国,服务东盟,面向全球。”博览会对全球企业开放,突出专业性、国际性,如沃尔玛、西门子、SONY、三星等一批世界知名的跨国采购商以及世界500强企业参加了首届博览会。在第二届博览会上,将有1万名采购商、3500个展位的贸易伙伴到会。


Recently, our journalists made an interview with Zheng Junjian, vice director of Guangxi International Exposition Bureau, about the question of mutual effects between Trade in Goods Agreement and China-ASEAN Expo. Following are the talk excerpts:

Q: Tariff cuts on over 7,000 commodities of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area has been initiated completely. How will enterprises, home and abroad, benefit from China-ASEAN EXPO?

A: We may say, China-ASEAN EXPO is the best platform for displaying commodities enjoying tariff cuts in China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, which is manifested in the following aspects:

1) China-ASEAN EXPO is the most convenient display platform for commodities from ASEAN countries enjoying preferential tariff policies. Firstly, Guangxi benefits substantially from its geographic location, natural resources and preferential policies, which can realize the cost cut for production, transaction and transportation. Secondly, in respect to trade in goods, the 2nd China-ASEAN EXPO will give priority to 5 categories of commodities which see bigger trade volume and prove to be marketable in bilateral markets, namely mechanic equipments, electronic appliances, hardware and building materials, light industry techniques, agricultural product and food. These commodities took up about 50% of those needing tariff cuts stipulated in Trade in Goods Agreement of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, let's say, 3,600 items out of 7,000. By the end of May this year, exhibition booth booked by domestic exhibitors have exceeded 650, occupying over 30% of the total.

2) China-ASEAN EXPO provides an extensive cooperation platform for bilateral service trade, further expanding bilateral trade, investment and cooperation. With the initiation of tariff cut, business volume of commodities enjoying tariff cuts became bigger and bigger, which will push technological cooperation, such as freshness maintenance of fruits, to a new high. The 2nd China-ASEAN EXPO specifically established a theme exhibition for investment and cooperation, promoting technological cooperation between China and ASEAN countries and expanding bilateral technological trade through displaying advanced and practical technologies as well as launching technological projects. The Ministry of Science and Technology of China will select advanced and practical technologies from 150 projects of China Sparkle Program and China Torch Program to participate in the the 2nd China-ASEAN EXPO. Other participants include 100 agricultural machinery enterprises with world patent from China Agricultural Machinery Industry Association and 150 enterprises from China Food Processing and Packaging Association. Guangxi's agricultural and hi-tech enterprises are seeking extensive cooperation in 15 technological fields, including fruit and vegetable processing, animal husbandry, fishery, aquiculture, fishing boat repairing,, rice seed and seedling, pesticide, etc.

3)China-ASEAN EXPO is open to the world, aiming to further increase business volume of commodities enjoying tariff cuts. The principle of China-ASEAN EXPO is to serve China, serve ASEAN and open to the world. Guangxi will hold the EXPO on a global and professional scale; some world famous transnational purchasers and some Global Top 500 had participated in the first China-ASEAN EXPO, including Wal-Mart, Sony, Samsung, Siemens, etc. In the upcoming 2nd China-ASEAN EXPO, more than 10,000 purchasers from home and abroad will participate and 3,500 exhibition booths have been booked. Currently investor will fully enjoy preferential tariff cut policies stipulated in the agreement when making investments in Guangxi's Economic Zone, Logistics Zone, Processing and Trade Center of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area. For global enterprises outside China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, after closing deals on the EXPO, they can get registered in Guangxi and make their own investment, or open joint ventures. Then, they are also eligible for applying the certificate of origin and the commodities can enjoy tariff cuts in ASEAN market as per in Trade Agreement and even zero tariff treatment.

(Translated by Lijing)