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It’s July 2007, in downtown Chicago, and the actor was originally scheduled to be shooting a scene in which he uses a pencil as a 1)lethal weapon. But the sequence has been postponed, and Ledger has the day off. Instead, we’re watching the cameras roll on a somewhat less 2)riveting moment in The Dark Knight: Billionaire Bruce Wayne, exhausted from his late-night crime-fighting 3)escapades, slumps into a a chair and falls asleep in the middle of a business meeting. That’s right, we’re watching Batman 4)take a nap.

No matter. Ledger is all over this set in another way―he’s all that anyone working on the movie wants to talk about. Director Christopher Nolan calls Ledger’s acting in the film “fearless.” Christian Bale, the Caped Crusader himself, says it’s “intense―a superb performance.” And 5)Morgan Freeman, who plays inventor Lucius Fox, 6)chimes in with a simple “extraordinary.” Even before a single frame of the film has been seen, Ledger’s twisted turn as the Joker―a part once played by no less an icon than 7)Jack Nicholson―is already building buzz as a dazzling, demented

8)tour de force.

“The guy has serious nuts,” Nolan says. “What I need was someone who wouldn’t be afraid of the comparison with Jack Nicholson. And then I saw Heath’s incredible performance in Brokeback Mountain. Such a lack of vanity. This was an actor who wasn’t afraid to bury himself in his character―to a massive extent.”

Nolan was right: Ledger was fearless. The actor seemed to have no misgivings at all about trespassing on Jack’s old 9)turf. On the contrary, Ledger’s 10)feral take on the Joker make Nicholson’s more gentlemanly clown in Tim Burton’s 1989 Batman look about as scary as 11)Cesar Romero. Of course, at the time―the summer of 2006―Ledger had reason to be confident. He’d just been nominated for his first Academy Award for Brokeback Mountain. A major role in a big studio franchise was the next logical step for Ledger’s career.

Nolan and Ledger 12)hit it off from the start. “We had the same take on the character,” the director says. “We didn’t have a script yet, but we had ideas. The idea of 13)anarchy as an absolute. The idea of chaos as the most frightening thing to society. The idea of a motiveless criminal, somebody who just wants to watch the world burn.” Some of those ideas were pretty 14)radical for a summer tentpole with a reported budget of $180 million. The Joker, for instance, is given no backstory in the film; he simply bursts into Gotham with the terrifying randomness of a 15)drive-by killer. Even as Nolan started folding those ideas into an actual script, Ledger was already slipping into the character’s skin. He spent months working with a voice coach 16)finetuning the Joker’s cackling 17)cadence. Ledger also gave plenty of thought to the makeup that would be splattered across his face throughout the film.

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As the cameras started rolling in April 2007, Ledger continued to dig into the Joker’s coiled psyche. 18)Gary Oldman, who’s played a few nutjobs himself, recalls, “Heath is sort of looking at me, kind of under his brow, and then he just starts clapping. I remember going over to him between takes and saying, ‘You know, you remind me of Alex from A Clockwork Orange.’ And Heath said, ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah. Funnily enough, I was just watching that movie in my 19)trailer.’”

As serious a journey as Ledger took into the character, though, nobody recalls seeing the actor fall down any mental rabbit holes. Contrary to the speculation after his death, his work on The Dark Knight didn’t appear to 20)ruffle Ledger’s psychological health in the slightest. “Heath got the same kick out of acting that I do,” Bale says. “He enjoyed the sort of crazy immersion of acting. He took it incredibly seriously but simultaneously recognized how ridiculous it all is.” Oldman got a similar impression. “I know there are these rumors out there that playing the Joker drove him to his grave,” he says. “But I never say anything of that. He was always on time. He knew his part backwards and forwards. I just thought he was a really sweet kid.”

21)Perversely―or maybe predictably―the tragedy of Ledger’s death may draw ticket buyers who aren’t Batman fans but who want to pay the actor their last respects. Some observers predict that the movie could surpass Spider-Man to become the highest-grossing comic-book-based movie of all time. In an irony the Joker would appreciate, Heath Ledger’s last film is about to be the biggest hit of his life.


没关系。莱杰的影响力已经以另一种方式弥漫了整部影片――每一个为这部电影工作的人都只想谈论他。导演克里斯托弗・诺兰称莱杰在影片中的表演是“无所畏惧的”。克里斯蒂安・贝尔,这位斗篷战士本人,也说莱杰的表演是“极端强烈的―― 一场华丽的演出”。而在片中饰演发明家卢修斯・福克斯的摩根・弗里曼则简单地说了一个词“非凡的”以表示赞同。尽管未上映的影片还处于完全保密的状态,莱杰所扮演的“小丑”那扭曲的面容却已经以其耀眼而狂乱的绝活广为流传了,而这个角色之前是由传奇偶像杰克・尼科尔森扮演的。

“这家伙完全是个疯子,” 诺兰说。“我需要一个能够不怕被拿来同杰







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