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Green design from an ecological aesthetics perspective

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【Abstract】 In the field of art design, green design begain from environmental factors, on the basis of the function, quality, development cycle and cost of production, we need to achieve a design concept that have highest utilization rate of resources, the best design and manufacturing process function value and the minimum environmental negative impact .

【Key Words】Green design;ecological aesthetics;Aesthetic consciousness

For green design, there have a variety of vision position,I only discuss it in art design.In the field of art design,green design begain from environmental factors, on the basis of the function,quality, development cycle and cost of production,we need to achieve a design concept that have highest utilization rate of resources, the best design and manufacturing process function value and the minimum environmental negative impact . In the field of design, Green design should first focus on awareness, concepts and theories, namely for the understanding of the ecological aesthetic consciousness.

First, about the ecological aesthetics

Since the 20th century, human survival environment deterioration caused by large-scale industrial production gradually aroused people's anxiety and is becoming a hot spot of global concern after entering the new century. In recent years, from the aesthetic perspective of natural ecology, construct the new aesthetic relationship between man and nature, gradually become a influence human survival and how to realize human relations with the outside world ideology. Ecological research has attracted wide attention from all sectors of society, design is also showed deep concern, for green design consistent with the value orientation of the whole society. In order to make the focus on natural ecology and research more targeted, it is necessary to green design under the theoretical framework of ecological aesthetics, philosophy thinking and scientific theory or principle, criteria to make it more clear.

Second, the green design under the guidance of ecological aesthetic.

The understanding of the ecological aesthetics research achievements is to produce and guide green design of ideology or theoretical basis, green design is the embodiment of ecological aesthetic concepts. Era task of ecological aesthetics is the relationship between aesthetic subject and object's attributes and make a brand new thinking, namely ecological aesthetic and ecological design of green design.

From the ecological aesthetics point of view, if you want to make love of human nature truly aesthetic significance, so human is about to give up first human self-centered exclusive psychology, true nature as a equal life with yourself. Beyond human cannot expect will itself entirely confined within the fence, garden, or tame b, or gather to watch. It is obvious that when the human nature and animal domestication faster and with "humanity", means the loss of the nature, which means that people live in the loss of their natural environment. Thus, green design is not just a performance in the areas of material, energy, technology, process of design practice, the first is a basic concept of knowledge, is the position and Angle of recognizing things.

Green design, first of all, need to adhere to the aesthetic principles of multivariate. When our examination of nature from the perspective of ecological relationship from France, it has the multi-dimensional aesthetic content. First of all, from the perspective of ecology, natural object is not man and beauty, natural beauty contains independent aesthetic quality, is Shared by all life, therefore, is not only talented person is the only sense of beauty of nature. When people admit that animals also have aesthetic capacity and aesthetic performance of free consciousness, which means that established in the people's aesthetic standards of all life is no longer the nature of aesthetic standards together, thus inevitably need to build a pluralistic coexistence, each have differences of aesthetic principles. Only recognizes that all life has, no doubt, beauty and the aesthetic standard, aesthetic of the symbiotic might have value the impartiality of the judge, and to have an ecological sense of green design.

In the history of the development of human civilization, the aesthetic of nature to man in self improvement as the aim of practice and such efforts have caused serious segregation of modern people and nature. Therefore, ecological aesthetics is committed to the excessive humanization of the world to restore natural native state, let humanization practice to return to natural ecological beauty. And, of course, the ecological aesthetics practice simply will not natural back to nature, ecological aesthetics ideal should be both beautiful and ecological rules, achieve natural native form and synthetic form harmonious and unified. Let people to the beauty of nature, in the form of law, make people aesthetic to create a harmony with nature and order, in the form of this kind of respect for the principles of natural and artificial adjustment to nature, ecological aesthetics is aesthetics of green design criteria.

Third, conclusion

To be sure, any discussion of ecological aesthetics aesthetics, is human survival as the basic starting point of the happiness. In the aesthetic temple of traditional human self center is a modern or postmodern questioning of human self in academic, aesthetic diversity certainly, also has a distinct and human purpose. Therefore, ecological aesthetics requirements to contemporary design to create perfectly fit natural primordial and adaptability of human existence, from the ecological level proto-type for natural links and beyond. The combination and unification of ecological beauty, is in the modern age, for a better quality of life of the pursuit and yearning, is the ideal state pursued by green design.


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